Return to Index › Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al
#1 Parent Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2009-05-14
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

I think he likes using incognitos, alias and assumed names as if he were a detective or investigator. Presumably, he has been using different names when recruiting foreign teachers from different countries. But sometimes, he wants two ways commission from the employer as well as foreign teachers otherwise he is OK.

But one of the things he should concern about recruiting others in China is that the foreign teachers may not go back their homes without having a penny left in their pockets. So the salary should be increased depending on a person's working experience and degree levels regardless of a person's nationality, which I think might also prevent China from getting bad names because all foreign teachers also want to be prosperous in their profession. He should learn that people, who taught English in China for quite sometimes and were able to buy a car, a house or build schools when going back to their home countries greatly praise China but at the same time, China gets bad names from many foreign English teachers, who went back home without having even a penny left in their pocket. These kind of cases should be considered the same it would have been if Chinese recruiters had spoiled the fame of their own country.

#2 Parent Derick Nidga Nyonka - 2008-09-15
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to Frank Zhang

Hello, My name is Rerick Nidga Nyonka. I got a very nice job in Chengdu Foreign Langauges School. I am from Africa. It is not easy for me to find a good job. But Mr. Frank Zhang helped me get the job. I got paid 7,000rmb a month here in the School. I like the school and enjoy it now. I really want to thank him. thanks for your help, Mr.Frank.

My contacts here,

NAME: Derick Nidga Nyonka



#3 Parent Harry Potter - 2008-09-14
Re: Sang Xing helped me get a wonderful job last week

Hey David,

Or should I say Frank... Ni SHI FENG PI!

#4 Parent david potter - 2008-09-13
Sang Xing helped me get a wonderful job last week

I am david potter , I got a good job from Sang Xing. he is a nice man. I met him in Shanghai on 2nd. and he got me a nice job. i want to say thanks to him here.

#5 Parent ricky - 2008-09-13
Re: Add "Sang Xing" to the long list of Frank Zhang aliases, and then run like hell! - ESL school re


I suspect you are English or perhpas Irish. the comment "Very, very dodgy suggests that.

Do you have anyone who you can refer me about opportunities in China. I would be grateful for any assistance. I have received offers form .. Frank Zhank and his aliases. No doubt to stay clear of him.



#6 Parent Brad - 2008-04-01
Re: I am just the REAL Frank Zhang

I know Frank Zhang quite well, he has helped me on a couple of occassions and he seems pretty good to me. I dont know what all the fuss is about. We contact each other a few times a week and he has been a help, not only to me, but my girlfriend also.
Alot of people get ripped off in China, and alot of the time its not the recruiters fault but the naiveity of the foreign teachers themselves.

Chill out and give the man a break. He works hard to help people.

#7 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-02-24
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Either way, mate. Makes no difference to me. From what I read, Raoul didn't invite you to join. You felt the need to upgrade, but couldn't hack it!

#8 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-02-24
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

"since I turned down Raouls invitation to join his site"

I guess it's all in what you mean by "invitation". You applied for Saloon membership, unsolicited- at least unsolicited by me. I sent you at least what I thought was a friendly reply asking for more info. I send ALL applicants a reply asking for more info. This is the point where things ceased to make any sense.

Our application process has for years now proven 99% effective in keeping nutjobs off the site. We's a-stickin' with it.

#9 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-24
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Actually gingermeggs it is me your agreeing with, since I turned down Raouls invitation to join his site, so thanks for the agreement. :)

#10 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-02-24
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Thanks, Choatle.
A mental health evaluation means so much coming from you.

#11 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-02-24
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Choatle, dear boy. Now you have revealed the true workings of your tiny mind, we agree with Raoul. We don't want (or need) you! Bye bye. <:l

#12 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-24
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Sounds great amonk, just doe's interest me when I someone sends me an email telling me I need to prove who I am by passing some test, I simply said no, and have no interest of joining. I do not think the owner of the group realizes what a big turnoff such displays of paranoia and making demeands on people has to actual membership. Not my problem thankfully. If you can however tell me of any other groups that make such demands, well I'll sign right up without a complaint. Until then, I think I'll stay away on sheer principle, a dying trait I know.

#13 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-24
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Yes, as I said, rapant paranoia on Raoul Dukes part. People see what they want to see, and asking me to write something in my native tongue, which, is not a problem, was not what I was touchy about Raoul. You saw my annoyance as proof of your suspicions, of course, as all paranoids would. The fact that you would make such requests of a purely arbitrary nature, obviously based upon your own fears, that annoyed me. Being asked to jump through hoops of any nature just to join a website which is in desperate need of members, and is clearly stagnating, that annoys me. It is arrogant ans presumptuous to boot to make such requests of people, or did that also not occur to you?

You can not demand members pass some kind of flunkie test, I find the principle rather disturbing. I dislike Frank Zhang as much as you do, however no one here will disagree that you are one paranoid fellow if they read your words. Your level of suspicion is quite high. I doubt Frank Zhang gives one hoot about your site, and I think you give yourself too much importance.

I say let the guy join, let anyone join, a members only club atmosphere is not good at all. If he joined, he would not be hard to spot, his broken stilted english is quite obvious.

You let your own fear and paranoia damage you more then Frank Zhang ever could. Outraged, yes, afraid I was, I found your request both insulting and capricious, making no sense at all. Truth is, it boggled me how you could place so much importance on yourself and your site to ask people to jump through so many hoops.

Get over your fear and paranoia man, while there may be little to do here, and it is easy to fixate on this nonsense, an idle mind is the devils playground. Get some hobbies and get some perspective. Just because we are allied against Frank does not mean we are going to be friends, paranoid people are not my type of people. Get a hobby or something, your way to wraped up in all this Frank Zhang nonsense clearly. He is his own worst enemy, and he displays that every day as he comes here, acting the boob, and thinking he is fooling people into believing his fake testimonials. He's an arrogant boob for belieiving people are so stupid as to buy his clap trap. Don't sweqat it, his desperation and paranoia, which mirror your own I might add, will do him in in the end, and you to if your not careful. AKA the super low number of people both on and posting on your site. I'd reconsider my way of doing things, or you may end up like Frank.

#14 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-02-23
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Uh, hello?

Yeah, we do ask for a confirmation message when people join the Saloon. It helps keep out the hit-and-run posters, the unconscionable hotheads, the people just coming on to promote something, and other people we don't want there. This process has worked very, very well for us for over 4 years now. The Saloon is small becuase we LIKE IT that way. We form bonds and build a community, and we don't get the nastiness that plagues most other such forums.

In this case, I've been embroiled in an online war with Frank Zhang...a war in which Choatle and I have been allies. Frank is a guy with a long documented history of using a multitude of names online.

Under these circumstances, when I saw the name 'Choatle' as a sign-up it did not seem unreasonable to ask him to write a few words about himself. It gave me a chance to look for Frank's visible-with-the-naked-eye-from-the-moons-of-Neptune fractured English...and it's really the same task we ask of all memberships applicants. 2-3 sentences is enough.

However, I got a really angry and outraged response instead.
OK, whatever.

We have members from around the world at the Saloon, and being a native speaker is NOT a requirement for membership. I simply don't want Frank (or any of his multitudinous sock puppets) wiggling in over there.

But based upon the response I got, I can understand that asking him to write something in reasonable English was a touchy subject. I honestly thought it WAS from Frank Zhang until I saw the post above.

Either way, I consider the outcome to be a confirmation of our appliocation process...and a bullet dodged.

#15 Parent AMonk - 2008-02-23
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Yes, Choatle, Raoul's does have some restrictions on the posts of its Members.

1. Be Polite
2. No Personal Attacks
3. Do NOT Post Links To Any Commercial Advertisements/Sites
4. Do NOT Post Anything Which Will Cause TPTB To Close Down The Saloon. (eg. topics about banned organizations)

Apart from these above-mentioned, I can find no restrictions to any Member's freedom of speech or expression. And these ones I know about make sense, IMHO.

Oh, Yes. And they also have some "smilies" that are very cool.

#16 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-02-23
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

You probably failed the native speaker test!!

#17 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-23
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Yeah it's up and running, theirs just one problem, it's so hard to join it's not even worth it. Raoul the sight owner first makes you go through an approval process, which is pretty normal, Daves esl does it. It's a little annoying, but I get it.

Then the fellow gets back to you a couple days later, asking inferring you might not who you say you are, and that you have to pass a native speaker test to his satisfaction. I found this a little offense and just plain rude myself. I have to jump through all these hoops just to join this site? And when I do join, what kind of gastopo BS will I have to deal with from a site owner who seems to me to be a major control freak if he's asking me to jump through all these hoops? For a small new site that claims it want's new members it's a funny way to go about it. As if you can control who joins and who doe's not. I found it all quite paranoid on this site owners part, and was completely turned off in regards to joining.

I said no thanks, and I would advise others to as well. I'll just stick to this board, at least here I can say whatever I like, have freedom to post, and don't have to pass any entrance exam to get in, or have people question if I really am who I say I am. No thanks.

#18 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-02-21
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Oh, yeah, that thing.
The one we were able to connect back to the management of a school where I'd reported a bad experience. Total bushwa. For one thing, the Chinese owner/manager I knew there spoke EXCELLENT English...

I have a much-beloved and beautiful child who's half Chinese. How racist could I really be?

Oh, and my site is up and alive and well, thank you, at
Our original site DID get blocked in China...along with millions of others on most of the Proboards servers. It had absolutely nothing to do with us.
Tens of millions of Proboards forums were blocked out en masse, at a single stroke. If China isn't to blame for this, then who is?

#19 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-01
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam

Bob, your words "I got only good Job from him in the past" reek of Chinglish. You are clearly not an English teacher, but a Frank Zhang cronie.

Niext time you come on a forum and try to pass yourself off as one of us, do some research first so you know what you write is grammatically correct, you mo mo you.

#20 Parent eng.teacher - 2008-02-01
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam

Exactly which part of my post is Chinglish?

I love your phrases " I can't be in his shoes " and " I got only good job from Frank Zhang in the past years " as these are wonderful examples of true Chinglish and would NEVER be used by a REAL native speaker.

Stop LYING ! You are NOT a native speaker ! You are either a Chinese friend of " Frank " or " Frank " himself.

Go back to school, improve your English, then maybe you will be able to lie convincingly about your native tongue. Until you do, I would suggest you refrain from making further postings here, as you are simply exposing your lies and ignorance to everybody that reads them.

Enjoy your English lessons and remember to listen to your Teacher carefully.

#21 Parent Frank - 2008-01-31
Re: I am just the REAL Frank Zhang

Frank, do yourself and the foreign teachers in China a *big* favor: crawl under a rock and die already! I think you spend half your working day defending your dubious reputation on this forum. No one is denying you the right to defend yourself here. But as you can see, a large number of teachers have crossed paths with you and received a raw deal in some way. For that you shouldn't be surprised to be dealing with the fallout for being such a fraud. By now, I understand that most of Jiangsu province knows about you and your criminal ways. For that you've lost a lot of business and nobody feels sorry for you, slimeball.

#22 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-01-31
Re: I am just the REAL Frank Zhang

"Everybody thinks you are the most stupid criminal."

Not everybody.
No one who has spent more than about 8 minutes living in China or researching the job scene here would think so.
I for one certainly don't.

When did "reporting the truth" become the same thing as "defaming someone"?

#23 Parent Chico - 2008-01-31
Re: I am just the REAL Frank Zhang

Dear Frank:

Apparently, it's you who is the moronic crazy guy. Being that you are here so often having to back up your crappy recruiter career says a lot about your ability as an English recruiter. Man, why don't you retire and join the mafia or something... I'm sure they could use a guy like you to launder, embezzle, and extort money from people. In your spare time you could make money as an English teacher hitman as you obviously dislike them with your many con jobs.
Frank, my boy, if you were in any other country besides China, you'd surely be behind bars by now. Apparently, you are a serial conman, fraudster, and outwardly bad character to deal with. I hope that you're at least struck down by lightening soon. Readers, please spread the word about this huckster. BEWARE OF FRANK ZHANG!

#24 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-01-31
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al - ESL school review

Fortunately for us, Frank can hide his real name, but not his lousy English.

But it is too bad these places don't require the same clean record from recruiters that they want from teachers...

#25 Parent Diana - 2008-01-31
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Here is review about you, dear Mr. Duke, posted on this site some time ago ( Lynch Language Center, Suzhou- Past Lynch teacher- 16 December 2007 ).
( )

" Raoul has been in the Suzhou area for several years and is the self-proclaimed " mayor " of foreigners. Never mind him...
China has shut down at least one of his personal websites and " China" is to blame for it, not him, of course. He tends to profess to " know " a lot of people, but none of those people seem to know him; he also likes to act as though he is a well-qualified teacher, but we still have to see him teach anybody anything, except racist fears..."

The lady is Chinese and her English is not very good. If you are a mentally sick man, Mr.Duke, this site is not the right place for your infamous plots.

#26 Parent Bob - 2008-01-31
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam

In this case, your English is also Chinglish.
I don`t want to waste my time with guys like you ( arrogant, aggressive and rude ). Linguisticus is more rational and well-mannered. I can`t be in his shoes. I got only good job from Frank Zhang in the past years.

#27 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-01-31
I am just the REAL Frank Zhang

Who are the defaming criminal? I am just Frank. How can you use my name to defame myself? You are so crazy. Everybody thinks you are the most stupid criminal. Do you really think the kind people will trust you,the criminal that has no jobs at all. So that you have much free time to do hurt other people every day.

I helped so many good teachers before. I gave them good jobs when they asked me for help. and I made them contact the schools directly.

How can I cheat the many good teachers that I helped them before? If I did, why most of them kept asking me for new helps after they finished their contract?

Obviously, You are just the slander badman using so many fake names to keep defaming here. You should be put into jail soon,small boy!!!

I have arleady declared Why I have to change my English name?

Because some bad people just like you kept slandering me and never wants to give up until now.

I have worked my job and helped my foreign friends for 8 years. Most of them ask me to help them again after they finish their old contracts. they know me well. You don't know me at all. You are just doing a crime here, bad guy! If you keep doing the unnormal things, everybody will laugh at you.

Frank Zhang , Email:

If some people hope to enquiry me direclty, please contact me. I will make you to contact +1400 foreign teachers that have visted me in person and have been helped to get good jobs all over China since 1999.
Taking my Best Regards to you and your family!
Tel: +86 21 52241747
Fax: +86 21 52241747
Mobile: +86 13391005255
Address: Room 1414, The 6th LanGao Building,
No.40, Langao Rd, Shanghai, 200061

#28 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-01-31
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Diana or Frank or whatever name you're using this time,

I beg to differ.

NOT letting you whitewash your sleazy and contemptible past under yet another new blizzard of lies and fake identities is the business of everyone who wants themselves and others to be able to work here without being abused and cheated.

If you want to say nothing bad about yourself, under whatever name, that doesn't bother me in the slightest. If you want to claim that all those horror stories your actions have generated over the years are just lies originating from a handful of people and you're just an innocent victim, though, that bothers me considerably.

However, my posts are clearly marked with my handle. If you don't want to read what I post, please feel free not to do so.

#29 Parent eng.teacher - 2008-01-30
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam

If you are a native speaker, I'm a Chinaman !

#30 Parent Diana - 2008-01-30
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Mr. Duke,

Why don`t you mind your business ?
From your postings on this site, one cannot understand your everlasting anger. Some others don`t need your precious advice. Not all Chinese recruiters are bad guys and girls trying to cheat foreigners. I got a good job from Frank Zhang and I have nothing bad to say about him. Is this bothering you ?

Thank you, Frank Zhang !

#31 Parent Frank - 2008-01-30
Frank Zhang ~ The scorn of all TESL teachers in China ~ period.

I can confirm that Frank Zhang is truly evil. The fact is that this guy has earned the most notoriety of any Chinese ESL recuiter in history, I think. The very fact that he's used literally dozens of aliases over the years proves this. People, if you are reading this about someone else, than your own common sense will assuredly confirm that a person who uses so damn many aliases is trying to hide something. Frank obviously has a lot to hide. Read the various posts online; there are even feature web pages about the guy. He's basically a Ted Bundy of China based English recruiters: truly dangerous.
Frank Zhang has resorted to faking out people with a record number of aliases and probably many dozens of email addresses and temp phone #s as the man is desperate and crazy enough to do so. He'll no throw in the towel for a few scam jobs gone awry. About the only thing that would stop him is a lawsuit. He's a confirmed criminal in my mind. Friends tell friends not to deal with Frank Zhang ~ word.

#32 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-01-30
Re: REAL Frank Zhang here telling everybody truth

Ozy wrote: "it would be difficult to help all teachers as some are clearly not teachers at all of which you employ...There are also a lot of problems with the other area of so called teachers too and it must be difficult for you to police these criminals as you do not have the contacts to do so."

If one can get past the frankly bizarre English in this post ("it would be difficult to help all teachers as some are clearly not teachers at all of which you employ." :? ) then one has to wonder:

Why does Frank Zhang employ underqualified criminals in the first place?

Why, I thought he was all about working hard to put top teachers into high-quality jobs. Ah, me dreams are all tarnished...

#33 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-01-30
How to get a Chinese visa?

Good afternoon, Ozy

last week, I have already posted some advice to teachers who want to come to teach in China.

From what you told to me just now, I think you are just a good and experienced teacher in China.

am a very experienced recruiter since 1999. I also know how and where to get a Chinese working visa.

In Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Harbin .... it is very easy to get a working visa. You can come to China with an tourist visa or business visa if you have a job in one of the districts. Your host school will change your L or F visa to working visa in 2 weeks in the local PSB office.

But if you get a job out of these districts, I advise you not to come with an L or F visa. or you will have to go to Hongkong to get a working visa in CHinese Embassy. It is a waste of your time and money. I don't hope you to waste your priceless time and money.

If some schools or recruiters that are not in Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Harbin let you arrive on an L or F visa, it will 99% a trick....You can ask me the details about which city/provice. I know it very detailed...

If somebody wants to teach in Beijing, Please don't come with an L or F visa, it is not good for you. It is my kind advice here.


#34 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-01-30
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

"I got my present job with his help and I don`t have any complaints until now."

So, I would interpret this to mean that now you DO have complaints?
Or maybe you meant something like "I still don't have any complaints now"?

Why don't we ever hear any nice words about Frank Zhang from people who speak English?

#35 Parent Charles Jensen - 2008-01-29
Re: REAL Frank Zhang here telling everybody truth

I strongly concur. The method is which Frank-o-boy conducts himself is truly self damaging. Dude lives in la-la land, with fairies that tell him he can do no wrong! Let's all live in Frank-o-land!

Sorry, but I am not buying a ticket to visit that fantasy park Frank-o-boy. ;)

#36 Parent Ozy - 2008-01-29
Re: REAL Frank Zhang here telling everybody truth

Dear Frank,

Thanks for you reply.

I can see by the postings here that there are many against you. You may be right, some may be posting under different names.

It is hard in business when you upset some people and they feel cheated and hurt by actions beyond your control. I have done some research and have heard that you indeed have teachers that you have employed for many years in China. So all in all there are some happy working teachers you employ. Also, you have given advice to many without charging a fee to the school or teacher.

I feel on my reflection that it is a 50/50 thing and it would be difficult to help all teachers as some are clearly not teachers at all of which you employ.

There are also a lot of problems with the other area of so called teachers too and it must be difficult for you to police these criminals as you do not have the contacts to do so.

My view on visas are that they used to change L,F visa to Z visa in most of China but now the law is changing and many areas of China will not do this as the newly installed computer systems are now linking direct to Beijing. So the PSB will have little control over changing visas from L/F over to Z visa. It is always best to be sponsored by the school prior to arrival and invited so to arrive with the Z visa. If the PSB cannot change your L/F visa then teachers will then be expected to waste time and money by going out of mainland China to Hong Kong to apply and change their L/F visa to the Z visa with the documentation from the school, that being the Job offer letter and invitation letter from the Foreign experts Bureau.

Advising this information to teachers is risky advice and I advise teachers not to come to China without the Z visa in their passport as you may get a horrible surprise when you have to shell out money and go to Hong Kong to change it.

I wish you all a Happy and prosperous New Year

Good Luck!!!!

#37 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-29
Re: REAL Frank Zhang here telling everybody truth

This guy sounds like cult leader the way he talks, cool aid anyone?

Yeah, I bet you love your job Frank, very little work, make a lot of money, I would love that to.

People seeking to damage your rep? Haven't you done that? Are we not just here telling the truth about you?

I kind of doubt that dozens if not more complaints about you all over the net, which is world wide by the way, were made by just a few people. While some conspiracy theorists might actually believe that, you'd really have to be someone of less then stellar intelligence to accept that as truth. yeah Frank, all the complaints one can find about you with just a simple google search were all posted by 3 guys, uh hu. Is that why whenever anyone posts about you people are quickly responding about how they had a bad experience also with you? Yeah, that's all the same person, uh huh.

Yes, we foreigners are all bad people trying to hurt your heart, and out of all the Chinese out there, we have chosen you to pick on, for no good reason. Is anyone buying this Guys BS? If not, please comment, because this guys self serving superior posts on here are really getting annoying, he needs to be shut down big time.

Enjoy living in your fantasy world Frank, where the whole worlds against you, and you are a Hero <:l

#38 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-01-29
Re: REAL Frank Zhang here telling everybody truth

Good Morning, Ozy,

yes, I agree your advice. you asked me why I could still continue working after some people are trying to damage my reputation and business?

Because I love my job so much. I have done my job since 1999. I have so many foreign friends all over China for the 8 years. I have already successfully helped +1400 foreign teachers get jobs.

In fact, When some of the badmen did hurt my heart, I told it to some of my foreign friends, I really wanted to give up my this job.

But kind friends don't want me to do that. I also don't want to lose them. They support me and speak high of me making me have new courage to continue my loving career.

In fact, 99% of them are very happy with my professional free services. Only some very bad people were trying to damage me. My freinds told me maybe the bad people are just recruiters. Kind and smart people will never trust them.

thanks. Have a good day, Mr. Frank Zhang

#39 Parent Ozy - 2008-01-28
Re: REAL Frank Zhang here telling everybody truth

Good day, Frank,

I am amazed how you can still work under these conditions. You have so many people against you. There are some true facts in life that nobody gets it right 100% all of the time. What percentage do you think you have?

I would like to point out it maybe better for you to start again completely and employ someone to help you under your advice. Start a new and learn from your mistakes and this time work a little harder for all concerned. Keep on top of the truth and do your job because you like it and not for the money. Try and try to improve yourself by going out of your way to help and please everybody all of the time 100%. Remember that all these people wanted your help because they trusted you. Trust yourself to do well and people will come flooding back for more of your great service and expertise.

Look at expanding only when you have got the balance right and an army of good teachers who come back year after year for your service. Do good and you will be known for it. Do bad and you will also be known for it. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!

#40 Parent Bob - 2008-01-28
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam

Don't play tricks with me, Choatle !
I am a native speaker while you are not ( the same about Linguisticus ).
If you both have nothing else to say about Frank Zhang, just change the subject. Nobody complained about my English until now.

#41 Parent Frank Zhang/Alin Buuer/James Zhang - 2008-01-27
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al - ESL school review

Hi, Bob, I am a very experienced recruiter since 1999. I also know how and where to get a Chinese working visa.

In Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Harbin .... it is very easy to get a working visa. You can come to China with an tourist visa or business visa if you have a job in one of the districts. Your host school will change your L or F visa to working visa in 2 weeks in the local PSB office.

But if you get a job out of these districts, I advise you not to come with an L or F visa. or you will have to go to Hongkong to get a working visa in CHinese Embassy. It is a waste of your time and money. I don't hope you to waste your priceless time and money.

If some schools or recruiters that are not in Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Harbin let you arrive on an L or F visa, it will 99% a trick....You can ask me the details about which city/provice. I know it very detailed...


#42 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-01-28
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Hello Choatle
Why did I change my English Name?
because some horrible people/recruiters always hurted me and damaged my repuation just for making fun to play with me and then I told some of my friends about that.

My foeign freinds advised me to change my name. It doesn't mean that I need to hide something. I have nothing to hide myself. I have already published my conacts, emails, post address to everybody. I do my job very well, I ONLY HLEP good foreigners get GOOD SCHOOLS don't delay to pay foreign teachers's salary, and aslo NEVER delay to pay me salary/commission too.

If needed, I CAN make them contact the host SCHOOLS DIRECTLY. if they are not happy, THey can leave and look for other jobs, it is complete freedom for them. THE HOST Schools will only pay me commisson/Salary AFTER FOREIGN teachers finish the contract with them. So if foeign teachers are unhappy and leave, I can't get nothing from the schools. And All of my hard working will be wasted. But I don't mind it. I can still do the hard job. It is really not an easy job as everybody knows.

I am only the man that help foreign teachers get in touch with good schools. I never change foreign teachers since 1999. UNDERSTAND?

#43 Parent Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2008-01-28
Re: Research and Safety

Yes, you are right. I couldn't agree with you more!

#44 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-27
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam

This is a Chinese person speaking almost perfect english, but with a small amount of chinglish they just can't seem to lose. Another Frank Zhang plant, or Frankie himself playing someone else, he's good at that. Do a search using this fellows aliases people, you'll find all the information you need, don't fall for these attempts to distract you away from the truth.

#45 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-01-27
Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Why did I change my English Name?
because some horrible people/recruiters always hurted me and damaged my repuation just for making fun ot playing me.

and then I told some of my friends about that.

My foeign freinds advised me to change my name. It doesn't mean that I need to hide something. I have nothing to hide myself. I have already published my conacts, emails, post address to everybody. I do my job very well, I ONLY HLEP good foreigners get GOOD SCHOOLS don't delay to pay foreign teachers's salary, and aslo NEVER delay to pay me salary/commission too.

If needed, I CAN make them contact the host SCHOOLS DIRECTLY. if they are not happy, THey can leave and look for other jobs, it is complete freedom for them. THE HOST Schools will only pay me commisson/Salary AFTER FOREIGN teachers finish the contract with them. So if foeign teachers are unhappy and leave, I can't get nothing from the schools. And All of my hard working will be wasted. But I don't mind it. I can still do the hard job. It is really not an easy job as everybody knows.

I am only the man that help foreign teachers get in touch with good schools. I never change foreign teachers since 1999. UNDERSTAND?

#46 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-01-27
REAL Frank Zhang here telling everybody truth

Why did I change my English Name?
because some horrible people/recruiters always hurted me and damaged my repuation just for making fun ot playing me.

and then I told some of my friends about that.

My foeign freinds advised me to change my name. It doesn't mean that I need to hide something. I have nothing to hide myself. I have already published my conacts, emails, post address to everybody. I do my job very well, I ONLY HLEP good foreigners get GOOD SCHOOLS don't delay to pay foreign teachers's salary, and aslo NEVER delay to pay me salary/commission too.

#47 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-27
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

My question is, why would someone with some many names, ere, aliases, expect people to trust him.

Sang Xing, Frank Zhang, or whatever the hell your name is, you might think a lot of people are not responding because they are being swayed by your alter egos or lapdogs, that do your bidding by coming on here and posting for you. I would have to say your very naive if you believe that. Th truth is most if not everyone on here doe's not believe you or these people at all, and just doesn't see the point in refuting them, or in giving a scumbag like you the attention he doe's not deserve. Remove your tainted presence from our midst.

#48 Parent Bob - 2008-01-27
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam


You are wrong.
I get the contract from Frank Zhang and the phone number of the FAO ( from a particular school ). I call the FAO and I discuss all the details of the contract with him/her.
I will contact Frank Zhang again, if I want a new job in September.

#49 Parent Diana - 2008-01-27
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

I am a German and English teacher in China, a non-native English speaker. Due to the lack of English teachers in this country, I usually teach both languages at different colleges. I have a good opinion about Frank Zhang from Shanghai. I got my present job with his help and I don`t have any complaints until now. ( 16 classes/week, good salary, modern apartment, return ticket, paid vacation... and really nice students )

#50 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2008-01-26
Research and Safety

I wasn't telling people not to research. Of course there is nothing wrong with research. I try to research so as to improve the quality of my teaching. Research helps us to find causes of problems, to solve them and to attain higher standards.

What I was referring to was the seemingly deliberate effort that you and your friends made to put yourselves in a difficult situation. I thought that there were two types of foreigners that came to China. First there are those that carry out an adequate amount of research on China and their schools before they travel over here, and are thus well-prepared. Secondly we have those that come over blindly, carrying out little or no research, and often as a result find themselves in desperately uncomfortable conditions. Now it seems that there is a third type: Those who hold the title of researcher but yet still manage to find themselves in an awful predicament. Can't you see the irony here?

Of course as researchers you already knew of Frank Zhang and his many aliases. Of course you did a lot of advance research before you came to China. Of course you knew that Frank Zhang operated in and around the Shanghai area. Of course you knew about all the negative publicity surrounding him. The only conclusion I can come to is that you deliberately wanted to experience bad conditions FIRST-HAND. Your initial post spelled out quite graphically the disastrous results that ensued.

Wouldn't it have been better to use your research skills to find the best conditions you could find in China, so as to have a COMFORTABLE base to work from and research the bad schools? Do you have to experience these things first-hand in order to do proper research? It seems that your main focus was to highlight the worst aspects of Chinese education.

If I was a black guy living in 1960s America, and I wanted to find out how racist the Ku Klux Klan was, would I have to try dating the daughter of the leader to find out the answer? Would it be wise to hang around their headquarters or bars where they relax, trying to hang out with them, and pleading with them to join the organization? Or would there be better alternatives?

I wasn't telling people not to come and do research. I was warning people not to come here with the deliberate intention of finding poor uncomfortable conditions to work in, whatever the motivation. I think it is dangerous. In fact I've seen enough with my own eyes to KNOW that it is dangerous.

#51 Parent Bob - 2008-01-26
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam

You haven`t got any contract from one of his schools.
I have never signed a contract with Frank Zhang and I got three good jobs from him in the past years. I always sign a contract with the school.
The salary was OK in all cases. Nobody tried to cheat me.

He has just sent some non-natives to my school ( with good English ).
He doesn`t recruit teachers just " from five countries " like others.

Why should I leave him ?
Unfortunately, I never had time to go to Shanghai and invite him to dinner. ( as one has assumed )


#52 Parent Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2008-01-26
Re: "Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Hi Sang Xing or Frank Zhang,

How are you? Is it your web page? This is David from Myanmar. I find your service useful and would like to say thank you.

Prof.David Ngin Sian Pau
International English Instructor from Myanmar.

#53 Parent Bob - 2008-01-26
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al - ESL school review

If the school is in Jiangsu, any tourist- or business-visa can be changed into a work-visa ( residence permit ). The same is possible in Inner Mongolia, but a clean criminal record is asked there too.
Why you blame someone, when you know so little about China and its regional laws ?
I don`t know all the provinces, where one can arrive on a tourist visa and get a legal job later on. Frank Zhang knows better than me, where it is still possible.

#54 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-26
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

Wow Andy your a real yes man, your Chinese employers must love you. Another Frank Zhang Lackey probably.

After all of the posts on here by all the different people, you should believe this fellows story. I have dealt with him and affirm pretty much everything said.

Clearly, you did not do your "research" on this board, which would have consisted of a simple search about this fellow. Googling him would have also turned up a myriad of posts elsewhere. So, before you come onto a forum, and for some reason refute someone based on nothing but personal opinion, you'd better do your homework Andy, might avoid you making an ass out of yourself. Bye :D

#55 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-26
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

Ah, another first time never before seen poster who turns up with his first post having good things to say about a recruiter who has been bad mouthed. Anyone else but me smell rancid fish here?

#56 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-26
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

You have to Love these yes men Chinese school mascots who come on a forum and rush to the rescue of a poor "defenseless" Chinese recruiter they just happened to use. Of course you have never heard from them before that moment, what a coincidence.

Yes, poor mister Frank Zhang or whatever his name is, we should lay off, he is such a good guy.,

And you, well you are so wonderful and good, and you don't raise a fuss at all, and your holier then thou attitude fills me with such shame for having the audacity to speak out or complain in any way.

Gimmie a break.

#57 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-26
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang, Dont fall for the sign the contract when you get here scam

Don't fall for that, the contract will be different, everything will be different. This guy is well known for his bait and switch schemes, or just outright lying. He doesn't care, he's got the right people paid off, and he operates with impunity.

#58 Parent Xu me - 2008-01-25
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

Hi Bill,

Good to hear something good for once about AB Frank.

You are the lucky one!! There are many not so lucky as you. Maybe you could tell us your secret of success?

Do you take him out for a wonderful slap up meal and tickle his belly?

#59 Parent Bob - 2008-01-25
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

Have you got a job from him ?
I know more than 10 foreigners, who are happy with his agency.
( believe it or not ).
I got a 12-month contract ( three full paid vacations ), good salary, nice apartment, airfare and a bonus at the end ( another full salary ).
My salaries are always paid on time.

I don`t mind, if he calls himself Bill Clinton ! At the end of my contract, I will contact him again. ( if I want to teach in another city in China ).

#60 Parent Bob - 2008-01-25
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

My present school does have the licence to employ foreigners !
I have a valid residence permit.

Therefore, guys from this forum, you don`t know what are you talking about ! I have noticed, that some of you have monopolized this forum.
Don`t you have anything else to do ? ( Choatle, Linguisticus...)
There was a FISH some time ago and Rheno 4777 ( this one was funny sometimes, at least ).

All my regards to Yingwen Laoshi, one of the most decent posters on this site !
All the best to the female posters !

All the other whiners and bad recruiters can go home and take a rest !
If China is so bad, why are you still here? ( question for foreign teachers )

#61 Parent Andy - 2008-01-25
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

I am impressed with this Chinese melodrama !
As a veteran in China, I can tell you, that nobody can force you to work for a school ! You can leave any time if you don`t have a work visa with that particular school.( even, if a recruiter got his fee )
If the situation is really bad, one can leave China with the work visa in his passport...
Why to research the Chinese education system ? Why don`t you research the one from your own country first ? According to the last news on, American students are paid to go to school..?!
Students from China:
- are not smoking in class
- are not drug addicts
- are not listening to music in class ( not in mine )
- are not heavy drinkers
- are very polite with Chinese and foreign teachers
- are trying their best to improve their English

Researchers, don`t ask me to believe your ridiculous story about Frank Zhang and your research work !

#62 Parent Researchers - 2008-01-25
Re: Don

Dear Sir,

Everyday in the west we have delegations of Chinese that come over to get training and advice for research purposes and we call it "Cultural Exchange"

Most government schools in China research and study the foreign teachers that they employ. Monitoring their computers admin work, lessons and general way of life. This is a true fact.

Research is the way of life. You do not get high degrees without it. Foreigners, which I must say I ralely used this terminology before I arrived in China do research too for their degrees and learning purpose.

There is a saying "Watching you Watching me" It is a real fact of life now.

The education system is quite poor in some places in China with very little aspect of getting good results due to the lack of well trained staff and resources. This will improve over time and the system should be addressed fully over the whole of China in order to get a balanced form and system of education for the masses.

The term "Fur coat and no Knickers" apply to most of the schools we have visited, where the schools have been decorated to a high standard outside but inside the classrooms are barely usable with no heating and in some cases no glass in the windows or paint on the walls, but you still see so many happy students who want to learn whatever the conditions and their families have worked very hard to give them this.

You need to give more to your students and their families, more to your teachers and more for the classrooms. Less to the pomp and more for the circumstance.

The rich get richer and the poor don't matter. A lot of foreign teachers come to help and they get hurt along the way they get cheated and lied to. Taken for a ride when they give their time to help China. Research is Education that is my vocation in life.

Good luck to all of you who want to make a difference to this ever changing world.

#63 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2008-01-25
Don't Do It!


Please do not do anything like that again. What you did may have been motivated by honest intentions but what good can it accomplish?

I'm not going to say anymore, except this:

If there is anyone out there who is thinking about coming here to do what those Researchers did....

DON'T DO IT!!! Don't do it under any circumstances. Come here to look for a GOOD school if you really want to TEACH, but DON'T DO WHAT THEY DID!!

#64 Parent Researchers - 2008-01-24
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

Dear Readers,

I have recently returned from China on a research mission. Our aim was to discover the true workings of the education system in China.

We managed to cover a wide spectrum of schools and areas within our time there. We discovered many floors within the system which were truly shocking for us. On our visit to Shanghai we were met by Frank Zhang, he was using the name of Sang Xing. He told us we were going to look at some schools so we got on the train and went to a school in Shanghai. On arrival we were met by the foreign affairs office who took us in to their office and spoke to us about the positions available. Frank then disappeared and left all four of us there. We were shown the contracts and the apartment building and told to put our belongings there. My belongings were in my hotel in Shanghai. Frank had sold all four of us and taken the commission already. We were then taken to dinner we could not get away. I managed to slip back to Shanghai late that evening. The others managed to strike a deal with them and two managed to stay for a month. In that time they said that the school was making them work many hours as Frank sold them on 28 hour contracts. The school was not at fault, it was Frank who set us up. Two of the teachers tried to help the school but became ill because of an out break of maleria due to an infestation of moschitos near the stagnant water out side their apartment.

These teachers were then taken to the hospital very ill indeed and Frank was called to help. He did not come. He told us it was our fault for staying there and he would blacklist us if we did not stay he then hung up the phone.

The school helped the teachers and they managed to use their own personal travel insurance to get home the school would not pay the flights. We were sent to research the education system but it all ended in disaster at the hands of Sang Xing, Frank Zhang. He is what people say he is and should be avoided at all costs.

#65 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-23
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

He must be some kind of operator to get paid up front, unless he is the person employing you, because the schools he works with can not legaly hire foreign teachers. Even then, to get paid those things up front, he must have some mad Guanxi.

This guy is indeed a thief, liar, scumbag, there are not enough expletives in the English language to do this guy justice.

If you do a search on him you'll find all kinds of warning on the net, including posts about him at Daves esl. Yeah, this guy gets around. Look at his name and email address. He changes them regular, but for some reason this mo mo doesn't often change his name. Be real careful working with anyone out of Shanghai, which is I believe where this loser works his dark trade.

#66 Parent Dianne - 2008-01-23
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al

Mr.Zhou or Policeman ...??
Your postings are similar. Zhang from PELCC (Shenzhen ) is not the same with Frank Zhang from Shanghai...If you are a Chinese teacher, why you need his help ?
You seem to be just another Chinese recruiter....

#67 Parent ZHOU - 2008-01-22
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al






#68 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-07-06
"Sang Xing/Frank Zhang" surfaces again -- and again! - ESL school review

Just received this e-letter (below) from Sang Xing. He continues to operate and deceive -- BEWARE of this guy and AVOID HIM:

Hello again, We have good contacts from a long time. I hope you can still remember me well.
In July and in Sep, I have good jobs for you that are suitable for your requirements.
Please tell me if you need a job right now or in Sep?
I am ready to give you the details and the contracts of good jobs to have a look.
If you don't need a job any more, Please also tell me and I can remember not to bother you by emails in the future.
thanks again.
Sang Xing,
Xu Hui,
Frank Zhang
I am looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards to you and your family!
Tel: +86 21 52241747
Mobile: +86 13391005255
Fax: +86 21 52241747
Address: Room 1414,The 6th LanGao Building,
No.40, Langao Rd, Shanghai, 200061

#69 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-24
The saga continues... - ESL school review

Our "friend" Sang Xing, Frank Zhang, etc. sent this email message to me THREE times this morning... It reads:

Greetings from Shanghai TEFL jobs Recruitment Center.

How are you recently? Do you still remember us? We helped you get a job in China during 2005-2007.
Now it is time for us to help host schools recruit foreign teachers for Aug/Sep.

Please tell us if you still need a nice job in China? We have much better jobs for you this school year.
Tell us your new requirements(Please look at the attachment),So that We will recommend you to the suitable schools that can meet with your requirements. Of course, if you don't need a new job, Please also tell us so that we will not faze you.

And then we can make the suitable schools contact you directly. We will make the schools contact you asap. We think it is can make a better cooperation without any misunderstanding.

Mr Frank Zhang, Mr Sang Xing, Mr Xu Hui
The Team of Shanghai Teaching jobs Recruitment Center.

I am looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards to you and your family!
Tel: +86 21 52241747
Mobile: +86 13391005255
Fax: +86 21 52241747
Address: Room 1414,The 6th LanGao Building,
No.40, Langao Rd, Shanghai, 200061


Look out everyone!

...and to forum moderators:

Is it possible to move this current discussion to a higher position on the page? It seems to always land near the bottom of the review forum, and will likely not be seen by many current and future teachers who need to be made aware of this information concerning this sly recruiter. I wish I had had better access to this information earlier. Many thanks!

#70 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-22
Add "Sang Xing" to the long list of Frank Zhang aliases, and then run like hell! - ESL school review

Whoa, daddy!

Just one week ago, I ended a horrible teaching position arranged for me by Frank Zhang. With me, his name was Sang Xing.

I wound up absolutely detesting this guy -- and apparently so do multitudes of other FTs.

Yes, yes, yes, avoid this guy at all costs!!!

The ONLY reason I got entangled with him in the first place (I was unaware of terrible reputation at the time) was because at the time I was seeking new teaching employment (this past Christmas, 2006) was when the earthquake hit the coast of Taiwan and caused a long period of havoc and disconnect on the internet. Remember???

He found me (via, I believe. Not sure.) on the internet and asked to represent me; but in the end did little or no negotiating on my behalf. Everything that I did to make the job seemingly acceptable (it was complete nightmare) was done without any intervention on his part. He simply collected a hefty fee for making the initial phone call.

When I resigned the position (within one month after the job began), according to the exact terms of the contact, he contacted me by email and begged me to remain in the job -- because HE would have to forfeit his fee!!! He didn't one hoot about the terrible work situation he put me in, only that he might have to return 5000+ RMB. Sickening!

To make matters even more ridiculous and outrageous, he wanted to "represent" me for the next position!!! (You can imagine my response to that one!)

Keep the word going out there about this guy. Problem is, he's a new alias for every day of the year, so it's quite difficult in keeping him in focus.

Very, very dodgy.

#71 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-22
additional information and correction regarding this rip-off agent - ESL school review

Hello, again.

I mentioned in a previous posting, discussing my awful experience at the hands of Frank Zhang, etc. (for me, he was Sang Xing, but later "identified" himself as Frank Zhang to me) that I thought he found me on the website

Sorry, I was mistaken.

The websites he uses as his trap are:

Also, the email addresses he used in my heated exchanges with him are:

As others have warned, don't get involved with this guy!

#72 Parent JimBob - 2007-05-22
Re: Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al - ESL school review

Frank Zhang is still active!!!!!!!!

He tells me that I can sign a contract with the school after I arrive in China!!!!!!

Frank Zhang <

Tel: +86 21 52241747
Mobile: +86 13391005255
Fax: +86 21 52241747
Address: Room 1414,The 6th LanGao Building,
No.40, Langao Rd, Shanghai, 200061

Mr. Xu Hui, Mr.Frank Zhang. Mrs Mary Wei

Larry Romanoff - 2005-09-09
Alin Buuer; Frank Zhang; James Zhang, et al


This man is an ubiquitous scam artist with many names, aliases, websites and email addresses who cheats both teachers and schools. He's becoming a legend in his own time.

He's a recruiter (maybe with a partner) who posts ads posing as a school, searching for gullible teachers whom he then 'sells' wherever he can, mostly to private unlicensed schools. He negotiates a salary of 10,000 RMB or more per month, but keeps more than half of it for himself. He gets a teacher's airfare paid in advance from the school, then keeps it.

From personal experience and other reports he is now on our Black List.

You can see more information including current live teacher experience reports on my website at:
Click on the 'China ESL' button.


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