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#1 Parent Choatle - 2008-04-11
Re: Mingshi American English school Fushun City

A white person would not know racism? This is only true if they never left America, New Zealand, England, or any other such countries. Travel outside your borders though and you'll experience first hand what it means to be a minority, and what it is like to be a victim of racism. White people don't know about racism? I would say that such a viewpoint only applies to those who have never traveled anywhere, and even then, with the amount of animosity toward the west these days in the east, I'd say we know enough. No, whites understand racism, and enough have been victims of it for such a retarded, overly generalized statement to be proven quite wrong.

#2 Parent BSwatcher - 2008-04-11
Re: Mingshi American English school Fushun City

Manure. You are white, you know nothing about racism.

Only an arrogant pr*ck would write a post like the contribution from 'wolf'.

The claim that white people know nothing about racism is erroneous. There are a great number of white farmers in Zimbabwe who would take issue with him over that nonsense.

Alternatively, he could take a trip to Nigeria (or one or two other African countries ) and see the evidence for himself.

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