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#1 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-24
Re: A training center, Xuzhou

I've heard of Frank, I think everyone has, he is well known. My question is, if you've heard the stories, why are you even asking if you should work with him?

#2 Parent geoffrey - 2008-12-06
Re: A training center, Xuzhou & EF English First School

I too received a message from "" about a position at a school in Xi'an, "EF English First". He asked for a copy of my passport and other documents. When I asked why he needed them, he said that he had to show them to his director. I asked other pertinent questions, such as what was his connection to the school, etc., but he did not reply except to ask me again for my documents. I tried to track his e-mail address and it turned out to be phony and was being relayed from one server to another.
Oddly enough, the HR person at the school is named Michael Zhang! Beware.

Does anyone know about the school: EF English First?

farinthewest - 2008-11-28
A training center, Xuzhou

Dear Turnoi or choatle or silverboy,

sorry to tell you, but I believe that I'm tracked by Frank Zhang through as I received this morning a nice e-mail from a "alex" like he was named in learn4good with an e-mail address and requested my standard documents.
I with my stupid head didn't check his e-mail address first , but just sended my documents towards that address.
Afterwards I checked his e-mail address and found strange stories about the person, just through Google, so I'm not sure anymore if I'm dealing with a piece of dirty crab or a really trustable training center who is looking for a teacher in Xuzhou.
Can you let me know as soon as possible, so I will know how to deal with him/it when he comes back on my reply to him/it ?
Nice and good forum you got, please stay in the air as a tree and look up and grow !!!

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