Return to Index › Re: frank zhang, useful teacher agent for most people
#1 Parent Sang Xing - 2008-06-07
Re: frank zhang, useful teacher agent for most people

My God!

The sheer...GALL of this man. This post takes the whole thing from a cross between "pathetic" and "hilarious", to a new low of disgusting.
He's just once again using the misery of other people for his own benefit. Frank is no more rescuing people in Sichuan than I am the Queen of Norway.

Wait...maybe I AM the Queen of Norway. may have a sardine.

No...definitely not the Queen of Norway.
Frank definitely not doing heroic things in Sichuan.
Shanghai government definitely not sending this little greaseball anywhere, except hopefully someday to a labor camp.

What a terrible insult such a claim is to, well, pretty much everyone, really.

#2 Parent Edward - 2008-05-31
Re: frank zhang, useful teacher agent for most people

Frank rescuing people!? HA. Even Frank himself knows that his specialty is getting people in the hottest pot of water they've ever been into. The fact that he'd say this hogwash on a public forum reveals his true lack of empathy for other humans.

#3 Parent Jolly Old fellow - 2008-05-30
Re: frank zhang, useful teacher agent for most people

Zhang, go to hell!
You are a deceiver, and I have seen you in Shanghai yesterday. Why are you pretending to be in Chengdu?
Are you waiting for another earthquake to kill you?
You would do many of us a great favor!

#4 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-05-28
Re: frank zhang, useful teacher agent for most people

Hello, Becuase of the big earthquake, I was send to Sichuan to rescue people by Shanghai Government. I am still in Chengdu now.

Please stop making stories or pranks to insult Chinese people. Or I will send you to jail.

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