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#1 Parent Choatle - 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

Ha ha ha ha ha, the broken clock analogy is what it is, accurate and to the point, which is why you don't like it, simple. You have to love critics, it is so much easier to knit pick and attack someones grammar than it is to debate them. I take it as a compliment though, you know your getting to someone when they go to these lengths to pick at such minor little things. Anyone can find something wrong with anything if they look hard enough. I would bet this spy vs spy fellow has a very unhappy life, since he seems only able to see the glass as half empty, what a life that must be.

As silverboy said, I ain't writing a novel here, so really, do I give a crap about whether or not my writing is perfect? No. At the same time, you won't be finding any major errors, only minor things, which everyone makes when not really paying too much attention. Anal retentives though, they will be obsessive about such details, going over a post again and again to make sure every aspect is perfect, even though all they are doing is posting a message on a freaken message board. I find that to be sad and pathetic, since their reasons for such obsession are so they can knit pick other people to death about something, anything, even if it is as trivial as spelling or grammar. This leads me to belive that, outside of teaching English, they have no life, no skills, and have made no real accomplishments in life. If they had, their self esteem would not be so low that they had to resort to going onto message boards to critque such menial things, merely for the gratification of a weak, underdevoloped ego.

Yes, your a real winner spy vs spy, and others like you, do keep putting the most severe critical eye on your own postings so you can be free to feel superior in regards to the one and only thing you can do, knit pick and critisize others so you feel better about yourself. You show only your own failings and insecurity when you do this, and you show it in a very blatant way, don't think we don't see it ;) Bye bye.

#2 Parent Spy vs. Spy - 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

"From my experience he fails to deliver far more often then he delivers. "

Tell us about your experience.

"Also, these questionable people who defending him so vehemently miss one simple point. Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

These questionable people?, care to elaborate?

The broken clock analogy is trite. However, since you are not well versed in English it is the most one can expect from you, I suppose.

#3 Parent Choatle - 2008-04-23
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

I tend to agree, just because he sometimes delivers, so what. From my experience he fails to deliver far more often then he delivers. Also, these questionable people who defending him so vehemently miss one simple point. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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