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#1 Parent English Teacher to be... - 2008-10-04
Re: New Century, Dalian

Wow! Thank you for posting this tread on New Century! I was just considering an offer from them. I will not reply to them anymore. Did you find another school? Did you end up in a good school? Are they hiring? Thanks.

luckyjim - 2008-09-03
New Century, Dalian

Any thing you read about this School is is accurate. I was hired under the belief i was going to a reputable school, which looked after its foreign employees well...i was under this belief from informative and friendly emails and telephone conversations i had with them.

What a shame that when i arrived all those promises were nothing more than b******t excuses to hire teachers as basically there situation was and is dire. Apart from my own grievancies with this outright dangerous and shambolic school, the things i have heard from past and present foreign teachers ( and Chinese too ) plus persons i have met socially,quite frankly disgusts me and worries me so much that i want and have to leave asap ( currently looking at other options in the city ) I have seen and experienced first hand this schools underhand, lying, cheating and incompetence that to be honest borders upon madness.

However, when all this is said and done and after reading loads of negative comments about New Century School, what affect will any of our rants and raves truly have? The answer simply is nothing, we should simply inform through this medium to other foreigners thinking of coming to China, that New Century School is to be avoided at all costs, seriously do not enter inot anything with them, you will regret it.

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