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#1 Parent joyous - 2008-04-10
Re: beijing

..they are not likely the happiest people...

Very well said Choatle. My POV .People who are too critical are those who are experiencing self-doubt. They have a vague fear of their capabilities and they are trying to fish compliments by fault finding.

#2 Parent My title is not important. - 2008-04-02
Re: beijing

Greetings Beverly,

We all make mistakes, I for one, you for another. Apparently, Choatle is spelled Choatle, not Chotle =P So you mispelled her name.

That is not imporant in the general usage of the English language (except to maybe Choatle =P). Avast! You have spelt English twice using a lower case 'e'! Thus, I am inclined to point it out, because if I am not wrong... it should be capitalized!

Now, please point out any mistakes you see in my rebuttal on behalf on Choatle =)



#3 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-19
Re: beijing

People who fancy themselves intellectuals like to correct others, however in truth they are just people who are sad, lonely, and have far too much time on their hands. Your sad attempt to explain away your need to nit pick because I make a lot of mistakes it some rather convoluted logic, and makes no sense. Do you always blame ohers for your own actions? 20 mistakes? Please point out all 20. In fact, I don't mind if you do, because, like Frank Zhang, people like you are their own worst enemy, and you just can't help yourself, can you? :)

Worthy of my respect? Why would you need to be worthy of my respect? Is my respect so important to you? Ah well, nice to know you think so highly of me. :)

Do continue whatever misguided crusade your one, while I and others actually try to protect newbie teachers from the likes of people like Frank Zhang. You know, peple like yourself only use what they believe is their large intelect to find seemingly acceptable way's to put others down, because they don't feel good about themselves. Your seeming self assuredness is all an act. You say a lot more about yourself then you ever do me when you come on a board like this acting the way you do.

I won't comment anymore, because I realize now that all you want is attention, and your annoyed at how much some people are getting, and someone as grand and smart as you should be getting the lions share of course. You just want a resopnse from me, and to get into some heated debte, where you can showcase what you believe to be your superior wit I suppose. Uh huh, well good luck talking to yourself, because I don't think anyone else is going to listen to you, they weren't before, that's for sure. Tah tah :)

#4 Parent Jerome - 2008-03-18
Re: beijing

Where your writing is concerned, Choatle, if one were to bother "nit picking" away at your misspellings and common grammatical errors, they would find little time to do more important things. So, I fully agree with you that it would be a waste of time. In one of your posts, I stopped counting after noticing about 20 mistakes. And I also stopped reading the post at that point, and therein lies the real problem. You may or may not have something important to say; however, since most of your readers are English teachers it would not be faulty logic to suggest that you are "losing your audience."
Just out of curiosity, how did you ever get the notion that "does" is spelled as "doe's?" A doe is a female deer.
It reminds me of a teacher evaluation I recently conducted. The teacher in question made so many errors in his representation of the English language that I could only leave the classroom shaking my head in disbelief. Maybe you would assert that it "aint' no big thing." I would hardily disagree. But then I, like the poster who corrected you, am just a nit picker and therefore not worthy of your respect.

#5 Parent Choatle - 2008-03-18
Re: beijing

There is nothing to forgive, because honestly, nit pickers live rather dull unimaginative lives I think, and are likely not the happiest of people, hence their need to point out the flaws in others. Be my guest, nit pick away, never claimed to be perfect, in my typing or my writing. Bye >\-|

beverley Cameron - 2008-03-16

Dear Chotle
please allow me to correct your "non existant" mistakes.
1. their is the possessive as in 'their clothing,books or money' and should not be used in place of
2. there which denotes as you can find in t "here " place. please forgive my attempts at correcting your english but as an english teacher and a native speaker bad grammar and lazy mistakes are like pokes in the eye with a stick to those of us who do know our laguage.

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