Return to Index › Mr Frank Zhang
#1 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-05-16
Re: Mr Frank Zhang

Frank Zhang is an excellent man doing an excellent job!
Yes,I have got to praise myself indeed!

#2 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-05-14
Re: Mr Frank Zhang

Yo, I'd much rather look like a street sweeper than a crook. Or a crook's obedient sock puppet.

As if you had much idea what I look like anyway, chump.

#3 Parent english teacher - 2008-05-14
Re: Mr Frank Zhang

hi, Jonathan, you are 100% a gentleman. Frank Zhang is a vast good service man. his service is always so useful and professional. we also love all he ever did for us.

we are alan and liziat from south america. we are ready to conact frank zhang again for another new school. he helped us last year.

#4 Parent An English teacher - 2008-05-14
Re: Mr Frank Zhang


You need to see a psychiatrist not others ! You may need an endocrinologist as well: Grandma, Shark, Beckham Clinton and Puxi Galore.
Who can call you a decent and professional teacher ? Your friend, Raoul Duke ? He looks like a street sweeper indeed... What was your job before, Edward Robbins ? Are you a former bartender ? ( from the bad language used on this forum )

#5 Parent Sang Xing - 2008-05-13
Re: Mr Frank Zhang

Frank's professional help?
Do you mean like he's finally seeeing a psychiatrist or an endocrinologist or a bail bondsman or something?

#6 Parent Edward J. Socct - 2008-05-13
Re: Mr Frank Zhang

hi, here is so busy jollification.

I support Frank Zhang too. Frank Zhang is a very good man. Although he never helps me, but my friends told me he was a good man.

#7 Parent Rose - 2008-05-13
Re: Mr Frank Zhang

HILARIOUS! Definitely and deliciously hilarious!!!!! I like Frank Zhang.........I more like his professional help.

#8 Parent callmefred - 2008-05-13
Re: Mr Frank Zhang

Gosh Allen, I admire your style and example.

Pity that some of the other semi-literate knockers of everyone and everything cannot write in such an effective yet amusing way, and without resorting to crass insults and language best suited to the gutter.

May your house prosper.

#9 Parent Eddy Robbins - 2008-05-13
Re: Mr Frank Zhang


You are right. He is a good Chinese recruiter, if not the best. I can`t agree more...

#10 Parent Allen Zhang - 2008-05-13
Re: Mr Frank Zhang

Mr. Jonathan,

You seem to have slipped into a parallel anti-matter universe where everything is inverted from the state seen in normal (for us) positive-matter realms. For those of us with positively-charged protons etc. etc. etc., Mr. Frank is seen as a major vicious dishonest weasel who would sell his own grandmother into slavery if it made him a quick buck.

We have teams of physicists working now to try and help you cross back over.

In the meantime...try to not touch anything.

Jonathan - 2008-05-13
Mr Frank Zhang

Concerning Mr. Frank Zhang, I have only the highest admiration for Mr. Frank and have always found him to be efficient, diligent, kind and attentive. He has a huge and invaluable resource of clients and contacts throughout China. I can recommend him wholeheartedly.

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