Return to Index › Alice from Zibo Global Language School
#1 Parent whocares - 2008-06-06
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School

Again you prove that English is an incomprehensible language for you. As for white being a color, that's debatable. It depends on who you're talking to, but some would say white is the absence of color. Others would say the opposite; that is, that black is the absence of color. Still others would explain that colors don't exist at all - or that what we perceive as color is really an ocular manifestation dependent on electromagnetic energy. But who cares?

As for people of color, or in this case "teachers of color," it is an American expression that defines non-whites and is non-derogatory. So, as for there being something with my language, as you claim, it is simply a manner of your lacking the sophisticated language skills you would like to believe you have but simply cannot admit you don't have. On the other hand, I'm always willing to learn. So, if there's something you feel I need to learn in terms of communicative or linguistic competence, please feel free to enlighten me.

#2 Parent Turnpi - 2008-06-06
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School

You wrote:
Are all teachers of color capable of giving good education? No. Are all whites? No.


"white(s)" vs. "color"? I have always thought that white is a "color" as well.
There is something with your language... but "who cares"?!

#3 Parent who cares - 2008-06-04
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School

First, let's be perfectly clear about something. ESL (English as a Second Language) is not taught in China. EFL (English as a Foreign Language) is taught in China. The distinction is important for various reasons, but generally speaking they are very dissimilar.
Secondly, if you think foreign teachers are not tarnishing the image of the EFL system in China, you're walking around with blinders on. A huge percentage of "teachers," as has been noted in this forum in multiple posts, make very little effort to improve the quality of English education here, and instead blame everyone but themselves. As for racism, you'll have to elaborate on that before I can agree or disagree or even comment about it, as your meaning is far from clear. Does racism exist in terms of hiring practices? Decidedly so. But how does that apply to the question of whether or not foreign teachers are tarnishing the image?
Can teachers of color be effective educators? Absolutely. Should teachers of color be given preferential treatment? No. Are all teachers of color capable of giving good education? No. Are all whites? No. Should everyone care? Yes. Don't let the alias throw you off. I do give a damn about the students here. I don't give a damn about stupid forum names.

#4 Parent to whocares - 2008-05-22
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School

I think you are wrong to say that some foreign teachers are tarnishing the image of ESL system in China.At this point i think this can only stop when our students,parents and school leaders will keep away racism and move forward to merit.For,i don't think i can really teach Chinese in another country when i'm not educated.
There are many good teachers out there and forget about color.We are here to give good education to your children
and not a show.WE SHOULD CARE.

#5 Parent whocares - 2008-05-21
Re: Alice from Zibo Global Language School

There is a school called Zibo that should be avoided. Probably good advice from Eric. Private schools are notoriously evil.

On the other hand, there is a pretend teacher named Eric whose writing skills are a sure indication of his unsuitability as a teacher. He should probably be avoided. His defenders, however, will focus all the blame on the school without acknowledging that there is, indeed, a plethora of pretend teachers in China whose employment is based on anything and everything but their English skills.

Yes, so many private schools are culpable in that they are the ones doing the hiring, but what right minded individual would choose to pass themselves off as a teacher when they know they are participating in a scam? I suggest that there is a sure litmus test: If you wouldn't or couldn't be hired in your own country as an ESL teacher, then what qualifies you to be an EFL teacher in China?

I imagine that there are some teachers in this forum who would answer the above question by positing that one's writing skills are not important as long as he/she can model the language effectively as Oral English teachers. Perhaps that's a suitable answer; however, I can't help but imagine that such teachers do more harm than good in the long run. Moreover, I fear that they will continue to damage the already tarnished image of foreign teachers in China.

Eric - 2008-05-21
Alice from Zibo Global Language School

There is a school I use to work for it is Called Zibo Global Language School.It is in Shangdong Province.Where do you want me to start?
They promise you all these things and do not live up to there end of the contract.We will get you a better apartment.A friend of mine that still works there had to threaten them that he was leaving to get his refrigerator fixed and washing machine.One of the other teachers there had to threaten to leave if they did not give her the money they owed her.

They do not pay there bills on time.When I was working there I lost power twice due to them not paying there bills.One of the teachers there can not even get his water fixed it leaks like Niagra Falls.
There is only a couple people I talk to at this school anymore since I left this nightmear.Most of the chinese teachers say one thing and mean something else.90 Percent of the chinese teachers there speak english very poorly.This school says that all the foreign teachers are bad.
So if you want a headache go and work for this school.

ZIBO GLOBAL LANGUAGE SCHOOL IS A TERRIABLE PLACE TO WORK SO STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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