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#1 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-12
Re: TDM's new scam

There is no rich company, do you believe everything someone tells you?

Where did you get this information eh? Do you work for them, and they told you this?

Isn't it much more likely that TDM made this company up, (sounds made up to me) as an excuse to cut benefits and salaries, since they are admittedly bleeding money out of every orifice?

There is nothing to sell, and hence with what we know it makes no sense. TDM is not a large corp, brand name, nor is it an owned property. It's a rented crap hole above a library because they could not afford to pay the rent anymore where they were.

Use logic, look up this Juren, see if they even exist. I would wager that this is just a bunch of BS to excuse cutting salaries and benefits.

"Oh, we have no control over this, it's the new company we are working for." Gimmie a break. If there is a new company runing things at this one branch, (again this makes no sense) why is Woody Ding still involved in the company?

You've been lied to my friend, it's still just TDM, they are simply trying to snowball teachers into taking a new crap deal since they can't afford the current crap one. Think about it.

#2 Parent hate - 2008-12-06
Re: TDM's new scam

Guess what?! The new company who bought TDM is JUREN. This company have the worst employees ever. Forcing all the employees of former TDM to sign a new contract including the Foreign teachers. The new contract states that the Chinese employees have a 20 rmb salary increase per year.So this is the rich company that you're talking about huh?! And for the Foreign teachers ,the JUREN company will not honor the old contract that they have signed.
In the old contract everything is free,acommodation as well as utilities while in the new contract the Foreigner teachers will pay the utilities and they will only give ang allowance of 200 per month for the water and electricity..nice huh!?Well, the new contract from the Juren company is crapt and they are forcing the Foriegn teachers to sign it and with a threat that if they don't sign they can just fire them ( the foriegn teachers) anytime they want just like what happened with the TDM's employees..

#3 Parent Turino - 2008-11-26
Re: TDM's new scam

Your negative post about TDM Wuhan has brought to mind an expression that was first used in the UK in the early 90's, abbreviated as TQM. It stood for Total Quality Management.
Because of the similarity between the two abbreviations,I've been trying to figure out what TDM should stand for, in the light of your negative post about that outfit.
How about 'Totally Dishonest Management'? That would surely be a fitting description of the company's leaders.

Not surprised anymore - 2008-11-26
TDM's new scam

I just applied to TDM in Wuhan, even though I had heard all of the bad things about it, and found out they were all 100% true.

It seems TDM Wuhan has a new scam going. They are quite well aware of their bad rep here, and have concocted some elaborate lie to make people think that TDM is actually not TDM anymore, want to know how?

I called and inquired, and was told by the head honcho there, some guy from Camaroon or some such place, that the Wuhan TDM is no longer owned by Woody Ding, and that some rich company had taken it over. When I asked this rich companies name he would not tell me, only saying that they had plenty of money, so I need not worry about getting paid. It seems that TDM is all too aware of how their rep has spread. Mister Camaroon went on to say that Woody Ding still finds teachers for them though, which seemed odd to me.

Now first off, when did Woody Ding get a job solely as a recruiter, and why would he be working for or with a school he just sold, just to find them teachers?

Also, how could he actually sell it, and who would want to buy it? TDM has a horrible reputation. Not only that, but there is nothing to buy. TDM doesn't own that terrible location they are now at above a library in Hankou, they rent it. What exactly is there to buy than? The teachers and their contracts? Give me a break, you have to have something to sell for someone to buy it. Their reputation then? But wait, their reputation is terrible, and they are a business making no money, who would want to buy their name, and why would Woody still be involved?

Of course Mister Cameroonian is telling this Fib about Woody to explain any involvement he might still have in the business. The truth is TDM has been sold to no one, but to get new people to come and actually work there, they had to concoct some BS lie to get foreign teachers.

To make things even worse, this school, that can't get new teachers, asks me to come in and do a free demo. Talk about dense. If you are bleeding money to the point where you have to lie to get people to work for you, you don't ask them to jump through additional hoops to get them. If someone, anyone, will work for TDM they should be jumping for joy, especially someone of my decade and a half of experience. What you don't do is ask them to come in and teach a demo, and not even a real demo. They wanted me to play act you see, pretending that a group of 30 year olds were really 5 year olds. I can only guess they require this because they had to do it, and there is an element of control involved in such humiliating role playing nonsense games. I thought it was demeaning, and simply asked to be given a real class to teach. If they didn't like my teaching, I'd be on my way. I never got a reply. It just goes to show how these demos are also a way of letting you know who is boss, as well as a way to steal your ideas if possible.

TDM just went from total crap to avoid at all costs, even if your starving. Why?Because if you go the work there, clearly you will have nothing but trouble.

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