Return to Index › Re: the most helpful teacher agent in Shanghai
#1 Parent JNET - 2008-06-10
Re: the most helpful teacher agent in Shanghai

and you have nothing better to contribute than question others'
noble intention of warning FTs against Frank Zhang? How much did you
gain from this deed?

#2 Parent Mr. Beckham Clinton - 2008-06-09
Re: the most helpful teacher agent in Shanghai

Annnh, Mr. Frank Zhang, you find so many best good teach and send to lovey remote nature area, why not you get one for teachering you some better Englishes? You be better quick!

And I am glad for helps if you want, Im an big blondie American from Autralia with big blue eye, only bests for you!

Mr. Beckham Clinton

#3 Parent Alexander G - 2008-06-09
Re: the most helpful teacher agent in Shanghai

Turnoi, you are jealous of Zhang's good business,So you are keeping insulting him, I am sure!

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