Return to Index › Larry Romanoff ,the real pathetic galley slave~~~
#1 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-21
Re: Larry Romanoff ,the real pathetic galley slave~~~

Just another Frank Zhang flunkie or Frank himself. Did anyone every consider that when Frank writes a post actually using his real, well, his main alias anyhow, that he is purposely writing bad English, so that when he pretends to be Foreigners it won't sound as much like him? If you look all these posts, the way all these people speak is pretty much the same, the only thing that changes when Frank pretends to be someone else is his English level, which he changed depending on who he is writing as. I must say Frank, thats a little less retarded then your usual self, and actually shows some small level of cleverness. However Frankie boy, it is still obvious to us all it is you. You have slipped in the past, and shown that you can write passable English when you want to. I guess you think everyone on here is as big a retard as yourself, and that we have the memory spans of a grub. Sorry pal, but not all of us are as clearly lacking in mental competence as you. Give it up man, no matter how many times you post, or pretend to be someone your not, we will see through your bullshit.

Folks, Frank clearly has no life, and trying to refute peoples claims about his obvious criminal background has become his life. This is all about ego, and he is intent on beating us all, no matter what, ain't you frank ;) Yes Frank, the world is against you, you are the worlds victim, and we should all pity you :( Gimmie a break. Anyone got a straight jacket for this fellow?

#2 Parent KGB - 2008-02-20
Re: Larry Romanoff ,the real pathetic galley slave~~~

Post facts on this site not your own personal opinion about somebody you have never met. I don`t care about Frank Zhang and his service, but this guy is just defending himself...You and the gang from Suzhou are offending him and others without reason.
Where is the latest true story about Frank Zhang? Policeman`s story ? It`s not on this site anymore.

#3 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-20
Re: Larry Romanoff ,the real pathetic galley slave~~~

Wait a second Frank, I thought I was the only person on here complaining about you, and that I was simply pretending to be everyone else who had bad words about you? Now your telling us that Edward is real, and Larry is also. How can that be Frank, I thought I was supposed to be all of these people? Are you saying others have had a problem with the service you provide? Say it isn't so frank, say it isn't so :?

Frank Zhang - 2008-02-19
Larry Romanoff ,the real pathetic galley slave~~~

Today, I found the remarks from Bradley Eddington.
Yes, I hlped him get good jobs at the same night when he asked me for help. He didn't like his old jobs so he contacted me for new jobs. I did help him to get 2 new positions. He called me and asked me for new jobs in 24 hours. If He could not find new jobs in 24 hours, He had to sign the contract with the 1st school that he doesn't like.

Maybe the postings are not from his hand, Maybe it is from another Chinese teacher at his new school. Yesterday, I talked about all crazy people including Larry Romanoff, the best dirty animal. All of the kind people are angry with you, Mr.Larry Romanoff after I told it to them. So They have given the permission to me to make kind people to contact him.
Larry Romanoff, Everybody knows that you are really a shameless man. You have not the ability to work as a recruiter at all. You cheated many other teachers in 2005 as everybody knows. Your criminal is obvious.Stupid pig.

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