Return to Index › Frank is a good recruiter from Shanghai
#1 Parent Joker - 2008-05-09
Re: Frank is a good recruiter from Shanghai

I hope you are not teaching English !! LOL

Prof. Dr.David Pau - 2008-05-09
Frank is a good recruiter from Shanghai

Frank Zhang is a good recruiter from Shanghai. He helped me how and who to contact for getting a teaching English job in China. First, he gave me a contact number of a person at Gong Qing College, Jiu Jiang District, Jiangxi Province in 2006 and I was placed for a year right away at that College and after that, he directed me to go to Jiangsu Institute of Economic and Trade Technology in Nanjing. I signed contract with the institute and teach English at the same place untill now. He is good to me so far and never takes any commission for recruiting me. If you wanna get a teaching English job in China as researcher or person who values self education or wanna gain heuristic education, I would recommend him and his service to you. This is the second year of teaching English full time with a year contract basis at two different institutes in China using Frank's recruitment service. I am gonna visit and see him in Shanghai sometimes in February when I go to the US Consulate for a tourist visa interview.
Wish you success in your job search.

Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau

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