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#1 Parent shocked - 2008-03-25
Re: Good experience.

I can only imagine you were either a) hideously drunk at the time of posting this; b) paid a ridiculous amount of money to say such kind things; or c) don't really exist but are a fictional character created by the wicked witch of the East who runs this school to try and entice poor unsuspecting people to teach there!
Yes, it is true, your teaching experience in this country is what you make of it. However, it is also true, in 6 years here, I have NEVER heard a good word from ANYBODY who has worked for this school. Quite the opposite. Stories of threats and abuse shouted in the street, (the first of whcih I have had personal experience of), being stalked by her "spies" (again a victim), and point blank refusal to pay any form of promised reimbusement for flights, taxi/transportation fares and any dealings with the apartments. Anyone who has spent any amount of time in CHina will know you aren't going to get a palace for an apartment, that is true, but one should not have to expect a cockraoch infested hole with rot running throuhg every wall in the house, which is exactly what not one, but TWO of my friends received when we were working there! (Luckily, I already had my own apartment elsewhere). And as for transportation being provided, ONLY if she deemed it necessary! (Which was VERY rare!)

Toby - 2006-01-17
Good experience.

> I arrived in Shenyang in Feb 2005 to begin an eleven month contract
> with ALIFA Sushan Language Center.
> I have now just finished my contract and am going home with some
> amazing memories and a great attitude toward China.

> It was my job to fulfill my part of the contract which was teaching
> from 4:40-6:30 Tues-Fri and all day Sat and Sun (half hour break
> between each 1.5 hour block, and a 1.5 hour lunch). This is way less
> hours than anyone would ever work at home! If you plan your classes
> and really focus on the students, if you really try and interest them
> then you'll have an amazing time!

Hope you are a white-skinned lady to have merited such a good treatment from these racists.
> So much of my experience in China came from my students and my work
> environment. I couldn't have wished to work with a more helpful and
> friendly Chinese and foreign staff. I was never lied to and was
> treated with respect.

> I think my best advice to teachers would be to treat the job like you
> would treat any job at home; be on-time, don't come in drunk, be
> respectful, know what you're going to do in your classes, and have
> fun!!!

> Specifics about the school:
> 1) I was given an apartment (shower and bath, western toilet, bed,
> dvd player, tv, kitchen supplies, a small stove, refrigerator, table,
> closet and chairs) that I felt secure and comfortable in (it's China,
> don't expect a palace!) If there were repairs to be made or if I had
> complaints all I had to do was call the school.

> 2)I worked at school number 1 so I could walk to class everyday. The
> teachers who work at the other schools had their transportation
> provided.

> 3) My classes averaged about 18 students (mostly aged 6 to 12).

> 4) I taught mostly from the Fantasy series and from New Concept 1,
> and I had the freedom to go at my own pace or whatever pace I judged
> the students could maintain. I was free to expand upon the text
> and/or introduce additional material (do this! it's interesting for
> the students and they really appreciate it!)

> 5)Holidays: you get all Chinese national holidays off. Yes, this
> means you work on Christmas! Christmas is not a Chinese holiday. You
> can celebrate with the kids! They put on a little Christmas show and
> it's really cute:o) We also had a nice staff Christmas party.
> 6) I had all the help I wanted with regards to my VISA and other
> paperwork.

> 7) Shenyang is not the cleanest city but there are cool things to see
> (a palace and two tombs, botanical gardens and a cute 'mountain' to
> play on) and a very friendly expat community (see the website:
> ). There are a few pretty good night clubs
> and the city just opened a Subway restaurant and two Starbucks:o)

> Sushan Language Center was a great place to work! I had my
> independence but help was always just a phone call away! Suzanne is
> honest and helpful. She is a woman who runs four schools in China.
> The foreign teacher is expected to do his/her job! If you complete
> your part of the contract (which doesn't require much), she'll
> complete hers. She has a big family and she welcomes the foreign
> teachers into it.

> Have and open-mind and a sense of adventure (and a sense of
> humour:o)!! You'll have experiences to remember for the rest of your
> life!

> Finally, I am truly grateful to Suzanne and to the people I worked
> with. Without them I have no idea what my experience here would have
> been like.

> If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me!

> Cheers!

> Anna Gayton

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