Return to Index › want to say something about frank
#1 Parent Smokey - 2008-05-15
Re: want to say something about frank

And you better go back to school before calling yourself a "teacher"!

#2 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-05-14
Re: want to say something about frank

Wrong again, zou gou.
Don't know the man. Never heard of him before this place.

But his posts do at least make a lot more sense and hold a lot more truth than the ones that get dictated to you.

#3 Parent An English teacher - 2008-05-14
Re: want to say something about frank

Another stupid and infantile joke of Edward from Canada.
Don`t you think we had enough of your wit ? Use the website of Raoul Duke for your ridiculous postings. He is a fan of yours...

#4 Parent An English teacher - 2008-05-14
Re: want to say something about frank

Go back to the kindergarten, Edward or Beckham Clinton ! That is the right place for you...

#5 Parent Emperor - 2008-05-13
Re: want to say something about frank

You talking about Frank Zhang?
He in South Korea was?
Maybe, he from China escape must and Korean government officials is bribing now?
Always the same "good", old Zhang....

#6 Parent Alin Buuer - 2008-05-13
Re: want to say something about frank

"Eddy Robbins" wrote: "Frank Zhang has helped many bad guys"

It's the first thing he's ever said that I agreed with...Frank HAS helped many bad guys. Starting with himself, of course.

#7 Parent Mr. Beckham Clinton - 2008-05-13
Re: want to say something about frank

Ai yo!
No, I no have Gramda, Shirk, or Pui Galone. I only Mr. Beckham Clinton, nice American mans from Autraila, teach in just-like-heavin Shanxi Province. No have drinkings, no have pervert, no eat the bad drag like harroin, only work hard for helpy studenter and keep hellths.

I only say for nice thing in Mr. Frank Zhang! Oh, she so good mans! He have many helpy for me, be my big benefacial many time. Thanks of Mr. Frank Zhang, I make almose 3500 RMB every monther, can buy so nice almost-new VCD plays boxer, eat pig-bloood steam dampling every day, liver like Kinger to Shanxi Province!

I have some agree, Mr. Frank Zhang should only reading adultery on this wabsiter, too busy for make world better have read bad childy hoolidlum wanker mans. Someday, I hope Mr. Frank Zhang can win big many importants Noball Prizer!

Mr. Beckham Clinton, only having one.

#8 Parent Sherlock Holmes - 2008-05-13
Re: want to say something about frank


Are you not Grandma, Shark, Puxi Galore and Beckham Clinton ?
What do you try to prove, man ? Are not half woman,half man in this case?
How old are you, Edward or Edwarda ?

#9 Parent Eddy Robbins - 2008-05-13
Re: want to say something about frank

There are many " bad west people ". I was one of them.
But, I have to agree with the serious posters. Frank Zhang has helped many bad guys, including me.
Thank you, Frank Zhang !

#10 Parent Alin Buuer - 2008-05-13
Re: want to say something about frank

Bad west people?

Hmmmm, let's see....Nowiski, must be from Okinawa, right?

But sure, anyone who can get a job teaching English for someone who types "surport" 3 TIMES in a very short post can't be a complete Bozo.

So he SHOULD be "surported"....assuming "surport" is a verb meaning "put out of business, and made to pay for his crimes with a hefty prison sentence."

#11 Parent Aurelia Firman - 2008-05-13
Re: want to say something about frank

edward ???? hello, are you just B G that did evildoing in Seoul and was droven off by seoul government?

#12 Parent Edward - 2008-05-13
Re: want to say something about frank

Frank Zhang is the worst recruiter in the world ~ period. Short and sweet.

Pekoma Nowiski - 2008-05-12
want to say something about frank

hi, frank, don't care for those bad west people's lies and your own business, good people never trust those west thugs and bird fanciers.
so you don't need to worry about that. they maybe are fugitives to be hidden in some part of the world. frank, we all surport you. we will call many othe west people to surport you.

Surport Frank Zhang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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