Return to Index › The horrible hoodlums , just "Silverboy Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills,Larry Romanoff,eddyrobbins.
#1 Parent Edward - 2008-04-27
Re: The horrible hoodlums , just "Silverboy Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills,Larry Romanoff,eddyrobb

It's Frank's schizophrenia, apparently.

#2 Parent Choatle - 2008-04-26
Re: The horrible hoodlums , just "Silverboy Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills,Larry Romanoff,eddyrobb

Another typical post by the famous Frank Zhang. Hey pot heads, this is the guy your defending, are you really sure you want to be doing that anymore?

To Frank, I am one person, and clearly you think other people come here and use numerous names to bolster their image and opinions, something we all know you do. People guilty of something always suspect others of t5he same thing. What a paranoid mininthrope. Get a lifer Frank, and sober up.

Frank Zhang - 2008-04-26
The horrible hoodlums , just "Silverboy Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills,Larry Romanoff,eddyrobbins.


( you also use Choatle, Turnoi, your fake names bside Silverboy, .)

You provided a fake degree to many schools, You will be arrested very soon. You have no deree, just a teaching certificate that is very easy to get from internet as long as payment. You are very little eduated. Are you just a "white trash' in China? F*** idiot.

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