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#1 Parent Choatle - 2008-04-10
Re: San Jie Foreign Language School (aka Harvard Foreign Language School) - ESL school review

If you could name the accusations I have made then please, do so. I am speaking from past experience though, and would not accuse someone I don't know of something specifically unless I knew they did it or had legitimate suspicion based upon fact. I would suggest that before you accuse people of being biased and coimpletely irresponsible that you do so based on more then just opinion. Most of us here dislike and are biased towards "recruiters" and bad schools. I am sure there are good schools, they are just the minority. I think your trying to create a paper tiger here my friend, and really making a problem where there isn't one.

#2 Parent imneutral - 2008-04-10
Re: San Jie Foreign Language School (aka Harvard Foreign Language School) - ESL school review

Choatle seems to believe that people/schools are guilty until proven innocent. Granted, there are a lot of dodgy characters in this EFL China business and a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted, but I'd rather see posters write about what they have had first hand experience with instead of condemnations, based on assumptions and no supportive evidence.

Yes, many of us, unfortunately, have experienced the seedy side of this business, and, yes, the hits just keep on comin', but I would suggest that our warnings and advice to newbies would be better accepted were they based on evidence versus accusations based solely on past experiences. Otherwise, are we not as guilty as those we condemn?

#3 Parent Jae Yang - 2008-04-09
Re: San Jie Foreign Language School (aka Harvard Foreign Language School) - ESL school review

All I can say is that my offer for 500 USD still stands.

Yes there are some gaps that I dont wish to go into, because believe it or not there was a lot more that went on. That is true. The crud that went on with some of these teachers was pretty bad. For the parents sake of 1 of those teachers, I left a lot of details out. Also my boss wants me to drop this issue and forgive them. Would you? These people nearly bankrupted the school with incompetent management. One of the friendly hires of this person got paid at almost 1,000 RMB aper hour for amount of hours worked and paid vacation time. Then this individual makes a big fuss and purposely twisted the story with her missions board then after these individuals were let go, 1 of these teachers has the gall to print her bullshyt on the internet. Every single negative posting about our school is the result of this 1 person. Since most of these postings are related to the previous manager, we haven't had any problems since this individual left. Do you really think the school is at fault? Mr. Richard Rowe is teacher that was at the school before I got there, he wrote a comment.

Imagine that was your business and you were the boss and your manager was sabotaging your business and putting sweetheart deals out their friends, and getting student cancelations because the teacher kept calling in sick Friday nights and Monday mornings. what would you have done?

Dont get me wrong, there are a lot of messed up schools in China, but I have gone out of my way to make sure the one I teach at and manage at are not like those.

Funny thing is I have to defend comments of a non existant teacher that never taught at our school. In this forum, we are guilty until proven innoncent. How would you defend your honor and name for accusations that are totally misleading?

So taking things with a grain of salt, a teacher representing themselves as someone who worked at our school, who officially never worked at our school, is making comments about our school. Sheesh, at least have a pair and put your name on it. We can go to court and see who is slandering who.

Only the guilty are afraid of the truth. I have numerous teachers who have worked at our school and are currently working at our school who would say otherwise.

#4 Parent Choatle - 2008-04-08
Re: San Jie Foreign Language School (aka Harvard Foreign Language School) - ESL school review

I take what this school wrote defending itself with a big grain of salt. Too many unanswered questions, too many things they did not explain, I am sure that a lot more went on then we are all being told.

#5 Parent Richard Rowe - 2008-04-07
Re: San Jie Foreign Language School (aka Harvard Foreign Language School) - ESL school review

By: Richard Rowe April 7, 2008

Until today I was not aware of the slanderous article on Sanjie Foreign Language school written by a "Ruth Hannagan" and posted 18 May 2005!

I was Sanjie's first Native English Language teacher when Sanjie opened in 2002, AND I taught there until I left in late May, 2005.
Allow me tell you a few more things regarding Sanjie up to the time I left:
1/ While I was a teacher there Sanjie had never had an employee named Ruth Hannagan, as the article implies! I met all the staff and teachers at Sanjie up to the date I left.
2/When I left, to teach in school my wife opened in Thailand, Sanjie aided me in any way I needed assistance.
3/ For the several weeks SARS was present in Beijing, and even though the # of students registered at the school had almost reached zero, Sanjie honoured my contract and paid me in full each and every week.
4/ Sanjie had never lost even one teacher "because they did not pay them".
5/ The only time I know Sanjie had trouble with teachers who wanted to "exercised their contractual right"(s) was when two teachers decided not to return from regular holiday until fully two weeks after the official holidays had ended. They had not bothered to inform Sanjie of why, nor where they were the whole time they were gone, and when they returned they expected to be paid for the time they missed. Sanjie understandably did not agree to pay them, but nor did it immedialtely let them go. Furthermore,
6/ Sanjie did not 'attempt all kinds of lies and threats to "punish" them', AND from what I saw and heard I think Sanjie did try to be fair and reasonable with them.
7/ Sanjie never "attempted to steal" teachers "personal belongings". Sanjie did insist that teachers leaving their apartments MUST obey the Chinese law and have the landlord present to make sure those moving out did not accidently take property belonging to the Landlord.
8/ Sanjie never attempted to balckmail any teacher! I understand the aforementioned teachers did, in effect at least, try to blackmail Sanjie. This may explian the slanderous article by the unknown Ruth Hannagan!
9/ Any "investigation with the Beijing Foreign Affairs Bureau and the Chaoyang District Foreign Affairs Bureau" will show that Sanjie has never had it licences cancelled. The police did, and still do come to routinely check the school's licence.
10/ All the while at Sanjie I never heard ANY employee or the president of Sanjie talk about any teacher in a slanderous way, nor heard teacher's words distorted.

Yes! "Be careful of this school", AND all schools! BUT, as the slanderous article of 18 May 2005 shows me, one must be even MORE careful about what they read about schools!

#6 Parent Andrew Ignash - 2007-10-13
Re: San Jie Foreign Language School (aka Harvard Foreign Language School) - ESL school review

Hello, I worked at San Jie for an extended time and found the place to be very enjoyable. I was treated with the upmost respect and courtesy. I heard of this story when I worked at the school and believe this to truly be an unruly employee trying to talk badly about a school that does not deserve it. I never experienced any late payment or no payment, and actually was given cash advances to get on my feet. I would highly recommend the school.

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