Return to Index › Support Mr. Frank Zhang
#1 Parent Xu Hui - 2008-06-08
Re: Support Mr. Frank Zhang

Dear Mr. Warrets,

Thank you for your post and your unwavering support of Mr. Frank Zhang. We appreciate your efforts in fighting the terrible hooligans, whoremasters, and terrorists who seek to tear down Frank's business and ruin his life! He is, without a doubt, the single biggest benefactor in China.

But I'm confused. You've posted many times, and in every post you split the spelling of your given name between "Daivd" and "David". Which is it, please? I may want to list you as a reference when it's time for Frank to find me that next satisfying and rewarding job.

In return, I'll be glad to help you clarify the spelling of various words built on the word 'support'. You've gotten that wrong every time, too.

Thank you,
Mr. Xu Hui

Daivd Warrets - 2008-06-08
Support Mr. Frank Zhang

Hello, Mr. Frank Zhang, How are you? I am David Warrets, I want to tell everybody You are my super star in China. You are my benefactor. I will never forget your goodwill. thanks again. Anybody that wants to ruin your life is childish and hateable. do your business, we support you, can't stop surpporting you!

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