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#1 Parent Choatle - 2008-06-27
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

All I can say to Jerome is I must have hit a nerve to get such a response. :)

#2 Parent Choatle - 2008-06-26
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

Corbin that is perhaps the dumbest thing you have said so far, and that's saying something. That's like saying people who are anti nukes aare as bad as people that are for nukes, or people who are anti terrorism or anti death penalty are just as bad. Wow, your a real dullard.

#3 Parent Jerome - 2008-06-26
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

Lest I be attacked for my typo - "who's" instead of whose - I stand corrected by myself.

#4 Parent Jerome - 2008-06-26
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

Do let's keep in mind that Choatle would find it very difficult to get hired by a reputable university and/or college; therefore, his observations are based solely on his experience with private institutions. Said institutions are staffed mainly by backpack teachers, non-degree holders and misfits who are not qualified to teach elsewhere. When they do manage to find a legitimate position, it's only because they've fallen through the cracks and only managed to stay employed until they're proven by their incompetence in the classroom to be the charlatans that they really are, or when the PSB discovers that they've pulled the wool over the eyes of administrators who's need to satisfy the growing demands for English teachers causes them to temporarily ignore their lack of qualifications.

One needs only examine Choatle's inability to use the simplest of English to realize the truth of the above and that the only, perhaps, suitable employment for her in China is as an Oral English teacher in a pretend English school. Can you imagine her teaching writing at a university? Please.

As for my own self esteem, Choatle, I will measure it by the feedback I get from students and administrators and by the ever increasing amount of responsibilities and pay given me as recognition of my conscientiousness as a teacher and guide to the students at our college. Let your imagination run wild as you cast your dispersions on myself and others; perhaps it somehow diminishes the painful awareness you must deal with as your own incompetence grows more and more obvious to yourself and those around you.

#5 Parent Choatle - 2008-06-26
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

Jerome is a fool, were not here to offer solutions or repair the Chinese education system, this forum is to disseminate information, and to warn people about crap schools and recruiters. Were not on here spouting China is bad, were here commenting specifically on specific situations and events, as well as specific institutions. Therefore, don't come here and try and make others think were some kind of cryers that spout off propoganda against all of China, and that our actions are without direction or purpose. Were not random China bashers, much as you'd like others to believe that is the case. Your words are just plain misleading, and wrong, period.

Also, I don't follow anyone, I do what I think is right, so do Turnoi and Silverboy most of the time, in that our purposes seem to coincide. However were not a club, and the only person we follow I am guessing is the voice within us called a conscience. If I had to name followers though I'd say you follow the crown every time, saves the time and energy of having to think for yourself.

If you want to be a social commentator Jerome, that's fine, but don't mix up what your doing, basically randomly calling people naysayers in the hope the label sticks, with what were doing. All were doing is supporting teachers who have been screwed, and warning people about the "realities" that's correct, realities Jerome, of working and living here. I am sure that you would love it if we told everyone "It's candy canes and lollipops over here, just come on down", however that would be irresponssible, which is what you are.

Yes, China can be a fun place, like any country, any place, a person would have to be a retard not to know that. However people all to often get caught up in those things, and tend to miss the underlying reality of a place or situation. All were trying to do is place a contrast to the situation, let people see the "reality" and it ain't all sunshine and roses boyo.

Reality, that's where I live. You can go ahead and live in the reality so many recruiters and crap schools live in, saying things like "Don't worry about it", "Everything will be fine", "Think positive and it will be positive". You have no idea how that crap makes you sound like a self help book, and you know what crap self help books are. Grow up and smell the coffee, you are not helping anyone, and I believe you know it. Me thinks the green eyed monster of envy rears it's ugly head. Go out and find some self esteem before you try and make yourself a spokesman for change Jerome, because the only change I see that's needed from your words is within you. Pathetic.

#6 Parent Jerome - 2008-06-25
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

Thanks for the well written post, Corbin; moreover, thanks for keeping it simple and to the point. If you'll check out the archives here, you'll find that the turnip (Turnoi) and his followers, Choatle and the toddler (Silverboy), don't confine their nay saying and sweeping statements in that regard to only schools. They also attack the students, the Chinese education system in general and Chinese teachers and administrators. Interestingly, but revealingly, they do so without offering solutions of any kind. Nor are they capable of seeing the system as a work in progress and are equally incapable of recognizing how far China has come in such a short amount of time.
Truthfully, there are many schools in China where your skills, as obviated by your writing and your positive attitude, would be highly appreciated, and where you would be treated kindly and fairly. My advice would be to contact universities directly. Generally, the route you'll need to take is to first contact the IED (International Education Department) of whichever university you'd be interested in. You can narrow the field by doing a little research to determine in which part of China you'd like to teach. Climate, population etc. are of course important things to consider; however, perhaps even more important is the level of sophistication reached by the local population - even that, though, is a matter of personal preference.
After nearly five years in China and some very rewarding experiences, socially as well as vocationally, I've pretty much settled on West China as my personal choice. But then, I'm not really fond of big cities.
Well, I'd like to provide you with more information, but unfortunately, I've got to head off to my afternoon classes at a college where I've been treated quite well while teaching students that are a joy and a pleasure to be around. If you have any further questions, I'll be happy to get back to you later.
Good luck, Corbin. Ignore the nay sayers - they serve no real purpose other than self aggrandizement. Unfortunately, their all encompassing negativity can possibly convince those who could make a positive difference, such as yourself, from coming here.

#7 Parent happyhere - 2008-06-25
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

Corbin, you said: "If you can't stand the esl scene in China why are you still there?"

The fact of the matter is that the Turnip is not still in China (so he tells us). However, rather than him not standing the scene here, the scene could not stand him ! One only has to read the vast percentage of his posts to understand why. English teacher ? don't make me laugh.

"you're not helping anyone with your posts but yourself."

Yes, now you have hit the nail on the head.

#8 Parent Corbin - 2008-06-23
Re: LCI Kids Club Gwangju/ DANGER!!!

Seriously, you're just as bad as Zhang and recruiters except that you act as an anti-recruiter. If you can't stand the esl scene in China why are you still there?

Trying to call yourself and silverboy, etc "realist"s? Come on now. The majority of music is bad, do you say all music is bad? The majority of movies are bad, do you say all movies are bad? Hell, the majority of schools in America are bad, do you say that people shouldn't go to school?

Just because there are many Chinese English schools that are run by corrupt money grubbers, does not mean that all of them are that way. I have never taught English in China (in fact I am senior on my way to getting my Bachelors degree and I'm looking into teaching English abroad for a few years), but I have faith that there are some directors, owners, etc. of these English schools that actually care about the students and set up the schools because they see a need for the new generations to learn English to live and work in the growing global economy.

The reason people speak out against you is not because you criticize the bad schools, but because you say that all schools are bad, case in point the Japanese school that someone had a bad experience with you automatically said "Welcome to China and her "excellent" ESL industry! But if you are a serious teacher and are really interested in education - stay away!". Good call on that one *sarcasm*. Really though, if you hate it so much why are you over there? If the good schools aren't the norm, why don't you recommend some good ones so that if a person does want to teach in China they'll know one to apply to?

Finally... are you serious? Attacking someone else's grammar? How juvenile are you? Also, here's a tip. If you want to attack someone on something make sure you don't make a mistake in your own post - "The Nirvana is far and somewhere and not easy to grasp" According to proper English grammar , it should be "The Nirvana is far and somewhere not easy to grasp". Also, it would be even more proper to say "not easily grasped", there should also be a comma after grasp, but who's splitting hairs? In any case, learn how to use conjunctions.

By the way, I'm not a recruiter or anything of the sort, just someone who's interested in finding a good school to teach at, you're not helping anyone with your posts but yourself.

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