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#1 Parent Camilo D'Amato - 2008-11-29
Re: Raffles Lasalle Shanghai

Bad mistake I have made comming to Raffles. I wish I have read this comments before I came.

The worst teaching experience I ever had. I can talk for ther Business program.

The "Raffles Education Corporation" just looks for "cash-caws", lazzy students that do not want to learn, and bussy parents that just want a nursery for their spoiled kids. Good market, I have to recognize, I it is a good business, but ... for real teachers?

In order to keep the cash flow, they hire new faces, lecturers from abroad. You know why they do that so often? guess... Very high turnover, it is not very easy to stand that fraud, at least not for many, not for long. It is a rotten environment.

Academics? just fake! Programs are "copy-pasted" and the "faculty" gives you some few copy pasted powerpoints, that is it. No one cares about teaching quaility, just... "don't press the student hard ..." let it go easy. Students do not understand English, so they get bored in class, and get sleepy, and talkative. It is very easy to understand: the English program is not working well, right? neither the "quality system"

One marks the exams and then, the so called "faculty" or "academic commitee" will "adjust" up your marks, so they do not "look so bad"... and the students pass

Feel misserable. It is just a fraud.

I do not think that experience can be improved. At least not in the Business department in Shanghai. The problem lays in the ethics of the Corporation, and yes, in ours, through accepting this kind of "teaching" experiences. The point is, once you realizes the fraud it is too late to go back. and you are stucked in China. With a 2-years contract and your family.

One final advise:Think twice: your "students" are not going to be better after, neither your soul. Look for a best way to earn your living while you enter to China. This "school business" is a Skam.

#2 Parent Tom Bowman - 2008-10-09
Re: Raffles Lasalle Shanghai

Hi! Urgently looking to contact anyone who teaches or who has taught at Raffles Lasalle Shanghai or other schools in the Raffles group. Please could Andy or anyone else contact me urgently letting me know best times to call them and the best number to reach them on? My email address is tom _ bowman @ hotmail . co . uk

Andy - 2004-08-09
Raffles Lasalle Shanghai

No school is perfect. I'm sure there are worse jobs out there but don't be tempted by the "high" salaries offered by this outfit.
Every private school is driven by economic factors and man oh man does Lasalle let finance and marketing rule all decisions.
You will work long hours for little personal reward or recognition. You MUST work a nine hour day. They have a questionable evaluation system and even more questionable curriculum.
The people in charge of you know nothing about ESL teaching and do not really care if students are learning or not as long as the wheels keep turning.
The rules and systems and policies, such as they are, will change on a daily basis. Your contract is worthless.
The students are so busy doing homework for their design subjects that they have no time to study English. No matter, their poor English will be your fault.
If you are sick, you must teach the classes you missed upon your return.
Oh yeah, each class is four hours long. Look before you leap man or the water may just be too deep.

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