Return to Index › jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university
#1 Parent U N Bekannt - 2008-07-10
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

No, the place is bad, and all the teachers have problems in this school, and Shuai blatantly misuses his power so as to cream off the teachers. The students are great, they really are. There is no open honest dealings with these people...and sadly they let the place down by means of their actions and give china a bad name.

#2 Parent Ken - 2008-06-22
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

As an FAO at Jiujuiang "University", S S is one of the most hated men among the FTs there.
He is used to threaten people, manipulate pay (arbitrary deductions from FTs salaries which he puts into his own pocket), finding many reasons not to pay the flight expenses at the end of a contract period, entering the apartments of FTs without their permission, involved in physical fights with FTs, and there are many other stories like that.

Academic standards at Jiujiang "University" are poor,in fact poorer than at other Chinese colleges and universities, the leadership is a corrupt bunch of people that are better avoided altogether!

Jiujiang "University" and its affiliated schools are places to be avoided by all means, do not go there and do not waste your time and money in getting a job there.

#3 Parent Ken - 2008-06-22
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

If we are talking about the same fat and tall Canadian, then he has no degree despite any contrary claims he may make these days. The Canadian one had a fight with the FAO before Shuai - this former FAO`s English nickname was "David" (real name is Chen or Cheng, I do not clearly remember).
All I know that when I was there a lot of cheat was going on - from fake electricity and other bills to not paying flight money and other allowances. I guess these FAO guys were pocketing all that money themselves.
It is a crap place although I also found the students to be great.
There was an English lady working there by the name of Fiona. Do you know whether she is still around?

#4 Parent Jeff Kymer - 2008-06-22
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

My name is Jeff Kymer. I have worked in Jiujiang University and found it to be one of the best places I worked in Jiangxi. The only reason I did not continue to work there is that I wanted more money than they were prepared to pay.
The teachers I have worked with there were generally happy. In fact, many have been working there for a number of years.
While there, they were open and honest with their dealings with me. Though we did not always agree I found them willing to negotiate.
Please contact people that are working there if you want a level-headed impression of the place.
I do know the people mentioned in the previous post. This is the opposite of what I know of them. I am sorry if the person who is posting these had problems.

#5 Parent kyle smith - 2008-06-01
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

No, as far as I know he has a law degree? says he has studied for 13 years???? says he has chemistry, geography and maths degrees????

But its realy odd, the good teachers go or are forced to go, and the shit teachers, like Smith stay, turning up to class drunk, hitting students, and being involved in all sorts of scams involving money. All the teachers have differant contracts, all treated differantly. There should be one contract for all, but they dont use it. They are corrupt from top to bottom. Nich used to be the foreign office person dealing with the foreigners, but now its Shuai, and when he doesnt get his own way, he uses all manner of threats, military (as you know), police, governmental etc. Even making threats against their lives, well being, and threats to ruin their teaching careers. These matters have been passed on to their affilate Universities in England and in Europe.

In a posting of 2007 muhhamand spoke of all these details, even as the university is government run they do cheat foreigners, flight money, travel allowance, holiday pay, electricity, and the bills they are presented are not official state grid bills, just bits of paper with the amount on. A teacher was forced to pay 3000 yuan, I wouldnt even pay that in England for a years supply, and china is supposed to be cheap, so what is shuais game and where is the money going to???whos pocket is it going into.

The british embassy have been alerted, and its better if people just stayed away and did not come here. Save themselves the pain, and their embassies the effort too.

The students are great, but being short changed in their education, they are not getting the best, but getting what and who Shuai likes, and Shuai likes people that will turn a blind eye, do what he wants, pay him what he wants, and say nothing to the authorities, but did all he could to avoid trouble with the authorities. He has had trouble with foreign teachers before as well as the police. Keep away. Dont go there.

#6 Parent Ken - 2008-05-28
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

Hi, the Canadian you are talking about -is he a big and fat guy and has no degree but a TEESl cert?
If so,then I know him.
Has he become Shuais little dog?
What be interesting to know.....

#7 Parent U. N Bekannt - 2008-05-28
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

They are into drugs, alchol, and the teacher in question is allowed to stay because he is Shuai's little dog. Being drunk in class in front of students, hiiting students. He writes reports on all the teachers and gives it to Shuai. Shuai charges the teachers electricity at a premium, gives no receipt and no official bill from chinese state grid - he just pockets it, so work it out 25x1000 each semester, then pocketing the travel and holiday money, he and this canadian teacher are making some serious money... and the government do little about it. He has free reign to do as he pleases. He has now a new ploy, employing indian teachers to teach english for 2500 yaun a month, and he pockets the rest, as the contract he offers the teachers differs from the one he offers the University, and the contracts have no power, they keep changing just like the wind, and this guy will make military, political and governmental threats to get his way and hold on to power. This is only the tip of the iceberg of what is going on.
Advice? yes, stay away, save yourselves the grief, pain and your Embassy a great deal of time, pain and worry, dont go there, keep away from this school. It is really very, very dangerous and they are corrupt from top to bottom, you can even disappear as Shuai threatens, and these threats are very real. STAY AWAY. KEEP CLEAR. DONT GO THERE. BE WARNED.

#8 Parent Ken - 2008-05-21
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

I agree, unbekannt (unknown) that the post in question may be a fake post by Shuai or one of his co-workers in the FAO at Jiujiang "University".
They are crap anyway!

#9 Parent u.n. bekannt - 2008-05-18
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

this is a fake reply, written by shuai, and none of these details are written in the contract.
they take money for electricity and pocket the money, the same as travel allowance is pocketted.
I wasnt taken to the Police department, I went myself and they launched an this person that wrote this mail is a fake and knows something about the situation and wants to cover up.....big mistake shuai.

#10 Parent T. Eacher - 2008-05-18
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

I taught at Jiujiang University and had the same problems....and Shuai, he is a real rat, very dangerous, and will do anything. Many teachers have left beause of him, he is violent, and has problems holding his drink.
He is into some scam with a Canadian teacher, recruitingteachers, and somehow the holiday and travel moneys are pocketed. The Apartments are infested with rats, and they dont care to do anything about it. The have problems in keeping thier teachers....maybe by the postings you can see why, and its all to do with shuai and the way he is running the place with an iron fist. My advice is keep away from here, dont go, searh out reputable institutions, this is not one of them. Shuai is a crook, and as the poster said, a meglomaniac, and yeah that Canadian has a real alcohol problem....stay away.

#11 Parent Ken - 2008-05-18
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

Anyway, it sounds like a crap school, and that is a good enough reason to stay away from it.

#12 Parent Ken - 2008-05-17
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

I know that place and I also know Shuai. He is/was the FAO there, right?
Pretty bad place anyway; the problems between most FTs nd that School started when it came to paying for flights at the end of the contract period.
The people running that school are megalomanicas and know nothing about education (they were in the Chinese army before),so stay away from that school by all means!

#13 Parent Helen - 2008-05-17
Re: jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

I was a teacher at Jiujiang number 5 middle school in 2004-2005. I had a modern flat and a good contract ( three full paid vacations ). The school is placed in the centre of the city and teachers live on campus. Most foreigners worked two years at this school at least. Foreigners are treated with much respect and consideration and salaries + benefits are paid on time.
What have you done wrong there ? Why did they take you to the police department ?
According to your level of English ( no writing rules ), may I ask you, what was your job before ? Do you have any degrees ?
The situation is a little different at Jiujiang university. The campus is very far from the city. The apartments are nice but the contract is bad ( no paid vacations and in June and January when students have exams, foreigners get half of their salaries.All these details are written in their contract.
Why did you sign such a contract ? Who forced you to go there ? I assume that Mary Cao, Kyle Smith and Nick are working at Jiujiang university. I have never heard these names at number 5 middle school.

hank roberts - 2008-05-16
jiuijiang - No5 Middle school or jiujiang university

Dont go near No5 Middle school or jiujiang university. Dont touch them. They are not only living of the backs of foreigners but working the books and presenting foreign teachers with bills and pocekting the money themselves. and if the teacher wants to leave they are threatened with the police, arrest, assault, ruined career.
Dont go into any deal with samuel shuai, dont go into any deals with these schools. Steer clear. He also uses a canadian to recruit, and he is in on the scam. Be warned. Dont do it. And if you go to the Police or any ofthe authorities they will come out on top....chinese saving face routine, and sadly, this is not the real china, these people are what give it a bad name. The students are great though.
Samuel shuai, Mary Cao, Kyle Smith, Nick,....avoid them like the plague, you will also not get your passport back.

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