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#1 Parent KGB - 2008-05-02
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.


You are not only short of memory, but your intentions are clear.
Eddy Robbins or Edward is the one, who is posting fake facts about Frank Zhang on this site. ( he also used the name " John " ). I called the foreign teachers from Canilx and Webi from Jiagyin last term and nobody has heard of Eddy Robbins. Even his own story is not true.
Maybe your real name is Eddy Robbins, Grandma. ( the same for Shark ).
Can you remember your real name ? How old are you ?
As for Turnoi, he is known for his bad language, grammar and lack of good manners on this site at least.
This site is a professional one, for teachers, and not for hooligans with or without degrees.

#2 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-04-30
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

I'd still love to see an answer to this really simple and straightforward question. Where are the posts you were finally allowed to put up, please?

#3 Parent Grandma - 2008-04-30
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

Dear Grandpa,

may be you forgot that in this board we read a lot of compalints concerning Frank Zhang. What about your memory?

You are (an) English teacher? Plainly spoken, you are one of the agents of Zhang.
It is too revealing that you complain about what others have said - admittedly in quite a rude manner. But you forget to mention the lies and insults that come from Zhang and his gang.

Get some medicine, grandpa, to fight your Alzheimer!

#4 Parent Edward - 2008-04-30
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

"In fact, they are a gang of thugs and sex-metamorphic whoremasters.

Very dirty and Nauseating." Hi, Frank. I really liked reading this line. I almost shat my pants. Cheers!

#5 Parent English teacher - 2008-04-30
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.


I suppose you have problems with the memory at your age.
The last negative facts about Frank Zhang were the ones from 2003 on www. ( but without mentioning the bad points of a certain contract ).
On this site, I have read only insults and lies from different FTs, who never dealt with him.
Raoul Duke and his gang are more aggressive than before. Therefore, I still believe that Duke is involved in the recruitment business in China.
This gang and its boss forget the fact that this site doesn`t belong to them. I suggest them to post all their lies and bad language on and not to monopolize

#6 Parent Grandma - 2008-04-30
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

I am demonstrating in practice what you are doing.
I am your alter ego......

#7 Parent Shark - 2008-04-30
Re: Frank Zhang Praise!

Frank Zhang, the savior of mankind....
Now, he tries to save me from smoking marihuana.
What about saving me from giving Frank a big bite? After all, I am a shark.....

#8 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-04-30
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

Are you really Grandma? Who is that anyhow? Why do you keep using different fake names? Why didnot you dare to show your REAl name and why did you try to hide yourself?

Obviously, you are a horrible and childish thief. Why did you copy my words here? You are so stupid.

Very childish and Nauseating.

Frank Zhang

#9 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-04-30
Re: Frank Zhang Praise!

Hello, Shark

You can't teach in China if you have so bad habits. and if you come to China, you will be arrested because of sucking marijuana, very bad youdon't know? Does your monther not tell you about it?

#10 Parent Grandma - 2008-04-29
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

I want to thank the boss of ESL teachers boad for letting me disclose those horrible dawdlers's dark schemes and tricks of Frank Zhang and others associating with him.

Those several Nauseating accomplices are keeping to traduce many other people When they have different idears from them.

As long as some good people post some REAL facts here, and the accomplices are starting to attacking and insulting them at once.

Very bad people they are ! just like an organized criminal gang. In fact, they are a gang of thugs and sex-metamorphic whoremasters.

Frank Zhang and his accomplices - Very dirty and Nauseating!

(a bit edited and taken from Frank`s original texts....)

#11 Parent Shark - 2008-04-29
Frank Zhang Praise!

Mr. Frank Zhang,

I just graduated from High School and enjoy smoking marihuana. I want to come to China to teach English. Can you help me find a job?

Maybe, many respectable schools won`t take someone like me because I have no real teaching diploma or a degree from college. Therefore, I have gotten a fake degree from Alabama Country Cow University, one of the best known and reputed degree mills in the US.

I am sure the less respectable schools you are in contact with may be in pretty urgent need of someone like me. Here is what I ask in return for my services of simply going there and playing the clown for those running the school:

1. 20,000 YUan RMB a month (false money printed by yourself),
2. my own luxury apartment with rats in the kitchen
3. a heavy teaching load of at least 300 hours a week,
4. Other benefits should include additional lies and cheats on your part and that of the school,
5. arbitrary deductions from my salary by the school when they can`t pay the full amount;
6. school guard and management that are quick to lock me up when I want to leave before,
7. etc. etc.

If you and the school behind you meet these minimimum requirements, please contact me immediately. And do not forget to send me a first class plane ticket to China and have the red carpet in Shanghai ready when a VIP like me is going to leave the plane.

Yes, you are indeed a good recruiter, and this is why I turn humly to you with my request.

Halleluja, Amen! Frank Zhang is the savior of mankind!
Praised be his name forever!

#12 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-04-28
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

Hey Frank,

Where were your ideas actually posted? I can't find anything posted by you anywhere, except for the usual bickering in these threads.

Can you please give us a pointer as to where the ideas you refer to might be found on here? I'm sure they will make interesting and illuminating reading.


#13 Parent Choatle - 2008-04-28
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

But Sherlock, Frank is shouting and using bad language, doesn't that make him wrong by your analogy?

#14 Parent Edward - 2008-04-27
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

Hey, Frank. I see there's been a whole lot of fussin' since I was last on this board. What have you gotten yourself into!!??

#15 Parent Sherlock Holmes - 2008-04-27
Re: Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

I heard a lot of good things about you, Mr. Frank Zhang.( from some of your foreign teachers ). These foreigners are working at a neighbouring college and have good contracts and nice apartments. I will contact you at the end of my contract if any FT wants to leave that college where " your teachers " are working. I can get your e-mail address and phone number from them.
Any mature person can notice who is right and who is wrong. If some are shouting louder here using bad language, it doesn`t mean they are right and that others will believe them.
Have a nice day !

Frank Zhang - 2008-04-27
Really want to say thanks to the boss of the ESL teachers board.

Today, I saw my advice was posted for this time. I want to thank the boss of ESL teachers boad for letting me disclose those horrible dawdlers's dark schemes and tricks.

just "Silverboy Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills,Larry Romanoff,eddyrobbins" those several Nauseating accomplices are keeping to traduce many other people When they have different idears from them.

As long as some good people post some REAL facts here, and the accomplices are starting to attacking and insulting them at once.

Very bad people they are ! just like an organized criminal gang. In fact, they are a gang of thugs and sex-metamorphic whoremasters.

Very dirty and Nauseating[/red!!!!

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