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#1 Parent callmefred - 2008-08-30
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun

Quote: "I can assure you, were the majority here put to the test, grammatically speaking, at least half would pass, far more then you seem to believe. I think you should keep your criticisms and tooting your own horn to yourself."

I do not agree at all with your assertions Choatle that Jaques is tooting his own horn, and why is he not entitled to express an opinion on an obvious fact that the most basic rules of English grammar, spelling, syntax and sentence structure are broken time and time again in this forum by persons claiming to be teachers of English ? (yourself and the other members of your little band of happy backslappers being among the worst offenders) and as to passing a test !!...... judging by their previous efforts, I can think of several names who would feature in the lower half of the scores.

I know that you are not interested in setting an example for others to follow, but I note that you are quick to condemn another who does take pride in accuracy. Do you have the right to tell others to keep criticisms to themselves, whilst patently you do not ?

#2 Parent Choatle - 2008-08-30
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun

Jaques, the majority of errors here on this forum are minor, and made because a lot of us are not writing a novel, and are not overly concerned with such things on an internet forum I can assure you, were the majority here put to the test, grammatically speaking, at least half would pass, far more then you seem to believe. I think you should keep your criticisms and tooting your own horn to yourself.

#3 Parent Jacques - 2008-08-30
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun

Hi threaders
This response is not really for you Kelsey, but a general sentiment expressed in relation to some of the other responses to your question. As a native English speaker I find it extremely embarassing that posts here which refer, directly and indirectly to "standard", "quality", "competence" of English teaching, particularly in criticising others, are riddled with English grammar and spelling errors, most of them very basic.
I am very newly qualified in TESOL and I am by no means an experienced English teacher, however the grammatical and spelling breaches are so immediately obvious to me. It is shocking that even when responding in a caustic fashion to each other and quoting each other, respondents here have simply repeated the errors while putting each other down in terms of teaching ability.
I do not claim to be an expert by any means, but the spelling and grammatical breaches seem very obvious to me. I would like to believe that it is simply a case of typographical errors combined with a lack of checking that is the cause, however it seems evident that the authors are unaware of their errors altogether.
I apologise for the negativity, but as I said I find the poor English embarassing, especially in the context of many of the current thread's comments. We are supposed to be the experts teaching speakers of other languages about our own language. I do believe that discussions covering the main subject of this one are valid and useful especially to newcomers like myself, but is it wise to be also criticising the professional abilities of other teachers, whether Chinese or foreign, when our own native English ability is so flawed?
I do not check this site very often and so if anyone really wants to respond to my post and would like me to know about it, they may need to email me.

#4 Parent Tom Phillips - 2008-04-28
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun

I think it is funny, that you have never directly talked to me or any of my teachers, however you have only bad things to say about my school. This raises the questions on why you think you might have good advice for anyone. I agree there are a couple of bad schools here in Jilin province but does that mean that all of the schools here are bad? I am an independent organization with no ties or relationships with any of the bad players in town. I would like to go on record of saying that I provide good housing for my teachers. A good work environment and I dont pay 4000 RMB for 25 hours work per week. If there is ever a problem I get it fixed. I know what it is like to be a foreigner in China. I work hard everyday to make sure all of my teachers are comfortable and happy. We have teachers here that have worked for us for several years. This does not happen if you run a terrible company. I would also like to point out we are the largest employer of foreign teachers in the area. This also does not happen if you have a terrible company. I would encourage you to speak directly with me if you have any questions or comments. Try not to post about subjects you are not aware of until you get all the facts. I understand that perhaps it is just your opinion on the subject and like everyone you are entitled to it. However do not assume you know anything about my school until you have been here or talked to me. Thank you for being a little more responsible with your postings.

#5 Parent Choatle - 2008-04-26
Re: Eagle Language School in Changchun

I've heard nothing but bad things. Sub standard pay, long long hours, poor housing conditions, I'd avoid. Why is it Jilin has such a large number of bad schools and recruiters, seems like they have a higher percentage then most.

Kelsey - 2008-04-26
Eagle Language School in Changchun

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Eagle Language School in Changchun? It's also known as Sino-Australia Jilin Eagle College. I am hoping to get a review of the school from someone who has taught there before. If anyone has, and has something to say about it, please let me know.

Thanks a lot,

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