Return to Index › Frank Zhang, My benefactor, Happy Dragon Boat festival
#1 Parent Julia - 2008-06-11
Frank Zhang, Good-Looking man.

Frank Zhang is a good looking man. Turnoi and Edword are lying to everybody. they don't meet Frank Zhang at all, But I did. Everybody loves him when meething him in person. Obviously, Turnoi (and his another fake name Edword) are liars.

#2 Parent Xu Hui - 2008-06-10
Re: Duanwu jie kuai le (Happy Dragon Boat Festival)

I think you're right. I slipped.

But in this case I like to think it was really the thought that counted anyway...

#3 Parent teacher in china - 2008-06-10
Duanwu jie kuai le (Happy Dragon Boat Festival)

I'm learning Chinese and as far as I know, Happy Dragon Boat Festival is Duanwu Jie Kuai le. But in your post you said "Dong Wu Jie Kuai le". Dongwu means animal in Chinese so I wonder if there's another meaning of Dongwu.

#4 Parent Xu Hui - 2008-06-09
Re: Frank Zhang, My benefactor, Happy Dragon Boat festival

Same here, Frank. Dong Wu Jie Kuai Le!

I hope that on this year's day of days, you are wrapped in bamboo leaves with some sticky rice, tied firmly with string, and heaved into the river so that the fishes will feast upon you, and therefore be distracted from despoiling someone beautiful and noble and worthwhile.

Mazel Tov!

Sami Danguir - 2008-06-09
Frank Zhang, My benefactor, Happy Dragon Boat festival

Hello Frank,

Happy Dragon Boat festival for you and your family !


Sami Danguir
N 18, ZhuJiaLang, ZhongShan Rd (w), Songjiang, Shanghai
P.R.China 201600
Phone : (+86) 21 67717103
Mobile phone: (+86) 13 671 872 393

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