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#1 Parent Edward - 2008-02-27
Re: Frank Zhang

Yep, she's been paid...

#2 Parent jerome - 2008-02-26
Re: Frank Zhang is my benefactor too, I am confirming

What a crock! I would suggest to Frank that he let loose of some of his ill-begotten gains and hire a professional writer. His self-written testimonials are not only laughable but make a mockery of the English language.
Get a life Frank. Four years ago you tried your little bait and switch game on me; however, it didn't work, and the only way you can make it work is to prey on the innocent and naive. One of these days you'll be fully investigated. I'm curious about where you will run when that happens. I hope it's not America - we've already got enough charlatans there.

#3 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-02-26
Re: Frank Zhang is my benefactor too, I am confirming


OK. Let's assume for a moment that you're not Frank Zhang him/herself. You ARE Frank Zhang, of course, but let's assume for the sake of argument that you're not.

After writing English like this, do you really expect anyone with an IQ higher than that of a jellyfish to believe that you have a real given-at-birth English-type name, and furthermore that you are a credible player in the TESOL business?

Are you really, truly that deluded?

It's really just purely academic curiosity at this point.

#4 Parent Andy Jose Terry - 2008-02-26
Frank Zhang is my benefactor too, I am confirming

Hi, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Andy Terry,working at TESOL establishments in Beijing, Shanghai and Suzhou, China. So We have 3 branches here.

We have a longtime cooperationship with Mr. Frank Zhang. I know him vey well. He is a work-harded man with strong faith and reputation. My organization has trained over 2,800 foreign teachers since 2001. We have introduce some of them to Mr. Frank Zhang after they finish the tesol courses here. Mr. Frank Zhang got their jobs all over China. Mr. Frank Zhang knows which school is good and which school is bad. So I get reassurance when I introduce our students to him. He always works very hard for our students to look for good jobs. he doesn't charge at all.

After he get some jobs, i will contact with these schools'representatives direclty. So everything is coming smooth.I always feel comfortable and happy with Mr. Frank Zhang.

I don't understand why some guy kept insulting Mr. Frank Zhang like this. The negative reviews are not matching with Mr. Frank Zhang at all.All these are very laughable and childish. It is really a lie to everybody infact.

I know Mr. Frank Zhang from 2003 autumn. He treats every people that comes to Shanghai to visit him very well. he is also very generous. I want to say a million thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang.
I also give Mr. Frank Zhang some advice that you should not care for these rubbish's words. take care please and never give up your good job.

#5 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-02-25
Re: Frank Zhang

To be honest, other than the long, diverse and consistent history of complaints about lies, abuse, and theft from this man(?), and the sordid litany of fake names, and so forth, I can't imagine why anyone would have anything bad to say about him.

Oh, and it's "Why DO people keep saying..."

Mirtle - 2008-02-25
Frank Zhang

Why does people keep saying these things about Frank?

He has always been there for me when I needed a job,even when I contacted him about jobs for some of my friends.

So far I do not have any problems with this recruiter.I always give him my requirements and he will try his best to find me a job.

Take care...

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