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#1 Parent Choatle - 2008-06-26
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

Ignorance is knowing something but choosing to ignore it? Right, ok, whatever you say boyo. ;)

#2 Parent Corbin - 2008-06-25
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

You really are a little troll with nothing constructive to say aren't you?

"Have you ever experienced the world outside the comfort of your own homeand country?" for your information yes I have , I have actually taught English in Japan, and I was considering teaching in other countries.

Obviously you don't even read, because I have already stated that I haven't taught in China. Seriously buddy, read once in a while, you might learn something.

Also you use the words ignorance and naivety (which you spelled wrong by the way) without regard for the definition or context for that matter, for your information - ignorance is knowing something and choosing to ignore it, while naivity is not knowing information and choosing to comment on it anyway. I have not made any claim to knowledge in the conditions of the working environment of China I have been inquisitive, however I have commented on your way of conveying your so called knowledge. There's a huge difference in context that apparently went completely over your head.

Also, you should practice what you preach, I am being open when you, in fact, are the one being close minded and refusing to learn new things. You also draw your conclusions without having any facts whatsoever (again the school in Settsu Japan, that you so readily claimed was China). So really, before you give advice to others look at yourself because when you say things you just sound full of yourself and without any kind of merit whatsoever.

Before I accept any job offer I do research ahead of time, that was the whole point of coming to this website. I have never said anything that would pertain to your job as it seems that you do nothing constructive anyway. Offering reviews is completely voluntary so it is no one's "job". I'm just asking that if you decide to post something actually put some ounce of thought in before you type and think of offering something remotely constructive to any discussion. Or is that too difficult for you?

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