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#1 Parent Buster the Ghost - 2008-06-08
Re: Hilarious! Priceless!

You're welcome, Bob, and many thanks for the unique clarity and understanding you demonstrated by laughing in the first place.

#2 Parent Allen Zhang - 2008-06-08
Re: Mr. Frank Zhang Have Many Benefactor For me!

I must moves me so much to hear accounts from all these "different" Western women, all literally crying tears of joy and gratitude over Mr. Frank Zhang. It's developing into a very impressive record!

And the stories are all so similar- many details are pretty much identical, even down to the sloppy English abuse.

This tells me that that ol' rascal Frank must have him a girl in every city in China, nudge nudge. You sly devil you! I may start buying hotels for girls myself and see if I can get a little luckier.

But, seriously, I have to say that any school willing to drive you and your bags all the way from the little pied-a-terre Frank bought you, all the way to your new school housing, could only be an ethical, honest, rock-solid place to work and could only pay you an extremely attractive salary and benefit package.


#3 Parent Maurice Chevalier - 2008-06-08
Re: Mr. Frank Zhang Have Many Benefactor For me!

Ah, Aurelie, mon cherie, your Eengleeesh...eet has zees ne sais quoi...Chinois charaictair about eet. Pairhaps you are ze Chinese pairson? And not so terribly bright?

Sacre bleu, I seeenk you are pairhaps ze Franque Zhang heemself, which esplains ze Eengleesh terrible, and ze behaiviour cette un moron. Zut alors!

But as I read zees poste, certainement, ze tears, zey come to my eyes. Eet is so like ze beetair-sweet humair of ze Jairry Lewise!

#4 Parent Aurelia Firman - 2008-06-08
Re: Mr. Frank Zhang Have Many Benefactor For me!

kindly to kind people here,

Don't trust those terrorists who pretended to be a "good" teacher but in fact are a gang of whoremasters and thugs. Because of being jealous of Frank Zhang's good business, they wanted to supplant the famous Frank Zhang. they have done this on very filthy and stigmatic purpose that will never been prevailed.
My name is Aurelia Firman, I am from Paris, France. I ever got a very good job from his team, it is unbelievable when i saw that gang was trying to damage Frank Zhang's reputation via various beingless stories. i hope them to stop doing this stupid, or everybody esle will be angry with them.

#5 Parent Julia - 2008-06-08
Re: Mr. Frank Zhang Have Many Benefactor For me!

Yes, I am sure that Mr. Frank Zhang is my super star. I visited him and her wife in Shanghai. When I flew to Shanghai, he picked me up at airport in the deep night of 24th,Aug last year. He treated me to a good dinner and helped me buy a hotel.

On the next day, He gave me a very good job in Jiangsu Institute of Technology in Huaiyin city. the administration officials of HIT came to my hotel and helped me move to the university campus by car. i got a very good apartment on campus on the same day.

I really want to thank Mr. Frank Zhang. when i say this, my tears already came to my eyes.

You can contact me or contact the University direclty to ask everything. Both I and the University like Frank Zhang very much.

#6 Parent BigAppleBob - 2008-06-08
Hilarious! Priceless!

Aurilia Firburgers posting is priceless on a number of levels. Apparently, Frank Zhang is not only busy creating new aliases for himself, but he is also (according to Aurilia) quite the super stud!!! Indeed! Aurelia claims to have so many families. Huh? Is this the work of the superman Frank Zhang as well? Based on her writing skill, yeah good ol Frank must be quite the super force to be able to convince employers that Aurilia is a qualified English teacher.

This reaction is based solely on the abstract presented on the main page. Once I read the the entire post, its quite obvious the whole thing is a huge joke. To the ghost writer for Aurilia, a thousand thanks for the laughs! Its a real work of art and exactly what Frank Zhang richly deserves!


#7 Parent Aurelia Firman - 2008-06-08
Re: Mr. Frank Zhang Have Many Benefactor For me!

Yes, I am sure that Mr. Frank Zhang is my super star. I visited him and her wife in Shanghai. When I flew to Shanghai, he picked me up at airport in the deep night of 24th,Aug last year. He treated me to a good dinner and helped me buy a hotel.

On the next day, He gave me a very good job in Jiangsu Institute of Technology in Huaiyin city. the administration officials of HIT came to my hotel and helped me move to the university campus by car. i got a very good apartment on campus on the same day.

I really want to thank Mr. Frank Zhang. when i say this, my tears already came to my eyes.

You can contact me or contact the University direclty to ask everything. Both I and the University like Frank Zhang very much.

Aurilia Firburger - 2008-06-08
Mr. Frank Zhang Have Many Benefactor For me!

I am native speaks from Belarus, having so many families in beautiful city of Kiev.

I only want for say Thank You for Mr. Frank Zhang, he is big slavior and super stud for me. She have many helps when I having so terrible problem!

I work in big Kiev compay, but one day I have the fires because big important managler mans say I steel moneys! I am not steel moneys, am so hanest womans, but still lose job like fry squird in ho0t cooker oils. I have so many crys, I almost wreck beautiful Benz car on Kiev Belarus street! I no can find new job, since I no even have the graduals from juner middle schools.

No having jobs, I can only have drinkings. Every day drink so much glasses white whine! Sell Benz car, sell the alls, but still need more money for drinings. Soon I turn for crimea! I now steel so many value things- rice coookers, VCD palyer, Boddha startue, copy of so wonderfuls Lu Xun story, bambooze bed comfort pap- any things can help buy more bai jiu, forget troubles.

But soon big importznt police mans know I have the steels, come for finder me, so I run away, go to neighber country Amrenia next for Belarus. So now I in Amrenia city Tblisi, no friend, no money, big drinks porblem, have sicks, no have nice Benz car. What am I for doing? Maybe sell body, especially to big strong rich impotent China business visit mans?

I so lucky I see addmerdisements from Mr. Frank Zhang, need nice whitey teech for lovely kindlergratin in beautiful Zhejiang Hangzhou!

Yes, here I some ams today, teach Englirsh in top-rape universtitny in many-desires city of Hefei, in nature Anhui provincial. Mr. Frank Zhang helps me coming China from Ammonia; help me find so good so big apartmint, cronvenernt for shop, restraunt, cadminum smelter factory; and also give me more from 2400 RMB pro monther for only 50 teech houls in one weeks! He also my good fiend, call the oftens, make sure I have all goods, even come spend many weekender for me in exciting 3-stares Hefei hotel, I feel so womans!

Yes, I no having liver today if Mr. Frank Zhang no helps for me. So I say, thank you, Mr. Frank Zhang, for keep me out drinks nasty sexy chiickens-house in terrible Armonia! You my big benefactor mans. All people rise forward to help you fight bad hooligans, creush jelers recrut mans, dead to terrible forign cirmninal, give best good job for good hunest womans in many-healths China industirals city, always have helpy and no take moneys.

Lovey ass allways,
Miss Aurilia Firburger

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