Return to Index › Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East
#1 Parent My title is not important. - 2008-04-02
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

Greetings Dave,

I wanted to inform you that you are playing a serious game of russian roulette (as if any game of russian roulette isn't serious =P). In this case, think of the game with a six shooter but instead of one chamber being active out of the six, the direct opposite applies.

I believe the odds are still much worse at best. For every lucky foreigner that he puts in to a good position (I am sure there are a few out there), many more are haunted by their experiences with this recruiter.

I speak from personal experience, my friend. I was one step away from being sold out, you can be too... walk away or talk to the school yourself.

Ignorance is bliss until the truth walks right up to you and smacks you in the face!



#2 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-03-23
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

I'm at home because I live here. >\-|
These recruiters etc. can't really do much to you in the way of legal actions...but they can and do threaten.
I know this from direct experience.

"If something bad happens to you, it`s your fault guys...Don`t look for scapegoats somewhere else!"

Bulls**t, ET. Really stupid dangerous bulls**t.
Yeah, sure, a few idiots have definitely fixed their own wagons...and good job, too. But waaaay too many foreign teachers have been put through horrific and dangerous experiences that were NOT their fault. Please don't be so naive as to think that school owners or administrators, especially in more remote areas, won't play rough if they find you to be uppity.

#3 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-22
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

Ah, another arrogant fool who thinks he can run the guantlet when so many others have failed. Are you just retarded Dave, or are you actually choosing to be this stupid? Nearly everyone who does business with Zhang ends up getting burned, why do you think you would be any different? These are questions I would ask if you were for real.

You must not have a degree or any other formal education beyond high school, otherwise there is no need to use a recruiter. If you are somewhat educated, which I doubt, WTF are you doing using Frank Zhang? Again, this statement would only apply if you were real, which you are not.

Folks, this person is a fake, a phony, he doesn't exist except on paper. This is the old "tell a little truth with a lie to make it sound more believeable" scam. Have a shill come in here pretending he is actually a bit suspicious and wary about doing business with Frank. This shill will tell us all about their journey with frankie boy, and in the end will proclaim that, while they had their doubts at first, in the end their doubrs were wrong, and he is very satisfied now. Yeah, seen it, heard it, anyone who has ever seen anyone playing three card monty on the subway knows the old shill routine.

Spare us retard, you must think were all freaken idiots to fall for your BS. Nice try though, but no one is dumb enough to do business with Frank Zhang after the Gazillion bad reviews about him all over the net, you'd have to have the IQ of a potted plant. Ah, the old con job, you gotta love it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Busted!

#4 Parent Dave - 2008-03-22
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

22nd March

Thank you, Gingermeggs, for your advice. I am normally very particular about adhering to agreements and I did assure Mr Zhang/Xu Hui that I would not make direct contact. However, I have, by other means, researched the employer's details he has given me and I find them to be quite correct.

He has so far done nothing bad or even overtly suspicious to me - though it is widely alleged that he has done bad to others. Therefore, I shall let this situation run its course and see what happens. I have however sent a response to Mr Zhang directly, telling him straight "between the eyes" of my concerns that it is he who has emerged as the prime agent in this particular issue.

I await his response.

Thanks again for your advice


#5 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-03-21
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

"he also sent another document identifying the employer, and their address, telephone numbers and contact person. This document also sets out a lot of factual information about the establishment concerned."

So, phone the people at the establishment concerned and ask your questions. Then you can decide whether the job is worth it. Never mind that he asks you not to contact them. Do it!

#6 Parent Dave - 2008-03-21
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

There are so many messages about Mr Frank Zhang that I had not even bothered to read them all, and his name keeps cropping up with considerable frequency. Suffice it to say that I had decided long ago not to bother dealing with Frank Zhang.

Shock and horror, when after a number of e-mail exchanges about a new job with someone calling himself 'Xu Hui' - This person telephoned me today and told me of a job offer he had secured with an employer in Hubei Province. I was sent a draft contract but I also noticed on the e-mail that the name "Frank Zhang" is mentioned as the originator of the message and another name "KrisCooper" is also mentioned.

The contract he sent is a typical document of its kind and he also sent another document identifying the employer, and their address, telephone numbers and contact person. This document also sets out a lot of factual information about the establishment concerned. He states that should I find the terms acceptable, he will put me in direct touch with the employer though he does ask that I do not contact them until such time as I have indicated agreement. (This is not unusual with agencies)

Quite apart from whether the terms are acceptable or not, I see nothing suspicious in these two documents nor in the manner that Mr Xu Hui has so far handled my requirements.

Does anyone have any comment to make about the foregoing? Let me ask here for sensible and reasoned comments rather than hysterical rantings. It is evident that Mr Zhang has upset many people, yet he remains in business as a recruiter and he can only do that if he satisfies more people than he upsets. If anyone thinks I should not entertain this offer, please specifically state your reasons why.



#7 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-20
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

Well Frank were a heck of a lot better than you as benefactors, since our main goal is not the lining of our own pockets ;)

#8 Parent Edward - 2008-03-19
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

I don't like Frank. Frank must fall. Frank will fall. Frank has fallen.

#9 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-18
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

Frank my dear boy, I never said he had had anyone arrested, I said he had threatened it, a fact easily established if one simply looks at some of your past posts. You have indeed asked people to give you their address, in a forth mouthed fury, so you could have the PSB come and arrest them. These are facts, the posts are here, so spare us Frankie boy.

#10 Parent English teacher - 2008-03-18
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

Have you been paid by Larry Romanoff ?
Larry Romanoff is not better than others. I read the story of "Honest George " yesterday. It`s not hard to guess the real author.It`s a piece of cake for Larry to fabricate stories on his site. Why didn`t he write the orginal sites ?
Nice try, Eddy Robbins and Choatle, the " real benefactors " of all foreign teachers in China !

#11 Parent English teacher - 2008-03-18
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

Some newbies might believe your story. I haven`t heard of anybody to be arrested because of Frank Zhang or other recruiters. Why is Raoul Duke still at home ?
If something bad happens to you, it`s your fault guys...Don`t look for scapegoats somewhere else ! You have posted many rivers of garbage on this site.

#12 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-17
Re: Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

Also be warned that "it" will threaten you if you speak out against it, so do not, under and circumstances, give this person your address. Many times on this board he has actually had the nerve to ask for someones address so he could send the PSB to arrest them. What a guy.

Edward - 2008-03-16
Frank Zhang, aka, Sang Xing ~ Madman of the East

Hello readers:

I just wanted to remind those to be extrememly wary of this Chinese recruiter based in Shanghai who goes by a multitude of names. I suppose his base name is 'Frank', although I've been calling him 'Francessca' as of late because of his unknown gender and his propensity to talk like and portray a female. 'It' is based in Shanghai and actively recruits teachers from within China and abroad.

You can see a more complete profile of this individual by doing an Internet query through Google or Yahoo! or by using the URL of a helpful site that has compiled a profile of this person.

'It' has been known to be very aggressive in making false claims to teachers to goad them in coming to China under the pretense of working in a high-paying position in Shanghai. Time and again, he goes through with his bait-and-switch routine and attempts to place the prospective teacher in a much less desirable job in often unknown Chinese cities with low salaries and other pitfalls.

It's important to speak with the school and it's admin listed on the contract before commiting to come to China, in addition to contacting teachers currently working there (but do keep in mind that some teachers are paid off to speak favorably of the school they work for if it's reputation is dubious). Otherwise, the school that 'it' presents you most likely doesn't exist or is a very bad place to work. Be careful of this would-be felon and do the homework before coming to China. Peace.

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