Return to Index › Yang-en University Quenzhou, fujian province
billy ray - 2008-12-05
Yang-en University Quenzhou, fujian province

I have worked here for two years and served them well. As has been written this university is nothing more than a cash cow for the current administration. Its conduct and treatment of us foreign teachers is an insult and severally degrading. The maintenance of the facility is worthless and very little is spent on infrastructure. Classrooms are filthy unless cleaned by the students who are not real keen of doing so on a regular basis. The situation with untimely pay seems to be of no importance as no one ever tells you, or informs you in advance that pay will be a day or two late.

The lost of free transportation and the outrageous utility cost each month, reduces your net pay by nearly 400 RMB. The administration seems to be of the same mind set that students use in which, cheating is acceptable behavior. The actual organization of the foreign affairs office does not exist. There is very little to no input, to anything actually getting down when suggested by the foreign staff. We are paid lip service and nothing gets change or fixed.

The biggest issue is how little importance is given to the students and their environment. When compared to the State run university, the price that is charged here is so how and the student gets a crappy dorm room stuffed with other people, bad toilets, no hot water, no TV, curfew and bed checks like you would for your six year old child. No cooking allowed and the only way around it is to pay a bribe to the guards so you are not reported to the administration.

Unless you really need a job so bad and can not find another place that will accept you. I would never recommend this school to anyone not even my enemies.

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