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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-07
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

Can you tell everyone who this bod is? Would give you more credibility.

It's not up to me to name names- we must all do as our conscience allows us to do. I shouldn't really have mentioned something gleaned from the grapevine-am I right or am I right?

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-07
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

You may think I am being far-fetched but I notice one bod on the forum who used to say all training centres are the work of the devil and should be demolished, has indeed gorn over to the dark-side and now working for a dreaded TC. Hahaha-all good fun though.

Can you tell everyone who this bod is? Would give you more credibility.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-06
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian


In Response To: Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian (Foxy)

I think it is a good school. I worked there for one term. They treated every foreign teacher equally and respectly. Also there had a good living condition.

What's going on, please, you have just nonchalantly answered a 2008 post in support of Foxy Poster. A lot can change in five years; people change their minds, for all you know foxy may have changed his position, and now thinks the place a shit hole. Turnoi the that-time arch enemy of Yuncheng ielts may now look favourably on the school as an oasis of fine learning. You may think I am being far-fetched but I notice one bod on the forum who used to say all training centres are the work of the devil and should be demolished, has indeed gorn over to the dark-side and now working for a dreaded TC. Hahaha-all good fun though.

#4 Parent blue - 2013-05-06
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

I think it is a good school. I worked there for one term. They treated every foreign teacher equally and respectly. Also there had a good living condition.

#5 Parent Choatle - 2008-06-04
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

Actually you have your information dead wrong, learn to do some actual research before you begin fear mongering. The restrictions now in place for F and L visas will only be in effect until October 17th, at which point everything will return to normal.

Also, you can still get a 3 month F visa in Honk Kong, through a travel agency, though it is pretty costly, 1,900, and the visa requires the person holding it to exit the country once a month.

As for Yuncheng Ielts, they are a crap recruiter, who regularly abuses their teachers, pay's very low salaries, while pocketing most of the cash for themselves. I am glad to hear that Yuncheng is finally doing something about them, though it is all being forced by the Goverment. The local Governemnt is still corrupt I am sure, but they can't help The Ielts nightmare A holes anymore, so bravo.

This place is a real plague, they rarely if ever supply the Z visas they promised, get you 3 month crappo F visas, that you end up paying for out of your own pocket, a tidy sum at the end of a year. Best to steer clear of these bums, reams of info has been posted on line blasting these fools and their mickey mouse operation. Just stay away.

#6 Parent Foxy - 2008-06-04
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

Yuncheng IELTS School has had to cancel contracts with some schools and colleges in Yuncheng and its associated counties.That was due to Yuncheng foreign affairs office no longer issuing and/or renewing quarterly F visas,or no longer replacing L visas by F visas, for teaching purposes.What's more,aspiring foreign teachers in mainland China with L visas can no longer get Z visas from Hongkong or any Chinese visa office located outwith their home countries,despite production of letters of invitation authorized by the provincial government.
Given that many Chinese schools and colleges only offer around 8000 Yuan air fare reimbursement for a 10-month teaching contract,it's clear that the new visa regulations discriminate against foreigners with L visas living in China wishing to become foreign teachers in China.
Those foreign teachers who are working or have worked for the company on F visas more often than not have no university degrees.As a result,Taiyuan foreign affairs office wouldn't issue letters of invitation for Z visas to such unqualified foreigners.But the F visa alternative is now a thing of the past.So is the conversion of an L to a Z inside China;I'm fortunate enough to have such a rarity in my passport!
Strange that the Chinese foreign affairs bureau has made it more difficult for Chinese employers to recruit foreign teachers at a time when the demand for foreign teachers has rocketed.The mind boggles!

#7 Parent Foxy - 2008-04-16
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

If you are a foreigner with a Chinese wife and you choose to work illegally with an L visa,Yuncheng IELTS School will sign a contract with you.
Now that's exactly what I needed,and the company has done exactly that.
So,it has a role to play in Shanxi for me and the like!

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