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#1 Parent BigAppleBob - 2008-06-22

These so-called realists in this forum never cease to amaze me. Whenever FTs find something unacceptable, such as working conditions, cheating/lying/corrupt employers, etc., we are constantly bullied by this far-fetched notion that we cannot accept cultural differences. Hooey! Being lied to and cheated, threatened and abused is NOT cultural difference! It is simply rotten behavior no matter which country it takes place in.

Dont be fooled by the expression: China is a developing country, either. Yes, in economic terms is it indeed, a developing nation. There are plenty of poor people in China. However, these poor people are not the owners of English training centers.

These school leaders are being driven around in chauffer-driven limos and living in penthouses, paid for by the sweat and long-hours demanded of Chinese staff and foreign teachers. Dont let these bully posters, these realists shame you into believing you have no right to complain or speak out about the rampant corruption and exploitation (of Chinese and foreigners) in the ESL world of China.

#2 Parent realist - 2008-06-22
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

"our gang of China propagandists would again accuse me of being a China basher. Bit it simply the truth..."

The only truth in your comment above is that you have never in my experience following this forum, done anything but pour out bile, invective, hatred and libellous statements re: China, it's education system, employers and past and present leaders. If that doesn't make you a China basher, what does ?
Bitterness is a hard pill to swallow and it seems to be stuck in your throat. A little self examination of your own past conduct in the PRC would not go amiss. It would I'm certain, provide a more accurate explanation for the picture you paint at every opportunity.

In case you wish to apply one of your favourite labels to me, NO I am not a recruiter, filthy businessman (your words) or a lover of everything Chinese, just a citizen of the world who realised long ago that Nirvana doesn't exist in any country or among any peoples, but nevertheless, get on with the job and sleep well at night.

Have a bad day !

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