Return to Index › Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"
#1 Parent Jerome - 2008-03-13
Re: I met Frank Zhang today, I want to say thanks to him, He is a very helpful man

Wow Frank. I've got to admire you for not giving up. But, nope, still not a native speaker. Who are you really trying to kid anyway? I suspect it's like a challenge for you at this point just to see if you can pull it off through your own attempts or through the attempts of other non-native speakers; however, it just ain't gonna cut it. Please keep trying though - as I've said before, your attempts are quite humorous if not slightly pathetic.
Bottom line...............stay away from Frank's agency - you'll not find anyone there predisposed to honorable actions.

#2 Parent Bryan Williams - 2008-03-12
I met Frank Zhang today, I want to say thanks to him, He is a very helpful man

yesterday, I just arrived at Shanghai, China. I want a teaching job here in Shanghai. Somebody introduced Frank Zhang to me. So I visited Mr. Frank Zhang's office and asked a job from him. He found me a very good job. I really want to say thanks to him. I think other bad guys were try to hurt him. It is unfair. Those badmen should be send to prison if they keep doing so nauseating things. I want to recommend his professional and free service to everybody.

#3 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-10
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

To be honest I doubt you or any of your other aliases is capable of pointing out any mistakes. Oh you quote a sentence here and there, saying there "is" a mistake, however you don't actually say what that mistake is. My guess is your so unsure yourself as to it's nature that this is really the best you can do. Of course if that's the best you can do that's pretty sad.

Folks, the old "I am insecure in my abilities as an English teacher so I will attack the grammer and spelling of others" routine is so old on ESL forums as to be sickening. It is usually enacted by the most low, troll like creature who, since they lack the intellect to actually debate or argue with you in any way, instead do the one thing they can do. That of course being nit pick you to death, or try to. I wonder if they realize how transparently sad their actions are. Please note that, though they say they are pointing out errors, they actually are not. They are saying "here" is an error, and you say "Where, what error?" At this point they can say no more. It is basically a cheap attempt to distract and pull attention away from something else. It is also as I said, a way for someone who is insecure in their abilities to try and beef up their own ego by attacking others in the most petty of ways. Lastly it is really all they can do since they lack the intelligence to actually debate you. Yes, they can't stop counting mistakes, even if there aren't any, LOL. I doubt people of this nature could stop even if they wished to.

Sad, pathetic people who's only real achievement is to get your attention if they feel like they are being ignored. More Frank Zhang flunkies who deserve to be hung, then drawn and quartered I think. As for Sherlock Holmes, he's Chinese, as are the rest, more Frankie flunky losers.

You all need to get a life, and a real job, working for Frank seems to have rotted your brains beyond repair. Notice I'm not picking your posts apart for mistakes, and if I did, I could tell you what they were also :) Also notice Raoul Duke is not doing so, nor are any of the other "real" teachers on here, who are not Chinese by the way, and know that it is "barking up the wreong tree" not "barking at". Why not? Because it is base, petty, and beneath us, we don't stoop so low, so congrats ;)


#4 Parent English teacher - 2008-03-09
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

I pointed out some of your mistakes. Batman and Gingermeggs have done the same. Read your postings again and find the rest by yourself ! Aren`t you an English teacher ?

#5 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

The word 'do' is tricky to master, isn't it? :D

If I'm not nice here (your call) it's because this site, sadly, isn't stocked entirely with nice people. :b

#6 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

I will agree with you English teacher on the point the Raoul Duke does have a bit of God complex, however, that aside, you have insulted many others on here, as well as shown little respect for your fellow teachers here in China. That said, doesn't that make you sort of a hypocrite to be saying anyhting to anyone on this subject?

#7 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Don't you just love people who say you need to improve your English, but they don't actually say what the problem is? They have no clue, it's just a smear tactic by a person of low intellect who lacks the creativity or imagination to counter your arguements. Yes, do keep the observations of mistakes you can not name coming, it's funny to hear someone decry loudly "You made a mistake, ha ha" but they can not actually say what that mistake is.

Welcome to the world of ESL everyone, where everyone is a know it all, but of course they can't actually tell you what they know. Isn't it grand, you keep those zingers coming ;) OH wait, what zingers, you just alluding to zingers but not actually making them. Thats even better :)

Another Frank Zhang flunkie, or worse, an English teacher with no life. Hmm, hard to say which is worse, though from what I've seen the inane need to attempt to point out or create mistakes made by others simply points to a person having an insecure nature, and low self esteem. Now that's a mistake ;)

#8 Parent English teacher - 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

" I knew the mission was dangerous when I took it "
BTW, what`s your mission ? Why is it dangerous ?
Raoul Duke, what kind of hero or martyr are you ? Why you offend foreign teachers if they don`t have the same opinion like you ? They have also the right to post on this site. Everybody should be polite on your site: " be nice with other kids ". What about this site ? Why not the same rule here ?

#9 Parent English teacher - 2008-03-08
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

First, Frank Zhang is not my buddy.
Second, there are a lot of training centres and very few public schools on Dave`s site. I am not interested in private schools.
Third, do something about your English !
" Yes but their is an inherent difference.."
"... coherant reasonable arguements ".
Raoul Duke is your buddy... Can you get a job from him ? Will he send you to teach even in a kindergarten ?

#10 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-03-07
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

What a moron.

Yes, we do list a few jobs on the web site, as a service to our members and readers. We're pretty open about this; it's right there on the publicly-accessible part of our forum, so I don't really understand why you felt compelled to "dig up 'evidence'" for something that's right out there in the open.

This does NOT, however, make me or my site "a recruiter". Here's why:

- We don't take any money at all for our ads....from either the employers or the applicants. It's all free. A recruiter is someone who matches up jobs and applicants as a business- and this clearly does not apply to either the site or myself personally.

- Our ads all list direct contact info for the actual final employer, and we don't contact, negotiate, or have any part whatsoever in any hiring processes. We post the ads, once approved, and we're done with it. The rest is all handled directly by the school and the teacher. We don't even know about any subsequent events unless a member posts something about it...which I don't think I've ever seen happen. Recruiters, wanting to protect their financial interests in the hiring, usually conceal the school and the teacher from each other until the deal is done.

- Unlike pretty much all recruiters (and indeed unlike most other ESL-related websites), we don't carry just any old job someone wants us to tout. The majority of our ads are in fact submitted by members who are current or former employees of the listed school, or otherwise have personal knowledge of the employer. Jobs from employers coming in from outside are personally screened by me before they're posted; I search for teacher reviews coming from the school in question. If the job description shows a total bonehead deal for the teacher, or if the employer has a bad history of teacher comments, we don't accept the ad. Furthermore, if any member of our site knows of a problem with a listed school, the ad is immediately yanked until further investigation can be conducted.

- And again, I haven't exactly been quiet about my opinion of recruiters- ALL recruiters. It's not hard to find. You will not find any real evidence anywhere that I or my site have ever accepted any money at all for recruiting or placing people in jobs.

So: the post above is pure nonsense. A brainless, clumsy attempt at a smear.
You're going to have to do a lot better than this...

#11 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-03-07
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Ah, the river of garbage flows on.

I suppose that if anyone is really stupid enough to fall for this pitch, they probably deserve the treatment they're likely to get at the hands of the people putting it out there.

But it's pretty easy to sort this out, really.
Come to our site and look for yourself.
If you can find any evidence of recruiting activities, and the word FREE on our invitations to submit job ads is somehow not in your personal dictionary, then please: place yourself in the good hands of Frank Zhang and his legion of aliases and sock puppets, and find out for yourself what great guys they really are.

But this isn't going to happen, because the evidence doesn't exist. There are no actual events to generate any evidence in the first place.

There was one rather perspicacious question here, though:
"If you were an angel, why would others dislike you?"
To which I would reply: It's easy. Go find a devil, and ask them their opinion of angels. ;-{)
People who are up to no good generally prefer to go about their business quiet and sneaky-like, and don't take kindly to those who might try to shed light on what's going on.
I knew the mission was dangerous when I took it.

#12 Parent English teacher - 2008-03-07
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Is English your first language, Choatle ?
"... so your clearly Chinese".
" who doe`s he have...."
Your English is terrible, Choatle boy ! Go back to primary school...

#13 Parent English teacher - 2008-03-07
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

" Your no Sherlock Holmes though..."
" Live and let live is the recruiter motto I am sure, like any theives guild "
How many mistakes are in this last sentence, Choatle ? I don`t have time to correct all your mistakes in this posting.
Go back to the primary school, Choatle !
Chinese FAOs are paying fees to Dave Sperling to post on his site...and it`s not the best site for foreign teachers.

#14 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-06
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Wow, Sherlock Holmes, aka Frankie Flunkie number 87, or one of his alternate personalities, who knows, you sure seem to know an awful lot about the decorum expected between two or more recruiters.

Sherlock, if your such a smart guy, so good at research, why the hell would you even use a recruiter?

I don't see Raoul Duke being the champion of any recruiters by the way, however you can see things however you want Frankie flunkie number 87. Whatever the case again I ask, how exactly is Daves ESL cafe any different? Is any and ever site that posts ad's a recruiter? LOL, if we follow your warped, retarded logic, then ESL teachers board is one of the biggest recruiters out there.

This is rather typical folks, attack the victim, or accuser, very popular the world over, especially in China.

As for recruiters aying some kind of homage to some bullshit business ethic of not bad mouthing each other, please they stay hidden and insulated, they don't know enough about each other to do so, and would not dare come out from under their rocks to do so. Also, a lot of you folks work together, buying teachers from one another. Live and let live is the recruiter motto I am sure, like any theives guild.

Give it a break Sherlock Holmes, your clearly a Chinese stooge who has read some of those crappy Sherlock Holmes novels which are a part of the very limited selection of western books as your local Chinese book store. Your no Sherlock Holmes though, more like Bozo the clown with a magnifying glass.

#15 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-06
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Yes but their is an inherent difference between Raoul Dukes site and a recruiter. He's just offering a board for schools to post. Even if he charged a fee for them to post there he isn't recruiting or endorsing them. Your logic is flawed, and if we follow your logic then Daves ESL Cafe is a recruiting site, since Dave himself has more ESL ad's posted by schools then any other website out there. You therefore believe Dave is a recruiter? This is broken Chinese logic, written by someone who is Chinese, or lacking in intelligence, or the ability to form coherant reasonable arguements. Go back to school and learn how to build logic upon solid reason pal, or your arguements will sound as retarded as your buddy Frank Zhang; as he continues to try and salvage his useless reputation.

#16 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-06
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

If Frank was an Angel, why would others dislike him?

First off, your English is really Chinglish, so your clearly Chinese. I don't know why these fools keep coming here thinking they are fooling anyone. They must realize no one is being tricked into believing English is their first language. This alone speaks to how few foreign friends good old Frankie boy really has. If he was so popular with native speakers, why doe's he have to find Chinese to pretend to be Native speakers?

Of course that is of no consequence to Frank, who seeks to distract and beguile you with all these reports about his greatness here in China. Notice every post about him is completely self serving and one sided. I suppose he figures if he throws out enough bullshit all us detractors of his will drown in it, and be unable to do anything about it. Sorry Frank old boy, I have special boots for slogging through shit.

Everyone here knows the old saying from Shakespeare "I think thou doth protest too much." Doe's anyone on here really believe that Frank Zhang would be protesting so much if he was some honest, good natured recruiter? That's really an oxymoron anyway, since recruiter and good natured are not synonymous at all. Oh boy Frank, some new English words for you to look up, you must be excited. Your English certainly could use some work, that's for sure, as could the range of your vocabulary.

Keep on protesting Frank, everyone knows people who are guilty protest the most, but feebs like you just don't get it. You entertain us with your utter lack of social grace or tact, and your countless impersonations of westeners. You make me laugh with glee to see your nonsense posts, and bring joy to my day, for laughing "at" you makes me so happy. Oh yes, we are all laughing at you Frank, but I guess it's something your used to, being a good whipping boy and all, so keep up the good work. This forum needs a good court jester, and it seems to me like you've nominated yourself for the job. Keep the laughs coming old boy <:l <:l <:l

#17 Parent English teacher - 2008-03-05
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

You have no cheek, because you are a recruiter and not a polite or nice one with Chinese or foreign teachers.
The evidence:
Surely, there are more job offers in your notebooks at home ! It`s a common practice in China: to post some job offers and to keep the rest in the files. Check the website: ! Foreign teachers can contact FAOs by themselves and Helen from Hanzhou calls herself " a recruiter ". She doesn`t claim to be " a benefactor " for foreigners.

#18 Parent Mike and Jane - 2008-03-05
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

We want to express our gratitude to Raoul Duke, the foreign teachers` benefactor in China !
But we still prefer Frank Zhang as a recruiter. Some more details to Sherlock`s Holmes report:
a ) a 12-month contract means a 12-month residence permit + 3 full paid vacations
b ) Frank Zhang is bargaining for our salaries with the Chinese FAOs
We know your site, Raoul Duke. You have a real recruitment business there.
Don`t you take fees from Chinese FAOs ? Who believes you ?
What can happen to you in China ? If you were an angel, why would others dislike you ?

#19 Parent Sherlock Holmes - 2008-03-05
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

First of all, I am doing this research also for myself...
I have a ten-month contract at my present school. If Frank Zhang is a good recruiter, I will contact him for a 12-month contract with another school this summer.

Raoul Duke hates all Chinese recruiters, except Suzhou Maggie bluefish. read=14932
How is that possible, Raoul Duke ? Why is she better than others ?
Both of you live in Suzhou, Jiangsu. My scenario, Raoul Duke: Maggie provides the job offers and you, the foreign teachers for her schools.
The profit is shared fifty-fifty. How you get the teachers ? From your website:
There are more than 100 " barflies", foreign teachers, there. Are you not a recruiter in this case ?
I am not complaining here about Maggie. There is a fierce competition between Chinese recruiters. But I haven`t heard of one to offend another on this site or on others. This decency in business is lacking in the case of foreigners involved in the Chinese recruitment. When a Larry Romanoff or a Raoul Duke shows up with their gang....

#20 Parent Sherlock Holmes - 2008-03-05
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"


I can`t stop counting your writing and grammar mistakes. Why Jerome, Raoul Duke and others are not correcting your mistakes ? Are they fair-minded ? Very interesting ! Just Frank Zhang`s foreign teachers are speaking Chinglish in their opinion. What about the English of Turnoi, Choatle and JNET ?

#21 Parent Batman - 2008-03-04
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Tell me, please, what`s a " frakus "?
What knowledge of grammar you have while writing " your dead wrong " or " then " instead of " than " ?
Are you the one to complain about others ?

#22 Parent Jerome - 2008-03-02
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Nope. Sorry Frank, not quite there yet - still obviously not a native speaker providing a testimonial. Getting closer though. Keep trying, but send "Pete" back to school.

#23 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-03
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Well first off your clearly Chinese, so he isn't going to be placing you in any jobs Pete, no money it it, there are a Billion of you after all, no recruiters needed to find Chinese employees. If your going to try and sound like an English speaking foreigner, you really need to learn how to talk like one.

Frank Zhang seems to think any advertsing is good advertising. He couldn't be more wrong. Of course I don't think Frank is all that bright or educated, just a good scam artist and crook, other then that, he's nothing special, that's for certain.

Frank, keep the BS coming, you tell the whole world what kind of man you are ;)

#24 Parent pete - 2008-03-02
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

i have been dealing with Mr Zhang on several occasion, and i must say he is a very serious
person....not the case of everyone out there, especially those criticizing him just for the sake
of it ... or because they actually not have a clue what recruiting someone in decent conditions
is about. If there are crooks out there, well you'll have to find someone else for the job (that's
plain easy indeed!) because Mr Zhang is certainly no devil whatsoever. He helped me on several
occasion, has always been polite and helpful, and very professional as well. to make a long story
short, he's someone you can trust and have faith in. period!

#25 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-03-02
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Meanwhile, talks continue offline. Some hope.
My sole interest is to stop the abuse of foreign least from this one corner of China.

However, please be advised that if anything happens to my site or me personally in the near future, it should be perfectly clear who is responsible for this.

There are also a local school and individuals involved in this matter, and they are planting a knife in the back of the foreign teaching community here. Details can and will be provided as necessary.

#26 Parent Sherlock Holmes - 2008-03-02
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Thanks !
Why don`t you write about your own story ? Where did he send you ? What`s the name of the school ? What reviews have you ever posted on this site ?

#27 Parent Jerome - 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Quite humorous actually. I like the image of a dog barking "at" a tree. And being "expected" at the airport is always nice, but I think I'd rather be picked up or even warmly received.

Frank, your ghost writers don't do much better than you at providing believable testimonials. I'll tell you what. If the price is right, I'll be glad to do it for you............heaping glowing praise on charlatans is one of the pleasures I get out of life................not.

Well Frank, it seems as though your past is catching up to you. Maybe it's time to cash it in; find a nice cozy villa where you can retire in peace and anonymity. After all, how long can you keep laughing your way to the bank - sans consciousness? I'm guessing that deep down you're a really nice guy. You want to be liked - maybe that's why so many aliases; surely one of those guys would find acceptance.

Well, no matter what Frank, keep those cards and letters comin' won't ya? It's nice to have a nice variety of humor in one's life.

#28 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

It's "UP the wrong tree", Lao Sang...the expression is "barking UP the wrong tree". But overall, your English is looking a lot better. Nicely done!

There's an overwhelming online history of many years' duration that might dispute the "polite and nice" part. If you know the online EFL community at all, you won't have much trouble finding some of it.

The threatening e-mail I received yesterday from a certain well-known Chinese recruiter of questioned integrity was most certainly NOT "polite and nice".

Nor did it make much sense.
He still thinks I'm a recruiter. <:l

Anyone with the sense of, as Frank so elegantly put it in another post from another sock puppet, "a bugs dog" could pretty quickly figure out that I'm very obviously NOT a recruiter.

He was able, through brilliant detective work (which probably explains the 'Sherlock Holmes' moniker on this round), to find my website (link provided below). He probably figured out how to use Google.

He was able to ascertain that we do accept some job listings; they can be submitted to Says so right on the front page.

However, he missed the fact that we advertise jobs free of charge- but we also carefully screen them for quality and reputation before we post them. We reject a LOT of job ads.

He also missed the fact that I've never made a single fen from anything on my website, including job listings. Everything there is totally free to everyone. We don't even accept paid ads.
We don't even do the Google ads thing.

He missed the fact that we have members on my site who are the heads of recruiting companies...but our site does NOT endorse them (neither do I), and they are not allowed to promote their services on our site.

And he somehow missed many years of me, under a single name, going all over the EFL internet and stating very plainly that we teachers don't need recruiters, and no one looking for a teaching job in China should EVER use a recruiter...ANY recruiter.
And it's the truth.

So...duh. Nice work, Sherlock.

#29 Parent Edward - 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Without doubt, you've been paid, Ms. B, aka Sherlock Holmes. In fact, Frank earned his bad rep by his own actions. He can't point a blaming finger at other recruiters for his misteps. After all, they are competitors and he doesn't want to share the loot with them.

From what I know, 'Francesca' doesn't go out of his way to make teachers feel very wanted when they make the step to come here. He's well known for taking those shortcuts of his, such as *not* bothering to meet teachers at the airport and *not* being forthright with contract details; notably, he's been pulling off the 'bait & switch' trick for a number of years from what I know. And after the fact, he's known for trying to strongarm teachers into being, ahem, the best they can be regardless of whether his select schools bother to provide teaching materials. Teachers know about him, schools know about him, so why do promote him amidst all the fragging?

It appears that you, Sherlock, need to do the required detective work before posting biased, untrue accounts of Frank's recruiting habits. It's elementary you see.

#30 Parent joker - 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Welcome back Frank ! I missed you <:l <:l <:l

#31 Parent Sherlock Holmes - 2008-03-01
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

You are barking at the wrong tree !
Frank Zhang is one of the best recruiters in China. Larry Romanoff and Raoul Duke are lazy guys looking for an easy buck in the recruitment field.
The good points of Frank Zhang:
1 ) in most cases, he provides a 12-month contract and residence permit
2 ) he doesn`t take money from teachers
3 ) he is polite and nice with " his foreign teachers ": expecting them at the airport and railway station, inviting them to lunch or dinner and paying for their tickets from Shanghai to their cities, where the schools are located.
I called some of " his teachers " and they are content with him and their jobs.
BTW, what`s your real name, Eddy Robbins ? Nobody has heard of you in Jiangyin, Jiangsu. Why do you fabricate stories on this site ?

#32 Parent Edward - 2008-02-27
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Well, what's stopping *you* form starting a new thread of interest? Finger waggin' won't do it.

#33 Parent Edward - 2008-02-27
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Amen. Keep the word alive about Frank, aka, 'Fa Fa Li'. Frank Zhang is a horrible human being. I can say this based on *actual* experiences based on those of friends and myself. The posters here who have been taking swipes at Frank know how dangerous he is and are obviously inspired enough to keep unwary teachers from crossing paths with him.

I think of it as a kind of community service given the fact that Frank uses the most popular ESL forums such as this one to try and forward his career. But in this case, it's obviously not working. Frank, you're not going to get this board so long as I have an ounce of energy left in my typing fingers!

Furthermore, given that Chinese authorities would much prefer to apprehend foreigners for various misdeeds rather than a serial criminal - Frank Zhang - the responsibility for alerting others is left to only a few.

#34 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-02-27
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

What's a " frakus", Choatle old son?

#35 Parent Andy Jose Terry - 2008-02-26
I support Mr. Frank Zhang

I know Mr. Frank Zhang very well.....I want to say thanks to him. I also want to support him here.

#36 Parent JNET - 2008-02-26
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

....happy NEW year!!!!!! <:/? <:v

kidding aside, really, posts here
about this Frank Zhang or whoever
this is is already an eye sore eh.

Useful informations please!

#37 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-26
Re: Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

Not really. The point you seem to miss throughout all of this is that it is Frank Zhang himself that keeps fueling the fire. Fake names, fake identities obvious false testimonials. The fellow is an ego maniac really, he doe's not care how much harm he does his business by going on and on with his obvious ploys to dupe people, and why shoud he care, he's a nutter.

The best thing we here can do is keep informing people about this guy, and not back down when he starts with his fake BS. Also, if we don't inform, his name will just get buried, and no one will know about him. Sure they can do searches, but he ises aliases, so they only way to ID him are his methods, which are clear for all to see here.

No, I think we are serving the function of this community quite well. I personally am quite tired of Frank the retard, Frank the idiot, who actually thinks he is doing anything but harming his own reputations by continueing to respond to peoples allegations. Doesn't he know his desperation only makes him look more guilty? Guess not, so I say let him keep posting, and let those of us who want to protect the world from recruiters and Frank Zhang expecially, also keep posting. Nothing could be a better example of why not to use a recruiter then this frakus with Frank Zhang. ;)

ARVG - 2008-02-26
Vote to rename this the "Frank Zhang discussion forum"

I mean, anyone else notice that this board has become the 'we hate Zhang so we post here' group?

Can we get a seperate board for this? I mean, it is difficult to find useful topics in the sea of arguments.

I don't care if he is a scumbag or not, give me stuff I can use, like reviews of schools and recruiters (and NOT bickering about grammar and spelling).

Recruiters are nasty pieces of work, I know that.

Don't deal with recuriters, I know that too.

Zhang = Devil incarnate, yep got that one too.

Moving along now... Does anyone have anything new to say?

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