Return to Index › Re: Onesty vs. Honesty - with an "h" pronounced
#1 Parent Foxy - 2008-09-30
Re: Onesty vs. Honesty - with an "h" pronounced

But I started this discussion about the pronunciation of the h in the word honesty because a foreign teacher employed by the 'Yuncheng Ielts monster',as you choose to call the company,was pronouncing the h in that word,and in the word dishonest while teaching students.Even so,I grant you that the topic has been somewhat derailed by myself and other contributors to this thread since then.Having said that,you're of course welcome to put it back on track.Try to think of what has happened as a pleasant,but temporary diversion!

#2 Parent Alex - 2008-09-30
Re: Onesty vs. Honesty - with an "h" pronounced

Honestly, for gawdsake, twats this all got to do with the price of fish? Fink I'll start an appropriate title at the start of the thread-Please remember that the Yuncheng Ielts monster is the one we should be talking about.

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