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#1 Parent Jonathan - 2009-01-20
Re: Suihua College, Heilongjiang - ESL school review

I'm delighted to say that since I left Suihua College, thanks to my efforts they have struggled to find any decent teachers and are presently under-staffed by six. They have found a new recruit in a black american woman. The South African who was there saw the light and left.

Thanks to this I am quite satisfied that my 16Kyuan has not gone to waste. Let's call it 'advertising', for accountancy purposes.

Life's a dream when you're in the right place with the right job and, right now, I'm enjoying it. - my Chinese 'Diary' all about teaching and living in China.

#2 Parent HeilongjiangHorror - 2008-12-03
Re: Suihua College, Heilongjiang - ESL school review

I also have bad experiences related to working at Suihua College a.k.a. Suihua University. In a nutshell, the leaders of this college have no honour, no ability and, least of all, no honesty! Nobody is ever treated fairly. They think it is their right to cheat teachers out of benefits such as air fare! The leaders don't care what former teachers say or write on internet forums because they are so arrogant that they just assume new ones will come to replace those that leave in utter dissatisfaction. If you are thinking of teaching in China, do yourself a favour and just steer well clear of this hell hole!

#3 Parent Dr Rockefeller - 2008-11-18
Re: Suihua College, Heilongjiang - ESL school review

Good posting, Jonathan, right on the mark about Sui Hua College (university). We too were severely misled, and ripped off by the college and the dean there. It was especially brutal as we are a family of three. It was exactly as you said. The dean there is a ripoff artist of the highest degree, which is a shame, as the students were the best I have taught in China, and I was very well-liked, and a successful instructor. It is always the students that bear the brunt of incompetent and dishonest management.

#4 Parent betty - 2008-09-22
Suihua college/Harbin

hi,jonathan?this is betty from class 9 grade04. remember? just contact me through my e-mail: MSN: QQ770620536

miss u....

#5 Parent Eagle - 2007-03-11
Re: Suihua College, Heilongjiang - ESL school review


I'm very sorry to read of your horrible experience in Heilongjiang. After being in China for a few years, nothing surprises me!

For other readers (and Jonathan, correct me if I am wrong in your situation) but in my opinion and experience, often when you get hired by a "college" it is highly likely that it will be a private institution -- not a public one. And when I say private, I do mean PRIVATE -- as in one, sole owner, who can basically do whatever he likes -- to the students, staff, and TEACHERS!

Last year, from another location in China I agreed to accept a position in another province with what I believed to be with a large, established public university. But the reality was that I was teaching for private "college" attached to the large, established university.

This "college" was nothing more than I commerical business, owned by one man who greatly overcharged the students and gave them very poor living and learning conditions in return. He did not have to abide any sort of regulations of educational integrity or business ethics (at least as we define such things in America!). He always paid me on time -- and the salary was good -- but oh, the environment and conditions of working were so bad, I got out of there after three months and returned to the city I was in originally.

The "college" owner used most of the revenue from the students/parents to buy himself a private limo and other elitest items, and gave us no heat, filthy bathrooms (in a building erected in 2005!), and other unacceptable conditions, such as no academic materials.

To anyone reading this post, if you find yourself considering a position with a "college" in China, ask as many questions as possible about the situation -- and then ask a few more. If they hestitate to give you plausible, logical answers -- AVOID IT! Also ask to speak with foreign teachers currently working there -- but make sure they are speaking to you away from school "administrators."

In others words, BE VERY CAREFUL! China is loaded with lots of "educational" landmines.

Good luck to you, Jonathan!

Jonathan - 2007-03-11
Suihua College, Heilongjiang - ESL school review

WARNING: Just don't do it! Don't go there unless you are a sucker for punishment.

The college continually fails to abide by its own contract and now, after refusing to pay me two months overdue salary I just walked away. I will of course be heading to the FE Tribunal.

As for the 'airfare' promised in the contract, sure they will pay you but ONLY after you sign for another year and then following your return from the summer holidays they'll cough up.

I've walked away with them owing me 16000, the last three teachers (of English) also left with big holes in their pockets.

I'd like to give a few plus points about the place but I'm finding difficult to think of any. Oh yes, there are some great restaurants in the town.

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