Return to Index › Re: A fair warning to Frank Zhang and his likes
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2010-08-25
Re: A fair warning to Frank Zhang and his likes

To KGB, I have some questions.

He is not even in China. A guy with two PhDs who can`t write correct sentences in English.

Hey buddy, when you're writing "can`t" like this you give us all doubt on whether you're actually serious on what you're talking about. Try using the proper mark. Or maybe you CAN'T do it?

This young man has some mental problems, when he accuses a recruiter for trying to rape his girlfriend. There wasn`t such a case in the history of the Chinese recruitment. That " terrible recruiter " is one from Beijing not Frank Zhang from Shanghai.

You just contradicted yourself. First you say that there "wasn't such a case in the history of the Chinese recruitment" which is grammatically incorrect. But I suppose you are trying to tell us that this NEVER happened, right? So why do you go on and talk about the fact that there IS a "terrible recruiter" who is from Beijing??? Am I missing something here???

How did you find out so much about Silverboy, Turnoi, Choatle, and Edward? What do you know about Frank Zhang? How can you get so much information on foreign teachers working across China? Are we supposed to just ASSUME that you know this information? It seems very easy for you to just "know" people. I seriously wonder if your information is that accurate especially since you haven't provided the sources on where you obtained the supposed "dirt" on the 4 teachers whom you are saying negative things about.

#2 Parent Alain Boutton - 2010-08-14
Re: A fair warning to Frank Zhang and his likes

1) Who is Turnoi ?
He is not even in China. A guy with two PhDs who can`t write correct sentences in English. This young man has some mental problems, when he accuses a recruiter for trying to rape his girlfriend. There wasn`t such a case in the history of the Chinese recruitment. That " terrible recruiter " is one from Beijing not Frank Zhang from Shanghai.
2 ) Who is Edward ? ( Bruce, on his real name )
He came to China from Korea with empty pockets and asked money from Frank Zhang for his visa in HK and trip to Shangai ( some thousands of RMB ).Everybody in Jiangyin knows this story. He asked 10,000RMB/month at [a school] in Jiangyin, but couldn`t teach at all. ( neither kids, nor adults ). He lied about his teaching experience in South Korea.
It`s also somehow the fault of Frank Zhang for getting involved with such a guy. How can one, who was a teacher in Korea to claim that he has no money to come to China ? Did he work for peanuts there ? What are the salaries in Korea and in China ? Did he work actually in South Korea ?
3 ) Who is Choatle ? A foreign teacher without any degree and also a martial arts instructor. ( M. ). Therefore, he teaches illegally at different private schools from Wuhan, Hubei province.
4 ) Who is Silverboy ? ( S. from Australia ).
Another one without any degree who taught illegally at different private colleges in Wuhan. The famous, elderly Malibu, well-known at a certain bar in Wuhan, who dates female students in his spare time. After teaching about dating in his classes, he was dismissed this summer.
These are the four cheeky " foreign teachers ", who are posting only tomfoolery on this site about any subject. Whatever someone is aking, they have something to say.

OMG, these four guys just got PWNED BIGTIME!

Really surprised to read Sboy and Turnoi are like this, they seem pretty solid to me. Or is this kgb guy spewing s***e?

#3 Parent KGB & KGB - 2008-08-13
Re: A fair warning to Frank Zhang and his likes

"KGB"- silly name!

#4 Parent Al Capone - 2008-08-12
Re: A fair warning to Frank Zhang and his likes

Ha, does this "garbage" do some damage to your filthy business?
Ooooh, that is very good and makes very, very happy!

#5 Parent KGB - 2008-08-12
Re: A fair warning to Frank Zhang and his likes

I am the real KGB poster and used my online name to spread your false praise conerning Frank Zhang!
Shame on you!
Zhang must have paid you some good money to do that, and even if you did, it does not change the fact that this scumbag is well-known for cheat, lying, and deception.
Your post is as much a fake as have been Zhangs under various aliases here!
You are the same kind of scumbag as Zhang is!

#6 Parent KGB - 2008-08-12
Re: A fair warning to Frank Zhang and his likes

"KGB", you are a fake!

#7 Parent KGB - 2008-08-12
Re: A fair warning to Frank Zhang and his likes

To the administrators of this site,

Turnoi and Edward have used my name twice to post trash about Frank Zhang on this site in the last days.
Could you stop these bad guys to post rivers of garbage ? Why to post their messages if they aren`t reviews ? ( real ones, not only general things about Chinese schools and recruiters + insults )
I want to remind them that:
"Words are creation of self and every time you open your mouth, you give the world a glimpse into who you really are." ( Ashley Highland )
First of all, they don`t have any respect for themselves. How to respect others then ? ( posting only insults )
These Tom, Dick and Harry ( Turnoi, Edward, Silverboy and Choatle ) are good of nothing. Wicked, cheeky fellows, who offer no solutions to those ones looking for jobs in China.
" Don`t use recruiters ! Contact the schools directly !"
What schools ? Most public schools in China are advertised by recruiters. ( 98% of Chinese public schools ). There are days with just one job offer from the FAO of a public school on this site. And the same FAO is using recruiters on other sites.
Do these guys have the sense of reality ?
They like it or not, Frank Zhang has many good schools on his list and many positive reviews on ( more than Vicky, Cathy and others ). " His foreign teachers " are not complaining. Surely, I will not leave my present job for another school that provides a free cleaning lady and trips for foreigners. It just means, that Frank Zhang does his job well and this is why, he is still in this business. I also recommended him to others.
1) Who is Turnoi ?
He is not even in China. A guy with two PhDs who can`t write correct sentences in English. This young man has some mental problems, when he accuses a recruiter for trying to rape his girlfriend. There wasn`t such a case in the history of the Chinese recruitment. That " terrible recruiter " is one from Beijing not Frank Zhang from Shanghai.
2 ) Who is Edward ? ( Bruce, on his real name )
He came to China from Korea with empty pockets and asked money from Frank Zhang for his visa in HK and trip to Shangai ( some thousands of RMB ).Everybody in Jiangyin knows this story. He asked 10,000RMB/month at [a school] in Jiangyin, but couldn`t teach at all. ( neither kids, nor adults ). He lied about his teaching experience in South Korea.
It`s also somehow the fault of Frank Zhang for getting involved with such a guy. How can one, who was a teacher in Korea to claim that he has no money to come to China ? Did he work for peanuts there ? What are the salaries in Korea and in China ? Did he work actually in South Korea ?
3 ) Who is Choatle ? A foreign teacher without any degree and also a martial arts instructor. ( M. ). Therefore, he teaches illegally at different private schools from Wuhan, Hubei province.
4 ) Who is Silverboy ? ( S. from Australia ).
Another one without any degree who taught illegally at different private colleges in Wuhan. The famous, elderly Malibu, well-known at a certain bar in Wuhan, who dates female students in his spare time. After teaching about dating in his classes, he was dismissed this summer.
These are the four cheeky " foreign teachers ", who are posting only tomfoolery on this site about any subject. Whatever someone is aking, they have something to say.

Are these four guys mentally healthy ? The addiction to is not their only problem.

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