Return to Index › Serious Warning! - Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are Shit!!
#1 Parent Mr. Black - 2008-08-13
Re: Serious Warning! - Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are Shit!!

This is so hilarious! You are so obviously a fake! A real "intelligent" policemen would run an IP address trace using their own software or simply contacting ESL English Teachers Board. Okay, okay... let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say they use computers only in internet cafes. You could still trace the IP address to the internet cafe and ask the workers of frequent "foreigners" who come to use the computers. I mean this sort of logical process would be apparent to anyone who watched a few series of CSI. You sir/madam are a complete idiot, and you probably are in denial.

I believe after careful research into these series of comments you are Frank Zhang or a friend of his... whoever he is... he seems to be a complete and utter moron. I weep for his mother, she must be filled with shame for the creation of such an abomination to mankind.

Have a nice day!


Mr. Black

#2 Parent KGB - 2008-08-07
Re: Serious Warning! - Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are S***

The person hiding behind this poster "USA policeman" is a 21 year old silly girl busy with her lipsticks and all the other crap that she thinks make her look "beautiful". She is known by her famous nickname "peacock" - she thinks herself very important after having sex with Frankie Boy (in vain, as Frankie is an impotant wanker!).

Do you really believe that a "USA policeman" would ever write such a crap?

USA policemen - 2008-08-07
Serious Warning! - Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are Shit!!

Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc. are a gang of expating-criminals. They are already be ordered circularly into the arrest at large.

Hope people can provide the clues about where they are hiding.

Email:, phone: 001-999.

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