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#1 Parent mathew.rhodes - 2008-11-27

CCIEE is a FAKE company operating out of Beijing. There are only 2 people who work at the Beijing office. The program director, Ms. Karen Guo, has run several programs in many cities throughout China.

CCIEE is now offering the PGA for Chinese students to study abroad. The PGA tries to funnel students in unaccredited universities throughout Canada, the U.S., England and Australia. Most students are rejected because of forged GPA averages.

The company is now planning to change their name to avaoid tax liability and other illegal operations.
CCIEE does not have a license to hire foreign teachers.
Beware of this company!

#2 Parent Melanie - 2008-11-06

The salary looks good, so I'm thinking of applying for a job with them. So far I did a little research, and this is the result - It is a small operation that charges students 48,000 a year for doing the GAC program. They have a special boss from the GAC office in Shanghai. There are about 10 foreign teachers in 5 or 6 high schools, and a lot of managers in the Beijing head office. The schools have to pay for the GAC authority, and have to get a license to have a foreign teacher. If you google CCIEE you can read what they say about themselves. They are advertising all over the place for foreign teachers. All the advertisements say different things. Is anyone teaching for them, and what's it like?

mathew.rhodes - 2008-10-24

The PGA Program offered by CCIEE is a fake program in China.

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