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#1 Parent Choatle - 2008-07-15
Re: and

Yes, I hate it as well. I don't come here to be up tight and prudish, scrutinizing every little nuance of someones writing, just hoping I can find an error so as to exploit it to make myself seem oh so clever. At the same time I don't come here to be hyper alert to everything I say, scrutinizing my own writing to the point of fearful paranoia. Whats sad is that it's not paranoia at all, you know some idiot with too much time and insecurities on their hands, or who is just a jerk, is going to go through your post with a fine tooth comb if you don't, and impugn your ability to teach in turn.

I come here to relax, I'm not writing a book, or a thesis as Silverboy says. Were I to be writing a thesis I'd spend many hours refining it, and checking for small errors, then I'd employ a hell of a spell checker, cause no one is perfect. Were I writing a book I'd do all that two dozen times over, re write it half a dozen times, until it was flawless. Then it would go to my editor, who would go over it yet again. WTF do we need editor pin head know it alls in here for? I ain't coming here and spending a boat load of time refining what I write, or obsessively searching for errors, who has time for that in their own posts, let alone to do that to the posts of others.

I think if you are doing that, both with your own posts and those of others, you have a hell of a sad life, and are way too up tight and full of yourself. I also think such folks must really crave attention bigtime. My advice, get over yourself, get another hobby, you ain't all that. Learn to relax, this isn't a competition, it's a forum, so lighten up.

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