Return to Index › Western Pacific College - ESL school review
#1 Parent Wendy - 2008-05-20
Re: Western Pacific College - ESL school review

To The ESL Teacher

Who are you? You should at least identify yourself and give an email address. Maybe what you have is true but I feel that what you have to say could be backed up with a true email address so if someone wanted to reply directly to you could do so without the heckling of some of the negetive posters here.

#2 Parent ESL Teacher - 2008-05-19
Re: Western Pacific College - ESL school review

I am a teacher at Columbia School of English, formerly Western Pacific College. I can personally attest to the fact that the owners of this school care about the students and the school. They are providing English education at a much lower cost than a lot of other private schools. The program has undergone many changes recently and has improved a lot. The first change was to prepare for national accreditation by hiring only teaching faculty who have Master's degrees in TESOL. They also made the program fit for each student, by providing students a way to either take every course in a full program, or have a program designed just for them. Is the school perfect? No, but it has certainly come a long way! They continue to make changes for the better, so stick might just find the school much improved upon taking a second look!

Jane Singally - 2007-05-31
Western Pacific College - ESL school review

This is a bad bad school. Don't go here. They do not know what they are doing. The school is runned by to koreans who know nothing about teahing english. They also do not care about students, only money. They lie about how good the school is. They call it a oollege but it is not a real college.

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