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#1 Parent JamieCA - 2008-10-12
TDM/ Wuhan

Going there in a week or so, I know the kind of place, just smile, have fun with demo lessons and go on with it. Broke? I am broke. He's got around 20 people, no? Can't be that bad. Dunno. I'm signing just a term....

mike - 2008-09-16
TDM/ Wuhan

Just a warning for anybody who is potentionally going to work for TDM.
They are broke! its been well known over the past few months that TDM hasnt been able to pay its teachers on time with a stike resulting a while back. There has now been a sort of exodus from TDM as teachers have had enough. With 2 teachers leaving last week, myself and another leaving today as well as another leaving within a few days. Tdm will be searching for new teachers asap so I wanted to post this as a kind of warning. Although the staff there are great the administration has been causing huge problems that people cannot put up with. Be prepared for alot of stress and fighting! Just today on mine and another teachers last day we were flat out denied our bonuses because they screwed up. Took full responsability and still screwed us. After 5 hours of screaming and fighting I was finally able to get most of our money although not all.
Just one example of many problems you may encounter at TDM.
If you are interested please ask to speak to any other teacher other than the teaching coordinator as his job is to get new teachers as well.
As not too come off as another bitter teacher below I have included an email from Woody Ding the owner of TDM.

I apologize for the late reply.

It has been very difficult for me to decide and to reply to you.

As you know and many others know, the school is having some problems. It is not only our problem. Many schools in the industry are having the some problems since last year, that the market condition is not favorable (beause of inflation, crash of stock market, and increasing unemployment rate) as people's purchasing powers are getting low.

At this time of economy situation, a downsizing had been an option to consider. It is like Starbucks. It closed 600 stores in US because of the unfavorable market situation.

Had the school been downsizing, we would have to reduce our teachers team, and we could not plan for sure how many teachers we would have needed.

Yet after days and weeks of consideration, we believe that downsizing is not an option for the school. So we will need to go on and keep all our good teachers who have been very understanding and very supporting the school.

I am regret that this decision might be too late and that we might lose some good teachers. You two are among the very best teachers in the school that we will feel very regret if you leave.

So please see if you can reconsider the situation. We can accept your requests and the new contracts can be signed.

I have put another ad on davescafe to hire more teachers.

We will not have enough teachers since we will keep our current locations, so I need your help.

I thank you very much for giving the trust to the school. And the school will not let you down.

We are putting more funds to support the school.


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