Return to Index › Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy are whoremasters for their sisiters and dogs
#1 Parent Cabbale - 2008-08-08
Re: Frank Zhang and his likes are whoremasters for their sisters and dogs

Ahhhh.....Frank Zhang, have you gotten that low now that you are making sex with your own sisters and dogs?
This is something quite new, but I would not have expected anything else from you.
Hope that the Chinese police sends a nice bullet to your rotten brain one day!
We are working on it to get you in jail and executed, you dirty rotten whoremaster!

Alex Gillims - 2008-08-06
Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy are whoremasters for their sisiters and dogs

Edward, Turnoi, Silverboy etc are never welcomed. Most people hate them and want to eat those simpletons alive. But they are so dirty and feculent, I advise they should be placed where shit is.

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