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#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-05-08

I have to agree. This is terrible.
GOOD foreign teachers would not do this. They would without complaint accept anything they were dealt- salaries half less than promised, locations in different provinces than were advertised, forced and/or unpaid extra work hours, apartments worse than prisons in their home countries, toxic city environments, totally uncontrollable classes- whatever their caring school manager and their fatherly EFL Personal Professional Proactive Position Placement Person (EFLPPPPPP), such as Mr. Zhang, feel is best for their personal needs and abilities. They would instead focus their energies on being fully prepared for their coming classes, keeping their homes and clothes spotless and fragrant, buying plenty of souvenirs, and getting enough good healthy sleep.

This is the mark of a GOOD foreign teacher.

Why, you people are the biggest bunch of whiners I've ever heard. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Oh, and in the same vein, GOOD foreign teachers are equally likely to have winged monkeys come flying up out of their backsides, too.

#2 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-05-05

You are just the REAL crazy criminal. I am working in China Legally, And Most of teachers are my good friends here. and they have really deaing with me for long time.

I have so GOOD foreign teachers to surpport me, I will not fail down and lost even though I have been attacked by you those nauseating gangsters.

If you can speak out your real name and address, you will be arrested very soon.

Most people can have a correct judge. Why I can do the job for so long time and My business is better and better? Why? becuase most Chinese schools like me and most of teachers like me too.

If what you said was true, I was already arrested. Intelligent mature people will not trust you acting like a fascist!!!! do you think the people are very stupid to trust you the horrible hoodlums?

ESL teacher - 2008-05-04

Why don't you stop writing about this crazy criminal whose only purpose is to cheat --foreigners and Chinese schools .
I wonder why the Chinese haven't arrested him yet .

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