Return to Index › Yes, I agree that Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are real horrible simpletons
#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-08-06
Re: Yes, I agree that Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are real horrible simpletons

Why, here I am again!

And just as confused as the last time.

I post here a little sometimes. How am I part of monopolizing this site?

It IS true (for a change) that I've never gotten a job through a recruiter. I've never had the need, myself...and neither does anyone else, really.
I did the homework...and you should know that the hundreds of angry, howling reviews posted about Frank Zhang all over the EFL internet played a major role in helping me make sure to never make that particular mistake.
I've also known, both in person and through my website, a great many people who DID use recruiters, including Mr. Frank Zhang. And boy, were they sorry...ESPECIALLY those who used Mr. Frank Zhang.
I dunno...if I watch a line of hundreds of people jump from a tall building and splat on the pavement below, do I have to jump from the building myself before I can state the idea that it might not be a very good idea?

Let's see...I've had many Chinese students with very weird English names, but in all my years here I've never encountered a "Ginseng". So he (or she) in fact knows nothing about me whatsoever.
However, any time I want a penetrating analysis of the minds and behaviors of Foreigners, I must admit that my first thought is to seek out the conclusions of some Chinese English student. Sure.

As for those other names...weren't "Allen Zhang, Alin Buuer and Xu Hui" all old aliases used by Frank Zhang himself, as the name "Frank Zhang" accrued too much negative reporting to be able to use? What about HIS honesty?
At least Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy, Choatle, and I have never dragged unsuspecting foreigners to China on the basis of a pack of detestable lies, only to abandon them to some dodgy nightmare school, for our personal profit.

Finally, I've never seriously said that everything in China is bad. I've only said that Frank Zhang is bad. ;-{)

C'mon, KGB, mess wit' me some mo'.

#2 Parent Just a teacher - 2008-08-06
Re: Yes, I agree that Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are real horrible simpletons

Are you a foreign teacher ?
Your bad language is that of a former jailbird and your comments are not welcome.
Nobody needs you and your friends here.
It`s a positive change that a clean criminal record is asked in some provinces. Hopefully, it will be a measure at the national level in China soon.
Then, Edward will take the first plane to Canada ! Female posters will not miss him anyway !
Good riddance !

#3 Parent The Golem - 2008-08-06
Frank Zhang the whoremastering rascal

This "whoremastering rascal" is now selling some of his Chinese whores to other like businesses in Korea, Japan, and Thailand.
He has developed an infrastructure to smuggle them illegally out of their native country of origin.
I think the Chinese authorities would be delighted to know that.
Let us wait and see what happens and what they will do with that absolutely rotten whoremastering rascal!

#4 Parent KGB - 2008-08-06
Re: Yes, I agree that Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are real horrible simpletons

To all foreign teachers !

Beware of Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy, Choatle and Raoul Duke !
They have monopolized this site with their insults and lies. They didn`t get any job fom recruiters, but they claim to know everything about them.
If I ask a question about teaching anywhere in Asia, I might get an answer from them, although they have been teaching only in China. These " vagabonds in their homelands " ( according to Ginseng-a Chinese student )are brain-sick and a kind of " addicts".
Turnoi and Edward are even using fake names: Allen Zhang, Xu Hui, Alin Buuer. What about their honesty ?
Why don`t they just leave China if everything is bad here ?

This is a site for TEACHERS not for HOOLIGANS !

#5 Parent Edward - 2008-08-05
Re: Yes, I agree that Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are real horrible simpletons

Frank, your Chinglish is busting my gut as I read it now. You, you...'horrible petulant whoremastering rascal.' I'll get you ZHANG!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

#6 Parent Choatle - 2008-08-05
Re: Yes, I agree that Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are real horrible simpletons

I don't get it. Frank was wise to stay away for a while. The more time that passes in which people dont talk about him, the harder it is to google his name and find out about him, and his methods. Why would a competent, sane person come back here and knowingly put themselves back in the limelight, when it's that light which is ruining there business?

I think the answer is quite clear, Frank Zhang is self destructive, and is drawn to the flame like a moth. He knows that coming here and flapping his gums, pretending to be other people, and threatening people all impact his business in a negative way. I think that must be what he wants.

If anyone needs any proof that this guy is a nutter, that should do it.

I've gotten emails from this fellow, Lord only knows how he got my email, trying to get me to take jobs. He is very easy to spot. He uses the name longlong now, as well as some other aliases and fake company names. For some reason though, this guy continues to use either his first or last name in almost every email. I think that not only makes him crazy, but stupid as well. His attitude is easily spotted, his writing style and actions are also quite easy to spot. If this fellow is going to try and pass himself off as someone else, couldn't he at least be smart about it and change how he acts? I guess it's a good thing he doesn't change, that way we always know who he is.

#7 Parent Xu Hui - 2008-08-04
Re: Yes, I agree that Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are real horrible simpletons

Yo Frank, welcome back to the mosh pit.

Looks like you bought yourself a new dictionary. Nicely done.
'Course, we still know who you are. No one turns a phrase quite like ol' Frank. :-)

Navisk Eaees - 2008-08-04
Yes, I agree that Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are real horrible simpletons

Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are never welcomed. Most people hate them and want to eat those simpletons alive. But they are so dirty and feculent, I advise they should be placed where shit is.

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