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#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-04-28
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

I understand, "Batman".

Oh, sure- at this juncture I'd be entirely in my rights to tell you to just go blow it right on out your shorts- and good job, too- but I suppose that just wouldn't be very constructive, would it?

Please...if conforming to some idiot dress code is what it takes to help you take yourself seriously and feel like a "real teacher", even when nowhere near a classroom and posing for a photo that might be construed by some as having a sense of humor, then by all means do so.

As for me, I didn't really come here to be a role model for anyone. But if I did, I doubt very seriously that I'd want to project a role anything like what you seem to think you can offer.

And thank God for that.

Anyway, I generally do all right with the homeys (schools, students, neighbors, etc.) without resorting to any self-delusions regarding my own significance. So, thanks...but no thanks.

You're not a native speaker, are you?

#2 Parent AMonk - 2008-04-28
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.


You may believe me or not (your choice), but what I actually wrote was that the Dave's/Raoul's merger "announcement" appeared, i.e. was first shown, on the Saloon on April 1st. The fact that it remained for the next several days is an example of how a dead horse sometimes gets flogged.

Oh. And the site in question belongs to Raoul and Nolefan, not to me.

#3 Parent Batman - 2008-04-27
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

I don`t believe a word of AMonk, because that picture was more days on your site.
Do something about your looks, Raoul Duke ! Chinese street sweepers are neater than you ! A teacher is a model for students ( knowledge, manners, appereance ). The image of a teacher is important not only in China but everywhere in this world. Although in a bar, Nolefan looks like a foreign expert. Who can say the same about you ?

#4 Parent Gingermeggs. - 2008-04-26
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

KGB, you are not a very good spy!

#5 Parent AMonk - 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

:ush believe that if you were to have checked the date on that "announcement" of a merger (Dave's & Raoul's), you would have noted that it appeared on April 1st (April Fool's Day). It was an in-Saloon prank.

#6 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

No, Amonk, it's OK. Thank you.
One rarely gets to witness cluelessness on such a monumental scale. I'm enjoying the show. >\-|

#7 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

Nor are there any other Czech brothers who cruise so well and swing so successfully with their tight bulges.
At least get the whole story out. >\-|

#8 Parent AMonk - 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. believe that if you were to have checked the date on that "announcement" of a merger (Dave's & Raoul's), you would have noted that it appeared on April 1st (April Fool's Day). It was an in-Saloon prank.

#9 Parent KGB - 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

Thanks for your " polite " answer, John Neilson from Guangdong !( There are some stupid people posting here )
As one of`s members, what can one expect from you ? Those ones " always right and never wrong ", don`t have any mental problems ? ( The Duke, Amonk... and many others )
Sperling needs teachers, right ? He gets fees from FAOs for advertising their schools and for taking teachers from his website. ( 150USD/month )
Why should Sperling merge his forum ( and not only the forum ) with Raoul`s ? ( this information was on Raoul`s site last month+ the photo of his friend, Sperling ). Don`t forget the " Jobs listing " from Raoul`s site ! Saints are rare in this world and Raoul Duke is 100% not one of them. (" he doesn`t take money from schools or FTs" )

#10 Parent KGB - 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

Your friend, Larry Romanoff, used the same cunning method before becoming a recruiter: warning people not to use recruiters for years.
You are not the only foxy foreign expert+ recruiter in China !

#11 Parent The Owl - 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

You wrote " too crafty to be fooled by such stealth and subterfuge": That's hilarious, Raoul. Cheers!

#12 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

Ai yo, Mr. Frank Zhang, you have too many clevers for me! It cannot be doubted that you some many best good mans, always winner every time.

The guy is like a steel trap. I name the website to suggest a bar atmosphere...a Saloon, technically, but no significant difference. Then I take a photo with my partner in The Saloon, posed in a bar. Next, I subtly insinuated my photo onto the public front cover of, who'd a-thought it, my very own website(!

But Mr. Frank Zhang and his legions of pseudonyms were too crafty to be fooled by such stealth and subterfuge. Why, they found me out in a matter of mere weeks and exposed me for the scoundrel I so truly am.

Yep, that's my pic there. Bring it, Frank, if ya got it. Or shut your pie hole once and for all.

If anyone still wants to believe the rest of the stupidity in that post, please be my guest.

#13 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

Again, I've been outed by the relentless Frank Zhang machine. They were able to see right through my pose of being constantly strapped for cash, and years of publicly warning people to NEVER use a recruiter to find an EFL job in China.

It all makes sense now.

#14 Parent Gingermeggs. - 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

"Larry Romnoff and Raoul Duke are new recruiters in China."

Very strange! In none of the posts I have read from Raoul Duke, has he ever mentioned, or recommended, using a recruiter! In fact he seems firmly of the opinion that recruiters are definitely not needed! As far as Raoul Duke ever provide foreign teachers for sperling, all I can say is...."when Hell freezes!"

There really are some stupid people posting here.

#15 Parent Spy vs. Spy - 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

Spot on!

Raoul Duke has a vested interest in whether or not China ESL Teacher recruiters do well or go bust. Yes, all the rhetoric about the Chinese ESL industry and money....Duke, Larry R., and others who spend their time on this board can easily be tied to the money trail.

Silverboy is an idiot, a liar and has no qualifications whatsoever to teach. He gives bad advice, dates students, considers formal education a waste of time, calls CELTA and Trinity CRAP, believes that he is qualified to teach due to his experience in the fashion/modeling industry, carpentry, stylist and a native speaker of English.

Choatle is little more than a blowhard with English capabilities that rate little better than recent U.S. high school graduates. His favorite vocabulary word is "retard!" In fact, if this word were removed from his list of working words his useable vocabulary would be reduced by twenty-five percent.

I would want neither Choatle nor Silverboy to give me adivce or teach children. These two fools have nothing going for them in China save their whiteness and NS status.

Turnoi. What can one say about Turnoi? Why bother?

#16 Parent viz-a-viz - 2008-04-24
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

As I have said in my previous post...RIVALRY in the FT recruitment business!!!
FTs wanna-bes...BEWARE!!! Use your RARE sense.

#17 Parent KGB - 2008-04-23
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

After the Spring Festival, I placed these five-six FTs ( Silverboy, Choatle, Raoul Duke, Turnoi,.., and some others ) in a ZOO for FTs.
Yingwen Laoshi is a sensitive teacher. He also hasn`t got any job from Frank Zhang, but he doesn`t post insults here.
It`s more about money! Larry Romnoff and Raoul Duke are new recruiters in China. These five-six rude guys are members of Raoul Duke may provide foreign teachers even for Dave Sperling in the future. Dave Sperling is the owner of
Raoul Duke has just placed his picture on ! (Raoul and his Asian friend, Nolefan ). A photo has a lot to say ! Bars are the favourite places for Raoul Duke, Nolefan and Silverboy.

#18 Parent callmefred - 2008-04-23
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

Said Dave to Turnoi:

This is a forum! It is not your personal podium from which only you and those who think like you may speak out. You're a loudmouth, simple as that. All you're doing is banging a drum for your own entertainment. It is the only way you can make yourself heard in life. The thought of you teaching young people in China fills me with distaste, for no matter what your approach to them may be, at least some of your vindictive nature is bound to rub off on them.

Thank you Dave, I couldn't have put it better myself.

#19 Parent Dave - 2008-04-23
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures.

MY personal sentiments do not count at all? Really?

If MY sentiments do not count, then why should yours count either? Are you seriously saying that yours is the only voice to be heard here? This is a forum! It is not your personal podium from which only you and those who think like you may speak out. Where is your evidence against Frank Zhang? You have none at all - only what others have said. Nothing more than hearsay

At least my argument (for it is nothing to do with sentiment), is based on facts. ONLY Five of you are doing nearly all the complaining and none of you have anything to personally complain about. You, Mr Turnoi, have single-handedly made 32 of the postings in question - amounting to 18% of the total 'antis' and not one of your postings has any connection with you.

Don't insult my intelligence by piously claiming to be some champion of foreign teachers, engaged on a 'mission'. (ROFL!). That is assuredly not so. You're a loudmouth, simple as that. All you're doing is banging a drum for your own entertainment. It is the only way you can make yourself heard in life. The thought of you teaching young people in China fills me with distaste, for no matter what your approach to them may be, at least some of your vindictive nature is bound to rub off on them.

I'm honest though. I'm not doing this for Frank Zhang. I'm doing it for me, because I detest the sort of unfair and unprofessional behaviour that you and the others in your small band seem to take as your right to trumpet to the rest of us. You would be giving a better service to foreign teachers by not acting like a verbal thug and remembering that you're supposed to be a professional person.

Even if I do NOT take you empty vessels out of the frame for your irrelevancy and lack of direct experience, there are also far more PEOPLE posting in favour of Frank Zhang than there are posting against him. A ratio, in fact, of 2:1 in his favour. That is a fact that you cannot dispute for the numbers are there for you to count too, like I did. So even your contention that there is a huge groundswell of complaint against Frank Zhang is itself incorrect. The groundswell, as such, is very much in his favour. Why can't you take the time and trouble to do some simple research instead of going off at the mouth?

Sorry, but you five empty vessels are out on a limb all on your own.


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