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#1 Parent Michel Katz - 2008-03-23

I see your problem.

#2 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-22

I doubt these people actually place 1,000 teachers a year, that's highly unlikely. I can say I am the King of Spain, does that make me so? Of course not, don't believe everything you read. He's just bluffing, and if he was not concerned he would not have bothered to email back you in the first place.

This fellow seems childish in the extreme, telling you that he contatced you because you told him not to? I wonder if he realizes bulls are color blind?

Anyhow, sounds like one of the more infantile idiotic recruiters out there, and that's saying something. I have seen this companies advertisements all over the place. While they likely place a fair amount every year, it's likely one tenth of the amount he actually told you, 1,000 a year, that's just pure bluster. Like I said, he was bluffing to try and discourage you from posting a complaint. With that kind of attitude and service? No way.

As for him taking 3 and a half weeks to get back to you, yeah, that's absurd. Most recruiters will respond by the next day. Sounds like this fellow has gotten too big for his britches.

Why don't you just do a google search of Yunnan and use different key words, like esl jobs, english teaching jobs, etc, etc. You'll have a heck of a lot more luck then you will dealing with the Huberts of the world, that's for sure.

#3 Parent Glyn - 2008-03-21

You seem to have missed my point Michel.I respectfully suggest you read the penultimate sentence of my post again
and if you still have difficulty in understanding it perhaps you could ask one of your freinds or colleagues to explain it for you. Moreover how do we know that the claim of placing 1000 " happy " teachers is not another " mistake "? I find it strange how many " mistakes " recruiters seem to make. Especially when it comes to fulfilling their obligations with regard to the pay and conditions etc. that they agree to in their contracts.
It seems to me that this company is conducting the " bait and switch " scam that it all too prevelant in the ESL world in China. Having been a victim myself and met others victims of these scams I feel it is only right that I warn FTs of recruiters that are acting this way.I'm sorry if that upsets you, but thats life !
Also I believe the email from esl across china exposes the underlying attitude of many recruiting companies in China. ie. " We dont care about you, we just want to make money ".
I repeat, I will leave it up to others to decide if they wish to work for a company that treats it's applicants like this and advertises NON EXISTANT JOBS.

#4 Parent Michel katz - 2008-03-20

How do you figure that his claim of placing 1000 teachers every year is a bad thing? Are you looking for an agent who places 0 teachers annually?

Glyn - 2008-03-20

On the 8th February I saw an advertisement in the Jobs in China section of this website from an organisation with the email address of They claimed that they had positions in Yunnan that were paying 4500 - 8000 RMB based on a 16 hour week. Here is the link to the ad. **

I applied for a position and was contacted the same day by a person called Hubert Reid who informed me that he would be my " Personal Case Manager " and asking me to send him any expectations, preferences etc. This I did on the 9th February.
I then waited for his reply. For 3 1/2 weeks I heard NOTHING. No apology, no explanation for the delay.. NOTHING.

Then on 5th March I recieved an email from Hubert with an offer of a job and an attached contract. I must admit that I was rather excited as I have always wanted to work in Yunnan. However on opening the email I was some what suprised, disapointed and angry to discover that the job on offer was NOT in Yunnan but at Webi International in Guanzhou. Moreover this job was paying a starting rate of 8000RMB for 40 hours ! 25 teaching and 15 " office hours ".
At this point I decided to either not reply or to reply some 25 days later as that would have been the same length of time that he had not contacted me for. But on on the 13th March I recieved another email from Hubert informing me that he was " somewhat perplexed " at my lack of communication.
I replied to this email as soon as I opened it on the 19th March telling him that he " had a nerve " and asking him if he was joking about the offer he had sent me. I told him that in my opinion they had NO jobs in Yunnan and were only advertising these positions in order to gain FTs email addresses to try to tempt them into jobs in different locations.I also informed him that I thaught his service was appalling and would be warning others about the disgraceful way in which his company was acting. I also remarked that Recuitment Companies in China already have a very low reputation and that they seemed to be lowering that reputation even further. Finally I asked him NOT to contact me again. " Please do NOT contact me again " were my final words.
Here is the reply I recieved from Hubert this morning ( 20th March ).

Dear Glyn

If it wasn't for the last line of your email, I probably wouldn't have contacted you again. But telling me NOT to do something is like waving a red flag at a bull - silly!

The advertisement you referred to was a mistake on the part of one of our staff members. You are quite right that at the time of advertising, we had no positions left in Yunnan.

Regarding your threats, I have heard and read them all before, yet we still manage to place over 1000 happy teachers each year, Waste as much time as you wish "warning others of the disgraceful way that [our] company is acting"; we will still be here long after you are gone.


You will see that he says the advertisement " was a mistake " and admits they had NO positions in Yunnan at the time this ad was posted. This ad has NOT been removed and Hubert did NOT inform me of this after my initial enquiry. I wonder why?
Perhaps Hubert and his company should ask themselves why they have to place over 1000 " happy " teachers every year. Surely if the Teachers already working for them were " happy " they wouldn't need to be replaced.

I will leave it up to others to decide if they wish to work for a company that treats it's applicants like this and advertises NON EXISTANT JOBS.

** Yunnan, ChinaBy:ESL Across China
Date: 8 February 2008

We are now recruiting for Feb 2008. And your students will be adults.
Applicants should possess some form of education-, work-, or training-related certification.

All positions offer the following at a minimum:

Salary: 4500-8000 RMB/month based on 16 hours per week.
Free, modern accommodation approved by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA)
Free utilities
Travel Allowance
International airfare reimbursement
Airport pickup

Please send your details to

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