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#1 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-05-10
Re: Everybodyelse Beware of the bad hoodlums , just "Silverboy, Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills..

"However my purpose is not to insult, or entertain, only to point out the predictability of other peoples idiocy."

"'ll see the same words popping up to describe the same thing."

"...the person who feels the need to be the most clever at insulting others has massive inferiority issues, and likely was the biggest loser in second grade."

But , you do insult, (not cleverly, true) and your posts are predictable! You jump at the slightest slight! You can be wound up like a clockwork orange!
Fair enough to point out the "dangers", but please don't be so repetitive. Glad you finally got nit-picking right!.....almost!

#2 Parent Choatle - 2008-05-10
Re: Everybodyelse Beware of the bad hoodlums , just "Silverboy, Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills..

Ginger if my purpose was to entertain you, or be creative, I would. However my purpose is not to insult, or entertain, only to point out the predictability of other peoples idiocy. If something is idiotic it is that, need I find other words to describe a thing that seems to never change? Let me promise you this, if you, and other others like you, change your nit picking insecure attacking of those like me, who are trying to help others by warning them of what is out there, I'll change my analysis of your words, agreed. Until then, I expect you'll see the same words popping up to describe the same thing. You want a broader vocab in regards to assessing your opinions and those of others, broaden your own way of looking at and commenting on things. Moronic is moronic, if I thought we were in 2nd grade and being judged by who can come up with the most clever insults, well, I'm sure you would win hands down. Let's also remember the person who feels the need to be the most clever at insulting others has massive inferiority issues, and likely was the biggest loser in second grade. Bravo, you win ;) Bye bye.

#3 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-05-10
Re: Everybodyelse Beware of the bad hoodlums , just "Silverboy, Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills..

Hey Robert, if you feel the need to say your not a lackey of Frank Zhang, than logic dictates you probably are.

That's some logic, alright!!

lacket's,.........lovely word, that!

retard...simpleton...idiotic fool.....What and idiot......meathead.....get a brain...get a clue...get lost...moron

Choatle, old son, could you please check a dictionary and find a few, new epithets? Your posts are becoming predictable and boring.. Please??

#4 Parent Choatle - 2008-05-09
Re: Everybodyelse Beware of the bad hoodlums , just "Silverboy, Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills..

Hey Robert, if you feel the need to say your not a lackey of Frank Zhang, than logic dictates you probably are.

As for having the guts to post all my personal info online, are you a retard? Besides the simple problem of identity theft and the pain in the ass it would be with everyone and anyone calling you or coming to your home, for lord knows what reason, frank has made it quite clear he will send lacket's, like you, to attack and beat up the person who does. Or he will have thgem arrested. You simpleton, idiotic fool, try reading some of the past posts by Frank Zhang before you come on here making such retarded idiotic statements, unless your just trying to stir the pot and be a "troll". What and idiot.

By the way meat head, where is Franks personal info, he, unlie us, is supposed to be a Legit business, his info should be up for anyone and everyone to see. Get a brain, get a clue, and then get lost. Moron.

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