Return to Index › Re: chongqing united foreign inst. ,chongqing
#1 Parent callmefred - 2008-05-19
Re: chongqing united foreign inst. ,chongqing

Next, "outta" is not Standard English, and "ya" is neither. In brief,go back to school before lecturing others - you are no better!

The use of non-standard English is perfectly acceptable providing it is done knowingly and in a humorous fashion.

Knowingly.......that's an interesting word. Look it up, you won't find it in the non-existent 'callmefred's dictionary' which is anyway purely of your invention to cover up the embarrassment of being found out trying to wriggle out of one of your mistakes.

'Knowingly' is a concept that you could adhere to if you wished, but I doubt that given your previous form you ever will.

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