Return to Index › Holy Crap Miss Liu of Royal English has a website now
#1 Parent My title is not important. - 2008-04-02
Re: Holy Crap Miss Liu of Royal English has a website now

Just to warn users who click on that link to the website... I am uncertain if it's my antivirus program acting up or not, but it warned me against connecting to this website for fear of malicious activities against my computer.

Just a warning!



#2 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-11
Re: Holy Crap Miss Liu of Royal English has a website now

Ah I see, yes indeed it is hard. By the way, I just discovered that Miss Liu's roster of "good teachers" is on her part a motivational ploy. Those people who toe the part line, so to speak, and don't make waves get put on her website, and are touted as "the good teachers". Truly sickening lady really, I would like nothing better then to put her out of business. I don't understand how, after all this time, she is still in business.

#3 Parent AMonk - 2008-03-11
Re: Holy Crap Miss Liu of Royal English has a website now

Sorry, Choatle, that was supposed to be a sarcastic remark. Hard to express in written form.

#4 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-11
Re: Holy Crap Miss Liu of Royal English has a website now

I have no idea why you would compliment the site, there is nothing nice about it, or about Royal English.

#5 Parent AMonk - 2008-03-10
Re: Holy Crap Miss Liu of Royal English has a website now

Hello Choatle

I checked out that website. Nice site, but full of really bad Chinglish errors.

One would think that with so many FTs visible in all those pictures, they could have found at least one English-speaker who would have been willing to help edit for mistakes. But they (obviously) didn't.....or is it couldn't?? :?

Or is it just me?

Choatle - 2008-03-10
Holy Crap Miss Liu of Royal English has a website now

Miss Liu Yan of Royal English School has actually started her own website to make herself seem more legit . I guess after years of scamming and conning foreigners she figured some damage control was required. This site is truly scary, the intro page showing the passports and photos of her best looking English teachers. If anyone has ever worked for this woman then you'll know what kind of person she is. To her foreign teachers are nothing more then chattle to be put on display. I am afraid those on here who say Frank Zhang is the worst are mistaken, actually Liu Yan is, Frank is a close second, but he is second.

It shows pictures of a fake school, fake since she claims it is hers, fake apartment, as no foreigner ever got an apartment that nice with her, and a lot of other BS, designed to lure you in. To those who believe a website somehow makes you more legit, here is proof to the contrary. Look, read, be sickened, and enjoy, if thats possible. Honestly, knowing this woman and what she doe's the site made me quite sick.

The teachers on her site, with their pictures posted for all to see are called quite simply "The good teachers". Those are of course the teachers who let themselves be robbed, misused, and who don't complain for some unknown reason, likely because of having no choice.

Oh and of course you will find zero pictures of Miss Liu Yan on this site, what a shock.

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