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#1 Parent I-AM - 2012-05-16
Re: Thai-American International School

I was one of the victims of that convicted pedophile in this is surprising that this disgraceful school is still operating at least 3 years since the day JUSTICE will be satisfied...the victims will be avenged

#2 Parent alarmed - 2009-10-22
Re: Thai-American International School

A little late I know - but allow me to warn anyone of this place.
1. The owner and current administrators "bought" their degrees from degree mills in the USA.
2. The owner threatened several of his former staff that they better leave the country or he was going to put drugs in their house - then proceeded to call the police to escort his employees off the premises.
3. The owner knowingly harbored and protected a pedophile wanted by the US FBI and the Royal Thai Police.
4. The owner physically assaulted another staff member in the office.
5. The owner makes it very clear he goes to the Philippines every year to hire unqualified teachers - then proceeds to confiscate their passports, until they work for him.
6. The owner clearly bribes his way in to the MOE.
7. Ask them what the MOE told them about their proposed expansion in the country?
8. This school will never be approved by any accreditation agency that they can not bribe or pay.
Your same "super principal" has a "special" relationship with her boss - ask her about it some time.
I warn anyone - teachers or student - not to have anything to do with this place - you will be left with nothing when they are finished with you.
Good Luck

#3 Parent luis - 2008-07-20
Re: Thai-American International School

i agree.... it is a scrap school........

Jay Langlois - 2008-05-30
Thai-American International School

Thai-American is a growing international school in Pathum Thani Province. It has been run by a superb director and Principal since early 2007. She at the beginning of her tenure replaced a number of highly scurrilous rogues, including a former director who was released for extensive fraud waste and abuse of the school. Upon ascending to the directorship, she quickly replaced this sordid cast of characters with fully qualified teachers holding verifiable degrees from authentic universities. Thankfully all the "khao san road scholars" are a part of the past at TAIS. Thai-American is now a fully MOE certified International School, and currently a candidate for NCA/CITA certification from the United States. The teachers at TAIS are a mix of US graduates with US state education certification (3) and several Filipino veteran educators that are only hired with at least 5 years education experience in Thailand or the RP. Our Math teacher in particular has received numerous accolades from parents who have seen their kids' math scores rise consistently. Although the school is in no way on par with the American curriculums at ASB or ISB, the superb tuition costs for the students puts TAIS in the affordability level of the average Thai middle class family. TAIS uses this affordability to to bring pedagogical parity to the neighborhood families in search of a quality International program.
TAIS being a fairly new school continues to renovate its infrastructure and expand its facilities to encompass new technology and services for its students. I personally worked at TAIs for almost a year while taking a nice vacation from government schools in Korea. I can personally attest that "Pagano's" (a pseudonym) remarks were simply that of one of the former Khao San Road denizons that lounged about here in a former regime. Neither TAIS as well as the new Thai government MOE directives allow room any more for these kind of questionable Khao San Road undesirables in Thailand Schools these days. You can be assured that TAIS is truly a quality international school with regard to its tuition costs in Pathum Thani Province today. Your child will truly enjoy the current TAIS "family setting" that this school has to offer you.

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