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#1 Parent Ian McAllister - 2008-08-31
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

Jack, where do you get the gall to start a reply to me with 'now now' who the hell do you think you are? This is absolutely the last time I respond to these insulting attacks on myself. How would I know if there is a 'compound'? I don't live in Yuncheng and am not here to represent the company. I honestly don't know, but if I were to be placed in such a situation then I would find it unacceptable and would act accordingly.

To the ESL elite:
To state once again, with absolute clarity; the information I have given here is based solely on my own experiences with Yuncheng IELTS, I live in a two-bedroom apartment, I only know two other Foreigners in Jongji who work for the company, they also have their own apartments, nicer than mine. I don't have a microwave. I have been treated well by the company, and any complaints I may have had have been dealt with to my satisfaction. I am very happy with my school and with my assistant. I am not a fool.I am not a bully. I am not Paul. I am not paid extra by the company because I posted one innocuous reply to a vicious and personal attack on two people I hardly know, (this was of course before I realised that these attacks are just normal for all you backslappers).
I am completely frustrated by the futility of posting here. Instead of all the negativity,( surely once is enough) why don't any of you recommend alternatives to the people who come here looking for advice. That would, apparently, not be as much fun. No, it's more amusing,(oh, there's that lack of humour again Ian) to reply to a young man from Australia, seeking advice, to tell him that he's 'not ready to leave the nest'.
You help no-one. Circle-jerk away boys, I'm gone.
Ian McAllister

#2 Parent Jack - 2008-08-31
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

Now now Ian could you please answer this simple question does a compound exist in Yuncheng which is operated by Yuncheng IELTS which has a communal kitchen and laundry facilities? In advertising for foreign teachers is Yuncheng IELTS honest about the fact that those teachers working in Yuncheng will not be provided with an apartment with kitchen and laundry facilities or does it still produce advertisements and contracts which are blatantly violated by the compound? These are simple yes/no questions.

#3 Parent Choatle - 2008-08-30
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

Why would you want me to reveal where I work and who I am, except for the purposes of retaliation?

Semi-literate? You do jest, I think calling any of us that is absurd. I think the fact that you need to sling insults says a lot.

They are not paying you to post here? They are paying you though, yes? Also, how exactly do we know your not the ringleader Paul, or some silly dupe working for them who doesn't know d**k about the ESL industry here in China? As I said folks, all schools or outfits here have one token foreigner, the brown noser who will take anything, do anything, just for that single ounce of ocassional praise, or that tasty cookie.

Yes, people with axes to grind generally have a reason to grind them, something you hope people will overlook.

Actually I have worked for them, and so have others, you glance over all the people who have intimate knowledge from working for them, and you do so quite conveniently. You really are a biased fool. A fool because you change the facts retroactively to suit your own view, yet you do so knowing full well knowledge to counter your arguements has already been posted, and is there for all to read. That makes you a fool, and semi-literate I think.

No, Yuncheng IELTS is the crap outfit I and others have been saying it is. That you trot in and try to convince us otherwise by insulting us is not helping your case any.

#4 Parent Ian McAllister - 2008-08-29
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

It seems to have got to this now, a load of anonymous semi-literate oafs criticising everyone and everything.
I'll repeat, I enjoy working for Yuncheng IELTS, they don't pay me to say this, and since this ridiculously long thread started, I haven't been treated any differently by the company. The longest I have been without my passport was 3 days, and that was convenient for me. I don't live in a compound and no-one spies on me, my assistant reports to the company on my teaching and conduct, that's not suspicious in my view.

I was never promised a microwave, Alex, you assume I answered an ad. Turnoi and Silverfish, I was being sarcastic when I apologised, I doubt if I've misjudged you in the slightest. I have met only a handful of foreign teachers since I came to China, and none have experienced the "horrors" any of you describe. I have, however, read a load of garbage from the whining Choatle, who will not reveal where he works or what he does for a living. Self-appointed, self-aggrandizing big man on a Saturday night.

To those of you coming to this thread with a view to working for Yuncheng IELTS, don't believe everything you read here; people with axes to grind, people with nothing better to do. I stated, it seems so long ago now, merely that I was having a great time working for the company and have since been called a liar, a fool, a dupe, a shill, (by the way, the 1940s called and they want their language back) a pawn, humourless, a bad teacher, a "teacher", Chinese, Paul, a paid lackey and more. Are these the sort of people you want to take advice from. Do your homework by all means, but this thread has become redundant. I work for Yuncheng IELTS, I've been treated well and enjoy my job, I start at 9 or 10 a.m. and finish at 4 p.m. I once worked a weekend. I get paid promptly, I don't have a microwave. That's my experience.
Or why don't you take the advice of the many who don't, and never have worked for them.

God give me strength, I've just wasted another half hour on this nonsense.
Ian McAllister

p.s. Alex, thanks for the somewhat backhanded compliment, are you sure it was me that you met, my friend David thinks it was him.

#5 Parent Choatle - 2008-08-29
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

Been away for a while folks, just moved recently so been busy. Anyhow, They did the same thing to me when I started, giving me some nonsense about how it had to be sent away. This was of course BS. They held onto it for 3 whole weeks, giving me excuses again and again when I asked for it back. Finally I had to threaten to go to the PSB if they did not return it. Well, return it they did, with a paltry 3 month visa, which they tried to make me pay for. Also it was clear it had never left Yuncheng from the writing on it. Seems they will hold onto your visa for as long as possible, only returning it close to the expire date. At that point you'd have so little time left you'd be much more liekly to remain with them.

Yeah, this place is real crap, don't be fooled. They will make all sorts of promises, and keep very few of them. Be prepared for long days without compromise or concern for you whatsoever. It's a crap place to work for, and they are simply parasites, more scum that China doesn't need.

As foir their new teaching compound, most of their business is in Yuncheng, and this is their way of keeping an eye, and a controlling hand, on their foreign teachers. To tell the truth I would not be surprised if the place was bugged, that's the kind of people these Yuncheng IELTS folks are. Don't be fooled into working for these fools.

#6 Parent Jack - 2008-08-27
Re: Yuncheng IELTS School/Ian

The problem with Yuncheng IELTS is that they snatch the passport of the potential teacher as soon as possible and then spin some fake yarn that the passport has been sent to Taiyuan for processing. This is done before the teacher is showed their accomodation so if the teacher decides the accomodation is not up to speed Yuncheng IELTS traps them into to staying.

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